Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 32 Gu Xuan's Ambition

Chapter 32 Gu Xuan's Ambition

After the First World War in New York, the top and bottom of S.H.I.E.L.D. were busy.

After this battle, Gu Xuan was officially forcibly inserted into the ranks of the Avengers by Nick Fury.

In this battle, Gu Xuan's performance was so impressive that he almost took care of all the important tasks by himself.

All of a sudden, Gu Xuan's reputation reached its peak both within S.H.I.E.L.D. and in the eyes of the outside world.

Such a life of becoming famous overnight was a day that Gu Xuan dreamed of living in his previous life, but now that he really lived such a highly exposed life, Gu Xuan added a lot of troubles instead.

Since becoming a public figure, Gu Xuan felt that his words and deeds seemed to have become transparent, completely exposed to the public's view.

It's like when Bill and others were needed to rectify the underworld order in various neighborhoods in New York, but they were bumped into by a blind guy from the Daily Bugle.

The latter also hid in a dark corner, and recorded the deeds of Bill and others in detail.

Later, Gu Xuan had no choice but to go out in person and become a night knight before snatching it back from that guy.

So far, even Gu Xuan's younger brothers have to abide by the rules in their words and deeds in and out.

Bill even washed off his flowery arms in order to play the role of a secretary in front of the media.

Although people's lifestyles have changed so drastically all of a sudden, the boys who have been wandering in the gray area of ​​the city all year round also long to be as glamorous as those celebrities on TV.

So, to a certain extent, they still enjoy this change.

This was something that would never have happened with Jin before, so Gu Xuan's younger brothers have carefully maintained the hard-won attention during this time.

Even Guxuan's foreign trade company, whose business was sluggish, gradually became bustling. In addition, after the cooperation relationship with Stark Industries was dug out, many companies that had been on the sidelines came to the door one after another to talk about cooperation. .

Having to receive an endless stream of customers every day, Gu Xuan only felt as if his body had been hollowed out, even if he was fighting with Chitauri, he was not so tired.

Business wars not only test people physically, but also challenge and hone them spiritually.

Even though he was immersed in the ocean of business wars every day, Gu Xuan still did not forget to pay attention to the whereabouts of the Supreme Mage after the First World War in New York.

At the same time, Gu Xuan often sent people to the other side of the city to pay attention to the surgeon who was driving too fast and would overturn.

Moreover, after Gu Xuan's identity was exposed, it was no longer convenient for Gu Xuan and Wanda to go in and out of school frequently.

But in order to finish his studies as soon as possible, Gu Xuan went to find Nick Fury to help him establish a relationship, and invited all the professors in the school back home to teach the two of them individually.

This is the power of money!

After feeling that I am different from the past, I have a strong backing like Nick Fury.

In many matters, Gu Xuan no longer chose tactful methods, but began to use thunderous methods.

Under Gu Xuan's strong suppression, all the gangs in New York shrank. Although they were unwilling, they obediently gave up their resistance.

But under Gu Xuan's strong wrist, this matter was quickly and properly handled.

After all, ordinary gangster forces do not have the strength to wrestle with Gu Xuan.

In this way, after a long period of time, it seems that everything has returned to calm.

But Gu Xuan knew that the peace in New York was only temporary, and there would be new things waiting for everyone soon.

As expected by Gu Xuan, after a few days of ordinary rest, a new situation appeared.

Not long ago, a new mysterious force quietly infiltrated New York City, as well as the entire territory of North America.

Seeing the day of Christmas on the calendar approaching slowly, Gu Xuan realized that this was another storyline he was familiar with coming.

Looking at the streets full of fallen leaves, Gu Xuan unconsciously felt a bit of chill, time flies so fast.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than half a year since I left the campus.

In more than half a year, Gu Xuan's studies have come to a successful conclusion thanks to the "hard work" of the professors.

After that, Gu Xuan can concentrate on running his own business.

He is going to take the whole of New York City firmly in his hands, and strive to have his own eyeliner in every corner of the city.

After fighting the Chitauri Legion, Gu Xuan clearly realized the difference between individual combat and team coordinated combat.

This is why the heroes of Marvel are always abused into dogs in their individual story lines, and when the entire Avengers attack together, they can abuse each other into dogs.

Previously, when he was fighting against the uncountable Chitauri army outside the portal, Gu Xuan had in his mind to form a team of his own.

In this way, no matter whether it is to continue to fight against enemies from outside the earth in the future, or to deal with organizations that are hostile to those around them, they will not be as embarrassed as this time.

However, in order to form such a well-trained and extraordinary combat team, the support of huge manpower and material resources is a must.

Therefore, Gu Xuan has a bold idea, that is to include the entire New York City into his own empire.

In Gu Xuan's view, he can first use the city of New York as a springboard, and then recruit talents and search for resources around the world.

And in Gu Xuan's heart, there is such a place on the earth that can perfectly help Gu Xuan achieve his goal, and there is an army that is countless times stronger than SHIELD.

In the next time, Guxuan intends to help Tony get rid of some guys who may make trouble this Christmas, and then look for opportunities to get in touch with Wakanda.

You must know that in this timeline, Tchali has not yet taken the position of king, so there are very few contacts between the outside world and Wakanda.

Therefore, many things can only wait and see.

I just don't know if Wakanda's vibration gold mine is enough for Guxuan to build an entire army.

Just when Gu Xuan was full of thoughts, suddenly his ears moved slightly, and he heard the rapid roar of a car in the distance.

There is actually a car parked here at this time?
Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows lightly, and a thought immediately came into his mind: Could it be that...
"hey hey"

Gu Xuan grinned and walked forward.

"Hi! Long time no see, Mr. Stark!" Gu Xuan waved his hand with a smile and said.

Tony didn't expect that just as he got off the front foot, Gu Xuan had already come down to pick him up on the back foot.

(End of this chapter)

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