sweeping the world

Chapter 1008 Attacking Han Worldwide (6)

Chapter 1008 Attacking Han Worldwide ([-])

"We are very dangerous!"

"Who doesn't know this! We are stuck in it, and they must be the ones they want to kill the most when they go crazy!"

The door panels were being hit all the time, and there was a lot of noise outside.

The slaves have gone crazy, whether they are slaves who are actively provoking or passively involved, they know very well that the matter is too big. Once the Han people want to deal with it, after killing the group of people who provoked the trouble, they will be kinder and draw ten out of ten It is not impossible to kill all the slaves.

Judging from the example of the Han people dealing with alien races, it is most likely that all the more than 6000 slaves in the quarry were killed.When I thought about it this way, I also thought that there were more than 30 Han Chinese in the dormitory area, and someone proposed to take them as hostages and negotiate with the guards in the quarry.

It would be best if a good outcome can be negotiated, but this possibility is almost non-existent. Even if the Han people agreed to something, waiting for the situation to be controlled by the Han people will definitely settle accounts later.

"Now they are with us." Alati said with a gloomy face: "The Han people in the dormitory area were arrested to negotiate, just to let them know the facts."

But anyone who has some brains doesn't know that no matter what the outcome of the negotiation is, there will only be a dead end in the end anyway.

"Those guys are really useless." Mai Maiti looked at the group of people surrounding the dormitory, banging on the door for a long time, and knocking on the windows for so long: "You can't get in like this."

Alati walked forward with the handle in his hand, pushed through the crowd and threw the torch to the roof of the dormitory.

Lin Sui in the dormitory happened to see Alati throwing the torch on the roof from the window, and his heart sank.

The gang of slaves seemed to be attacking fiercely before, but the slaves didn't have decent weapons in their hands. They just kicked them or bumped them with their shoulders.

Not to mention attacking the window, if you are standing inside, the person is halfway up to the window.If you want to climb up the window from the outside, you need to jump up and grab it with your hands. If you want to climb up, you must tilt your head towards the window. As long as the person inside reacts quickly and punches hard enough to hit the temple, the person who is beaten will not die. Also fainted.

"They're starting to throw torches!"

"I already knew this."

With Alati taking the lead, all the slaves with torches made the act of throwing torches.

Not only do they throw it on the roof, but they also throw it on the window.

The people in the dormitory started to panic. The house was made of wood, so it was okay for the torches thrown in to hit people, and the quilts would be ignited soon after being thrown on the bed.

There were 32 people, some continued to block the door, some defended the window, and more were picking up torches and fighting the burning sheets and quilts to put out the fire.

"Most of them still wear anklets!"

"I found out, there are only a few who don't know how to remove the anklets."

Alien slaves wear anklets all the time, unless Han Chinese hard laborers are serious criminals, otherwise Han Chinese hard labor does not need to wear anklets.

There were no serious criminals in the Han hard labor in this quarry, and none of the 32 people wore anklets.

"It's about three hundred meters away from the nearest passage."

"There are at least 400 people outside!"

"Don't you have a brain? If you don't break through, are you waiting to be burned to death?!"

"That means life and death are determined by fate?"

"Sure enough, they have no brains. After going out, they rushed in a mess, and none of them could rush 100 meters."

Among the 32 people, there are a few people who have the experience of serving in the army, and there are three people who have actually been on the battlefield and participated in the battle, including Lin Sui, a deserter.

Among those three people, another person retired from the army after serving his service.

The one who has been swearing at people without thinking is the one who committed crimes and became hard labor after retiring.

"I haven't been in the army, so haven't I experienced the drills of the village society?" Lu Ping really didn't want to swear, and he usually spoke very politely, but once he got excited, he would swear, and he was still the type who couldn't bear it no matter how hard he tried. He won't retire as a pawn: "Have you practiced the most basic formation? It's only when you lose your mind that you forget that the power of the collective is stronger than the power of the individual."

Lan Zi, who was repeatedly scolded for being brainless, was both angry and embarrassed.His full name is Mulan, the word is one thing, but the pronunciation is Mulan, which is the "Mulan" of "chirp chirp chirp chirp, Mulan is weaving at home".

Of course, the Southern and Northern Dynasties have not yet been experienced, and Tuoba Xianbei, who founded the Northern Wei Dynasty, was also exterminated, but there is that "Mulan Poem", the source is still Miyagi, but no one knows who the author is.

Of course, Liu Yan is the author. He chatted with Zhuo Xiang once, and talked about whether women can serve as soldiers since they can be officials.It happened that he remembered "Mulan Poetry", so he read it out.

No matter what age it is, as long as there is a ruler, there will be no shortage of people with strong memorization and knowledge.A female official with an extremely good memory later wrote "Mulan Poems" silently, and with Liu Yan's consent, it was spread.

Lanzi is very depressed that he has the same pronunciation as the protagonist of the "Mulan Poetry". No matter in the countryside or wherever, he never wants others to call him by his full name.

"Hurry up!"

"That's right, the roof is on fire!"

"The smell is too choking, what to do as soon as possible!"

There were bursts of urging sounds, the dormitory was already full of smoke, and flames could indeed be seen on the roof.

Because of his experience, Lu Ping did his part to become their commander.

Outside, seeing the slaves besieging the dormitory that would soon turn into a sea of ​​flames, morbid excitement appeared on their faces.

Alati had retreated to the rear early on. Even with his kneecaps, he could guess that the Han people surrounded in the dormitory would not sit still.

As for letting Alati command the slaves, he really wanted to do that, but he had self-knowledge.

Those slaves were temporarily involved in riots, and madness was born from fear, and crazy people have no organization at all.

Alati is very rational. He thinks that with that skill, it is better to organize people to attack the tool warehouse. If they can take down the tool warehouse, they will have hammers and other tools as weapons.

With weapons, they can try to attack the passage. If they can break through the passage and escape, they can flee towards the mountains and forests.

In the guarded dormitory area, Zhou Qing, who went up to the top floor, has been paying attention to the dormitory of 32 Han people.

"They are surrounded." Zhou Qing was able to see clearly with a telescope, including the slaves with ferocious and crazy faces: "There is no one who understands inside. Do you know that if you don't break out, they will all be burned to death?"

If the people trapped were civilians, even if Zhou Qing knew that he would pay a high price, he would definitely organize a rescue operation.

It is the criminals who are trapped in the riot zone. Although there are no serious criminals, they are still criminals.

Not only will they be severely punished for not rescuing civilians, but under the weight of public opinion, no one in their group will have an easy time.

If the criminals are not rescued, there is nothing to talk about. It may be just a matter of being scolded a few times, and I don't even know if I will be scolded.

"How much is the same robe." Zhou Ming also held up the binoculars and asked, "Aren't you really going to try to rescue?"

"The group of slaves are still fighting in disorder. As soon as we appear, we will make them unite and resist." Zhou Qing could not directly refuse the rescue, and said the most feasible way: "If they break through on their own, they can get close to our people." Within a hundred meters, maybe you can try it."

Most of the slaves who rioted were caught and beaten by their fellow slaves.

The slaves who dared to attack the passage were basically shot by the guards with long-range weapons. After a group of people died, no slaves would attack the passage again.

The slave’s dormitory area is in the deepest part of the valley surrounded on three sides. It is an open space cleared by continuous blasting in the valley. The three sides surrounded by it are all steep rock walls, and the only side facing outward is a wall built. Leave a side-by-side access along with normal roads and tracks.

The dormitory area for the staff and guards in the quarry is built on a mountainside on the outer side, which happens to be connected to the wall, and they can reach the wall at the fastest speed. If you want to go straight down the mountain, you need to rely on the elevator.

Arati did not choose to attack the guards immediately because they had to take down the wall before entering the guarded dormitory area. They could not get close to the wall without alerting the guards, so they could only make all the slaves riot first. .

According to Alati and Lige's plan, they originally thought they could attract some guards.Kill and snatch the armor and weapons of those guards, arm your own men and kill slaves, and finally attack the wall.

It's a pity that there were no guards to suppress it at all, and the plan to snatch weapons fell through. The only feasible way was to organize people to storm the tool warehouse.

If you can lay down the tool warehouse, you will not only get a batch of tools, but you should also be able to kill some guards. At that time, you will still arm your own people with Han weapons and armor, and the next confrontation will exist as sharp knives.

It was because of such a terrain that Zhou Qing decided from the beginning not to send men to suppress the slave dormitory area.

As long as they guard the passage firmly, the 32 criminals inside will be ignored, but they can rely on the terrain and the long-range crossbow to suppress the slaves within the wall.

If the slaves couldn't get out, no matter how brutal the killing was inside, the slaves would die.

There is no food in it, even if slaves cannibalize people, it will take ten days and a half months at most.

There is no need to wait ten days and a half. The quarry will definitely receive reinforcements within two days at the latest. It is really not a lack of courage or cowardice. It is far more rational than using two or three hundred people to suppress thousands of people.

"Our first priority is to ensure that the slaves cannot get out." Zhou Qing saw through the telescope that someone rushed out of the dormitory that was about to turn into a sea of ​​flames: "Once these rioting slaves are allowed to get out, you can imagine what will happen."

How could Zhou Ming not understand?At that time, if there are civilian casualties in the hands of these fleeing slaves, it is inevitable that the guards will go to the military court, and the civilian staff will be stained for life.At that time, no matter who it is, not to mention whether there is a possibility of getting ahead, the most likely result is that you will become a hard labor somewhere.

In the Han Empire, there was no such thing as simply eating in prison. How many years have been sentenced for a crime, either as a cheap handicraft laborer, or as a hard labor in a rough work place, and then sent overseas to open up wasteland, it is impossible to do nothing Dry locked in the cell.

Lu Ping was the first to rush out of the dormitory. He wrapped several layers of blankets around his upper body, and tied him tightly after going around and around.

Wrapping a blanket on the body can greatly reduce the damage when being hit in pure hand-to-hand combat, but it is not very useful for sharp weapons.

When Lu Ping rushed out, someone jumped out of the four windows.

As the first group of people who rushed out, not only were they wrapped in thick blankets, but they also held extinguished torches and sticks in their hands.

Seeing the Han people rushing out, the deep-rooted fear of the slaves made them retreat subconsciously.

"Come closer to me!" Lu Ping knocked the nearest slave on the forehead with a stick, "Circular array!"

The slaves subconsciously took a few steps back. They remembered that they were in a riot. Maybe they were ashamed and angry because of their subconscious retreat just now. The first one yelled and rushed forward. The first one took the lead, and the rest were also hysterical. Roaring, he rushed forward.

Lin Sui was the sixth one to come out. The moment he jumped from the window, he kicked down a slave.Since he was kicking, he landed not standing, but rolled sideways twice before standing up, and his next move was to back-to-back with Lanzi, covering his own person who was about to jump down again.

The slaves did rough work, and the daily food was really too little, and they were all skinny and skinny.

Except for Lin Sui who was targeted as hard laborers of the Han people, it was difficult for the rest of the people to stick to meat, otherwise they could still eat steamed buns to their fullest, and they were much better than slaves in terms of physique and physical strength.

Gradually, the Han people moved closer to Lu Ping. They found that the fists of the slaves were not strong at all, and they began to believe that they could break through.

"What the hell." Lu Ping still had time to yell: "The guards have sharp weapons and armor. Against this kind of thing, one man can fight against twenty. They are actually watching helplessly on the wall!"

A large number of braziers have been lit on the other side of the wall, and piles of bonfires have also been burned a hundred meters in front of the wall.

Experienced people know that those are to provide enough light for the archers to shoot and kill the enemies who dare to charge up.

It is said to form a circular formation, but it is actually a very irregular and constantly deformed ellipse, and it is really not a formation, it is nothing more than pushing forward side by side.

Except for a small number of slaves who were organized in advance, more slaves were involved in the riots, which meant that only a very small number of slaves were organized, and there was no large-scale cooperation.

Seeing the Han hard laborers who formed the circular formation move forward easily, Zhou Qing froze for a moment, then reacted and said, "Maybe we are too cautious?"

Zhou Ming was stunned for a while, then nodded depressedly.

They just thought of the comparison between themselves and the number of slaves, and they really forgot the quality gap between the two sides for a while.

However, even if they already understood this point, they did not intend to change the plan.

For them, maintaining stability is the most correct choice.

(End of this chapter)

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