Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Battle

If it were on a normal day, Gu Xuan would definitely not bat an eye when facing the missiles that exploded in front of him.

It's a pity that the missiles that everyone in Guxuan faced this time were not those metal missiles on the earth, but Chitauri's pure energy missiles.

Therefore, Gu Xuan's ability seems a bit tasteless at this moment.

Just when the three of Gu Xuan were about to resist, a familiar green figure descended from the sky and stood in front of the three of them.


Even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Hulk couldn't help but howl in pain when he was under fire from the opposite side.

But as we all know, the more angry Hulk is, the more powerful he can erupt.

Therefore, after the artillery fire gradually died down, the Hulk roared and jumped towards the nearest Chitauri mothership.

I saw that the Chitauri mothership, which took a long time to solve with everyone's joint efforts, was torn to pieces in just two or three strokes in front of the Hulk who had accumulated energy.

Why can't I always catch Hulk's power?

Seeing Hulk killing all directions on the battlefield, Gu Xuan envied him from the bottom of his heart.

It seems that fishing will be more active every night in the future.

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

However, as soon as he had such an idea, a sharp and piercing siren sounded into Gu Xuan's mind.

not good!

Gu Xuan's face suddenly changed drastically.

It turned out that when Hulk rushed towards the Chitauri mothership just now, not only was his body bound by the energy on the Chitauri mothership, but at the same time, several energy missiles bombarded Hulk's body, making Hulk The body was seriously injured at this moment.

If Hulk continues to attack randomly, then Hulk may really be dead.

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan couldn't care less about envying Hulk's fighting power, and immediately turned around and ran towards Hulk.

Gu Xuan, wrapped in a metal storm, came to the Chitauri mothership that restrained Hulk in an instant.

"Tear it apart for me!"

Gu Xuan tried his best to stimulate the metal storm, dismantling the Chitauri mothership.

With Gu Xuan's efforts, Hulk was soon released from the restraints.

The unshackled Hulk did not recover his energy immediately, but stared at the Chitauri mothership in front of him with those scarlet eyes.

This feeling of being trapped and watched as prey is very uncomfortable, especially being stared at by such a huge spaceship.


Hulk, who got out of trouble, stared angrily at the two Chitauri motherships approaching not far away with red eyes.

Then Hulk jumped up from the ground and appeared on the deck of one of the Chitauri motherships, and then Hulk punched the shell of the Chitauri mothership fiercely.

With a muffled sound, Hulk actually smashed the shell of the Chitauri mothership.

Seeing Hulk tearing vigorously, Gu Xuan felt itchy.

【Silver Ability——Saitama Normal Punch that I became stronger even though I was bald! 】

I saw Gu Xuan set up his posture and aimed at the other mothership with a punch.

There was another muffled sound, Gu Xuan's fist hit the opponent's hard deck, and there was a muffled sound, and then Gu Xuan only felt a violent shock force coming from above the fist, making his arm ache .

But Mr. Saitama's ordinary punches are not vegetarian.

Under this seemingly ordinary punch, the Chitauri mothership was blasted to pieces like paper pulp in an instant!

Hulk at the side saw that Gu Xuan was more violent than himself in smashing, so he mustered all his strength and accelerated the strength of his men.

"This kid, how much is he hiding from us?"

"Yeah, this guy is so good at pretending."

Seeing that Gu Xuan blew up the two motherships to scum, Tony and the others couldn't help laughing.

Gu Xuan also laughed embarrassingly when he heard the words.

"This time it was just an accident. Who told Dr. Banner to be so emotional?"

"Haha, what are you going to do next? Do you really plan to destroy all the motherships in this city?"

Hearing Tony's words, Gu Xuan immediately rolled his eyes to the sky. I'm not an old buffalo in the field, so I don't need to rest.

However, although Gu Xuan was dissatisfied in his heart, he did not dare to speak out. After all, the few people present were not easy to mess with.

While Gu Xuan was still thinking about how to deal with the matter here, there was a sudden change on Hulk's side.

Hulk, who was frantically destroying the Chitauri mothership, suddenly stopped his men's actions.

Gu Xuan and the others were also taken aback, wondering why Hulk suddenly stopped attacking.

Seeing that Hulk seemed to have discovered something, he rushed towards Stark Tower suddenly.

Gu Xuan was worried that Hulk would see himself in danger because of his impulsiveness, so he had to follow.

But soon, Gu Xuan knew the reason why Hulk did this.

It turned out to be because of Loki.

Hulk rushed straight to Loki.

Obviously, for the appearance of Hulk, Loki obviously did not expect it.

Before Loki could pick up the staff, Hulk had already arrived in front of Loki, grabbed one of Loki's legs, and swung it around in the air like throwing a sandbag.

Loki was caught off guard by Hulk's actions, and he was thrown to the ground by Hulk for a moment.

Moreover, due to the fact that Loki spun a few times in the air, at this moment Loki's entire body was also covered with dust, looking extremely embarrassed.

Loki was also pissed off.

How dare this guy insult him like this!
He Loki, the future king of Asgard, has fallen to such a point, how can Loki be reconciled.

But the more Loki yelled, the more fierce the strength in Hulk's hands became.

After a while, Loki was thrown unconscious.

Seeing Loki being thrown into such a state by Hulk, Gu Xuan couldn't help but shook his head, and sighed inwardly: "Poor baby!"

However, the current Gu Xuan will not be soft-hearted just because Loki was beaten into a pig's head, so Gu Xuan will not stop Hulk's behavior because of Loki's whitewashing later.

After a while, Gu Xuan rushed to the side of Loki who was knocked unconscious by Hulk, stretched out his fingers and tapped the center of Loki's eyebrows, and then saw Loki slowly waking up.

Seeing Gu Xuan, Loki was taken aback for a moment, and then, Loki found that his feet were bound by Hulk, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from Hulk's shackles.

Seeing Hulk with a smirk on his face, Loki's face changed slightly, but he was frightened by the Hulk in front of him. If the whipping just happened again, even if he was a god, he would not be able to bear it!

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

"What do I want to do? Hey, you should ask this big brother next to me what I want to do."

"This big green kid?"

Loki looked in the direction of Hulk's finger, which was the direction of the portal.

(End of this chapter)

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