sweeping the world

Chapter 1010 Attacking Han Worldwide (8)

Chapter 1010 Attacking Han Worldwide ([-])

The sea is naturally rough, and the boat will shake violently with every wave on the water surface. If the people on it are unstable, they may fall into the sea.

It is inevitable that sea water will sink and float. Even a big ship will shake in the sea water, but it will be much more stable than a small boat.

The boat slowly approached the "Xingyang" gunboat. Huang Yi noticed that the expressions on the faces of the rescued people became more and more stiff. He was stunned for a moment and said, "The sea water is a bit cold, and it will warm you up after getting on the boat and eating some hot food." .”

The temperature of sea water is lower than that of inland rivers. In some sea areas, the difference between sea water and inland river water is even more than ten degrees. If a person falls into the water in the sea, he will lose temperature quickly.

"Thank you so much." Qin Gui had nothing to say, and asked, "Who is brother?"

"We are both Han people, and we will definitely rescue them when we meet them. What are we talking about thanking you?" Huang Yi looked at Qin Gui with a relaxed expression, and instead of answering his own people, he asked: "The owners of the two ships are all Han people. where?"

Qin Gui said, "My little brother is officially the owner of one of the ships."

"Is it the one that sank, or the one that didn't sink?" Tian Fang guessed, "Is it the one that didn't sink? If you look at you, you don't look distressed."

Qin Gui's expression froze after being told.

The boat stopped on the side of the gunboat "Xingyang", and the gunboat dropped a grid to allow the people on the boat to climb onto the boat.

In fact, this is also the case. Whether it is a military ship or a civilian ship, basically no stairs connecting the water level will be built. What you want to get on the ship in seawater is to rely on the grid made of climbing ropes.

In the distance, Hassan saw Qin Gui and others board the boat, and called his companions to get ready.

"They..." Hadisan yelled, "Why didn't they follow the plan and started fighting as soon as they boarded the boat?"

Hassan looked in astonishment, seeing that the battle broke out on the deck of the "Xingyang" gunboat, he couldn't help cursing: "I know the Han people are unreliable!"

There was a real fight, and the reason was that there was one person who couldn't stand the torture of conscience...or said that he didn't think that people like himself could make things happen, so he deliberately stayed on the boat, waited for everyone else to board, and yelled at Qin Gui and others' intentions Vicious.

Qin Gui and the others were also guilty of being yelled at by someone who had snatched the soldiers' weapons. The soldiers who reacted naturally attacked, and dozens of people fought on the deck.

The "Xingyang" gunboat is full of 320 people, including 70 members of the Marine Corps, and 13 people are usually on duty on the deck.

When the soldiers on the ship heard the roar and saw the rescued people snatching weapons, they were actually a little dazed. While they still felt incredible, the soldiers closest to the incoming people immediately launched an attack.

"Quick, quick!" Hassan yelled, "The boat is moving, and the people in the water are swimming towards the enemy ship!"

The distance between the two ships was less than 80 meters. At the same time, the "Xingyang" gunboat dropped its sails because it wanted to save people, but the ship pretending to be hit was anchored without lowering its sails.

Liang Min was actually stunned for a moment when the attack happened, and reacted and shouted: "Sink it!"

This thing happened so fucking badly!
The Han Empire was in full swing, let alone warships, even civilian ships, no foreign country dared to move, let alone warships.

Today, not only warships were attacked, but also the nationals of their own country participated. What were those Han people thinking, so they attacked their own warships with foreigners?

"Forget about the people on the deck!" Qin Gui kept yelling: "When attacking the flagship room, the officers must be controlled, so that we have a chance of survival!"

The turret on the battleship was already turning, the black muzzle pointed at the approaching ship, and the next moment it let out a roar.

When Hassan and Hadisan saw the turret of the "Xingyang" gunboat turning around, they jumped from the ship into the sea without thinking, shouting for nearby boats to wait for them.

Four consecutive cannonballs sounded, and four large holes were opened on the shelled ship. At that moment, sawdust flew across. Even if the people in the explosion position were not killed by the shells, the flying sawdust would cause them heavy casualties.

After four loud noises, at least twenty smaller cannons erupted in succession.

The twenty shots were made by the secondary guns on the side of the ship, and their calibers were much smaller than the main guns.The caliber of the main gun is 180 mm, and the secondary gun is 75 mm to 45 mm.

"I didn't want to, I didn't want to." Shi Xian held his head in his hands, and said to Huang Yi and Tian Fang who were guarding him in pain, "They coerced me. I reported them, did I commit crimes and meritorious deeds?" ?”

Everything was abnormal before, but after the attack, everything became normal.

It was found that two ships collided twice in a row, and when I went to rescue people, I saw those people's nervousness or panic. It was not the emotional changes after the accident, but it was a manifestation of ghosts in their hearts!

Huang Yi and Tian Fang looked at each other, they couldn't give Shi Xian any answer, but it's really fortunate that Shi Xian didn't know what to do, otherwise he would be suddenly attacked when the rescued 20 people got out of the cabin. The environment of the deck is far more complicated than the deck, and it will definitely be very troublesome.

If it was attacked to a position with gunpowder, the consequences... would be unimaginable!

Inside the turret, the gunner Lv Zhe observed the effect of the bombardment through a telescope, and asked the loader to replace the explosive shells.

"Reloading complete!"

"Aiming ready!"


Four cannon shots were fired at intervals, and after they were all hit again, the sails and masts of that ship were all shaved off, and the hull above the horizontal line looked even more messy.

Before the main gun fired, the secondary gun had already fired another round. Lu Zhe saw that the opponent could no longer move, and saw that there were all thumping figures in the sea, so he walked out of the fort with a grinning grin.

The gunboat is the highest manifestation of the military power of the Han Empire. Even if the secondary artillery does not join the shelling, two salvos from the four main guns can completely paralyze the enemy ship.

The ship that was riddled with shells not only stopped moving forward, but also began to sink.

Lu Zhe came to the side of the ship, pushed away a colleague who was operating the machine gun, pointed the machine gun at the boat that was paddling the oars, and pulled the trigger.

The caliber of the machine gun is 23 mm, and it has a drum, each of which is filled with copper-cased bullets, and the capacity of a drum is [-] rounds.

Not only the machine gun operated by Lu Zhe was firing at the boat, a total of six machine guns were firing, and at the same time there were marine soldiers on the deck with flintlock guns to join in the shooting.

Qin Gui and others who boarded the boat before were all eliminated in less than 5 minutes, and they did not pose any threat at all.

In fact, it is the same. There are always 15 fully armed marines on the deck, and there are no less than 50 sailors, and some off-duty personnel who are on the deck ready to help. The total number will not be less than [-]. people.

Although not all of the 50 people wore weapons, Qin Gui and the other [-] or so people also did not have weapons.

The layout on the deck is not complicated, and it can even be said to be empty. Even if it encounters a sudden attack, it will be a little bit astonished at first, causing some wounded, but when the marines and related crew members reacted, Qin Gui and the twenty The people who came didn't even have the ability to pounce, and soon Qin Gui and the other [-] people were either dead or captured.

The lookout who was in the bucket at the top of the mast was the first to notice a ship appearing on the side, and then all the lookouts sent a notification to the bottom.

"Seven ships are coming from the side, and two ships are coming from behind." Xiao Xin is an intelligence officer, and naturally needs to coordinate the known information: "This ship can set sail within 10 minutes at the fastest. They can't arrive within an hour." close."

At sea, as long as you have enough vision, you can spot distant ships from a long distance.

While being able to see each other, it is not possible to have contact within a short period of time. Xiao Xin said that the premise that the other party can approach within an hour is that their warship stays in place, and if they move to form a chase, Close encounters will be a distant event.

Liang Min's face was full of ferocity at this moment.

Was attacked, although it didn't cause any trouble, but was really attacked!
No matter which route the navy of the Han Empire sailed, they have always been the only ones who are domineering, and ships of foreign races can only swallow their anger even if they encounter unreasonable things.

"The opponent is at full speed." Xiao Xin was also furious: "Please order the captain."

"Warning shooting." Liang Min said with a cold face, "No matter who they are, let them lower the sails. The warning is invalid, and freely tilt the firepower!"

Chen Tan hesitated to speak, but still remained silent.

They were attacked, and the next moment there was a fleet coming at full speed, and it was already possible to guess that the comer was not good.

If the sails were lowered in a warning shot, it was natural to express no hostility.

If they still approached at full speed during the warning shots, let alone foreign ships, even if they were domestic ships, if they dared to ignore the warning shots, they would deserve to be sunk even if they were sunk.

"Something must have happened." Chen Tan said with a stern face, "Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to attack the warship."

Liang Min just let out a "huh" and didn't speak.

Major incidents are inevitable. The difference is that only overseas territories have incidents, or domestic and foreign incidents.

"Solve the matter here..." Liang Min took a deep breath: "Go back to the military port."

The ships that were approaching at full speed did not know whether they had telescopes or not.If there is, the trouble of being able to observe the "Xingyang" from a long distance has been solved. Knowing that the "Xingyang" is not in trouble and dare to approach at full speed, it is either inevitable or fearless.

Lv Zhe emptied the drum, saw the sad look on the face of his comrade who had been robbed of the shooting position, and gave way with a smirk: "When this thing shoots, the whole base shakes, it's so powerful! "

The machine gun has a base and can rotate 360 ​​degrees. To control the steering, you need to turn a turntable. The machine gunner who was robbed of the firing position just now is serving as the steering operator.

"Sweep in a row, and if you are hit, you will turn into blood mist." Lu Zhe really felt that shooting people with machine guns was too powerful: "The failure rate of this thing is not as exaggerated as the rumors?"

Song Hui, who was already full of depression, became even more depressed when he heard it, and said in a bad voice: "This is the third-generation machine gun. It uses a drum magazine, not a belt. Every bullet is carefully selected again and again. , and there is an ultra-high failure rate, such a high research cost is wasted, or the loader is lazy."

"It's just too big and cumbersome." Lu Zhe blinked and said, "That is to say, it is installed on a ship as a fixed fort. Even if it can be pulled by animal power on land, it is not so easy to stop and install it."

To tell the truth, the third-generation machine guns are much larger than the previous two generations.If you want to use it on land, install it on a wooden frame. Once it is shot, the biggest possibility is that the frame will fall apart.If the frame is made of iron, even if it can be pulled by animal power, it will not be much faster, and the cost will be too exaggerated.

The third-generation cannons were either installed on warships or placed in some fixed city defense fortifications.

Because the output is still too small, there are not many troops currently equipped with third-generation cannons. Except for the installation on gunboats, only Miyagi has installed them.

The "Xingyang" with its sails raised turned around, and its bow was facing the seven approaching fleets.

The seven ships did not lower their sails after being warned to fire, but the other two did.

It's not that Liang Min didn't intend to deal with the two ships that lowered their sails. Facing the seven ships that were still approaching at full speed after being warned to shoot, he naturally chose the latter.

Next, the battle that could not even be called a naval battle started. It was during the high-speed movement of the "Xingyang" that the main guns and auxiliary guns fired successive salvos. It may be a matter of good luck. The first round of salvos hit one of them. The horizontal line of the ship's side, the second round of salvo even broke one of them in the middle.

Of the fleet of seven ships, two of them disappeared at least 500 meters away from the "Xingyang", and the remaining five immediately dispersed.

"It's confirmed to be an enemy ship." Liang Min showed a ferocious expression: "Escape? With their speed, they still want to escape?"

If it is not a gunboat here, facing the enemy ships scattered and fled, even if they can catch up, it will be difficult to destroy them all.

But here is a gunboat. Her main gun can shoot more than 1000 meters, but the farther away, the lower the hit rate. However, if it can reach within 500 meters, the hit rate can be maintained at about 30.00%. As long as it can hit Once the sail is fired, the enemy ship will definitely slow down, and then it will be easier to fight.

"Even if we go back to the military port now, what should have happened has already happened." Liang Min sought the opinion of the chief mate Chen Tan: "Destroy the remaining five ships, check the two ships that lowered their sails, and then go back?"

Chen Tan has his own judgment. He believes that according to the current trend, as long as the main gun is not malfunctioning, an enemy ship can be paralyzed every three rounds of salvo. Each round of salvo takes about 3 minutes, and it is enough to get close. The secondary gun can also be added to the shooting, and the closer machine gun can also be added to the shooting, so of course continue to shoot.

"The night is the end of the battle?" Chen Tan got a reply from Liang Min and nodded, "Then let's continue the fight."

In the sea area they are currently in, it takes about seven hours to go to the military port of the Tianzhu Protectorate, and it takes more than 24 hours to return to the Annan Protectorate.

(End of this chapter)

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