Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 31 Tony Dedicated

Chapter 31 Tony Dedicated
Knowing Hulk and Guxuan's intentions, Loki couldn't help showing a teasing smile.

"Stupid human beings, are you worthy of negotiating terms with me? I advise you to stop doing these unnecessary resistances and submit to me obediently."

Loki's words were full of contempt and disdain.

But Gu Xuan didn't get angry, instead he showed his eyes as if he was watching a show.

"What a domineering tone, it really breaks my heart."

With that said, Gu Xuan stood up and signaled Hulk to continue.

Seeing himself being lifted up by Hulk again, he immediately yelled.

"Enough, enough! How can you treat your god like this!"

Hearing this sentence, Hulk's face sank, and anger flashed in his eyes.


Hulk let out a cold snort, and then started throwing Loki to the ground again, lifting him up and falling again, Loki grinned in pain.

Repeatedly like this, Loki finally passed out completely.

Seeing that the man behind the scenes has been solved by Hulk, it's time to deal with the portal.

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan walked towards Dr. Silvig.

After Loki passed out, the mind control originally exerted on Dr. Silvig was lifted instantly.

Dr. Silvig, who woke up, looked at the chaotic scene in front of him, and kept flashing in his mind the many things he had done under Loki's control during this period.

Suddenly, a huge sense of guilt welled up in Dr. Silvig's heart.

However, after countless attempts, Silvig found that once the energy of the Rubik's Cube was stimulated, it would be impossible to forcibly interrupt the spellcasting by ordinary means.

Looking at the energy shield that blocked everything in front of him, Silvig was helpless.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan came to the top of the building with Loki's staff in his hand.

The best way to deal with artifacts is naturally to use artifacts to defeat artifacts.

Looking at the pure energy shield that no one could do anything about, Gu Xuan knew that the only way out was to break through the energy shield with the magic staff in his hand.

Afterwards, Gu Xuan clenched his staff tightly with both hands, put on a posture, and began to gather strength to break through the protective shield.

When Gu Xuan was ready to insert the staff into the energy shield, he suddenly saw a golden light appear at the point of contact between the two.

Seeing the confrontation between the staff and the energy shield in front of him, Nick Fury, who was outside the screen, couldn't help feeling nervous at the moment.

After all, he knew that the weapon in Loki's hand was his last resort.If this energy shield can be broken, it means that Loki has lost.But if not, Loki will still win, because at that time he is still the master of this planet.

But now Nick Fury doesn't have too many worries.

Because what Gu Xuan was using was his full strength, he believed that he would be able to break through the energy shield.

When Gu Xuan concentrated his power on the staff again, a huge blue ball of light suddenly shot out from the staff, hitting the energy shield fiercely.

Immediately, the entire energy shield shook violently, but the energy shield was still a tough existence.

Seeing that his attack didn't have the expected effect, Gu Xuan couldn't help being slightly disappointed.

After taking a deep breath, Gu Xuan once again thrust forward with all his might.

Silvig at the side also saw that Gu Xuan was struggling alone, so he also stepped forward to help Gu Xuan hold the staff and stab towards the energy shield.

In this way, with the continuous efforts of the two, the staff was approaching the core of the Rubik's Cube at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Accompanied by Gu Xuan's roar, the staff finally broke through the energy shield and removed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube at the core of the device.

Seeing that the energy shield had been destroyed, both Dr. Silvig and Gu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

After the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was taken by Gu Xuan, the original teleportation gate in the sky above the city gradually became powerless.

Seeing the portal shrinking gradually, Tony and the others showed relieved smiles on their faces.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was about to come to an end, Nick Fury's anxious voice suddenly sounded on the intercom channel.

"Everyone, the army has launched a nuclear bomb on New York!"

Upon hearing the news, the expressions of Tony and the others changed suddenly.

"What's going on? Why is the nuclear bomb suddenly launched on New York?"

Everyone panicked after hearing Nick Fury's words.

At this moment, the missile silo is hundreds of kilometers away from New York City, and the silo has been slowly opened.

A giant nuclear bomb slowly rises inside a giant spout.

Looking at the huge missile, Loki also trembled in fright, with a fearful expression on his face.

"no, do not want!"

Looking at the missiles that were getting bigger and bigger in front of him, Loki's eyes revealed a frightened expression.

Now the portal is about to close, if no one can stop this nuclear bomb, even he, Loki, can't stand it.

Seeing the nuclear bomb getting bigger and bigger in everyone's field of vision, everyone couldn't help falling into silence.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's previous words suddenly resounded in Tony's mind.

"Mr. Stark, you will accomplish a great thing."

As if thinking of something, Tony chased after the nuclear bomb galloping high in the sky.

"Tony, Tony, come back!"

Seeing Tony's actions, Nick Fury couldn't help but panic.

But at this moment Tony has caught up with the nuclear bomb.

Seeing that the nuclear bomb has reached a few meters above the sea level, Tony did not hesitate to come between the nuclear bomb and the sea level.

The next moment, under the shocked gaze of the crowd, Tony carried the rapidly approaching nuclear bomb on his shoulder, and flew like a portal in the sky.

And just after Tony lifted the nuclear bomb and flew into the portal, Jarvis sent a reminder that the energy was critical.

Tony looked up and saw the densely packed Chitauri warships behind the portal. Tony gritted his teeth and continued to fly forward.

At the last moment when the energy was exhausted, Tony aimed the trajectory of the nuclear bomb launch at the Chitauri warship.

In a short while, the nuclear bomb concentrated the Chitauri army accurately, and the portal exploded with a bang.

The people standing on the ground looked at the figure of Tony who was about to close the portal, but he had been missing for a long time.

Just when everyone was about to start praying for Tony in their hearts, a piercing sound rang in everyone's ears.

I saw that Gu Xuan was driving a metal tray and flew towards the high-altitude portal at high speed.

Just when everyone thought that Gu Xuan couldn't accept the fact that Tony died for a while, and couldn't think about it, a familiar red figure fell out at the last second when the portal was closed.

That's Tony!

Seeing Tony who fell out of the portal was firmly caught by Gu Xuan, Captain America and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Gu Xuan, while controlling the metal tray and dragging Tony, flew towards the crowd.

With the support of everyone, Tony lifted the tray and lay down in Captain America's arms.

With a lot of force, the US team forcibly removed the armor from Tony's face, revealing Tony's pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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