Chapter 96 Magic Candy
The gigantic body of Boss Dan appeared, and a burst of superpower energy directly hit the flaming turtle beast.

But as long as the Blazing Tortoise retracts into its shell, the super power cannot penetrate the shell and attack the Blazing Tortoise's mental mind.

"Mongoose Inspector, go up and help!" Ilima threw the poke ball, and a mongoose Inspector appeared in the open space.

After a while, Inspector Mongoose and Boss Egg began to attack. Inspector Mongoose bit him with a bit of evil energy, but was caught back by the shell trap of the flaming tortoise. Immediately, Inspector Mongoose burst into flames and was blown away go out.

The fist of Boss Dan's superpower energy body smashed on the shell of the explosive flame turtle, and it was also exploded at the same time. Fortunately, Boss Dan was far away, otherwise Boss Dan was almost accidentally injured.

"This flaming tortoise is too resistant, and with the ability of carapace trap, Pokémon has no way to attack." Ilima said nervously.

Seeing the scene where the mongoose detective was blown away, Li Xiaoyao's Mu Muxiao looked even more angry, and a wind of ghost attribute energy blew on the flaming tortoise.

As the strange wind continuously beat on the shell of the explosive flame turtle, layers of sulfur were blown away.

But soon the Flaming Turtle Beast attacked with a spray of flames, almost shooting down Mu Muxiao.

Mu Muxiao retreated quickly, keeping a distance from the explosive flame turtle.

But it was Mu Muxiao's strange wind that gave Li Xiaoyao an idea.

The carapace of the explosive tortoise is covered with a layer of sulfur.

If you use the trick of Dan Laoer's gorgeous and colorful flowers to scrape off the protective layer on the shell of the flaming tortoise, and add the fire attribute to detonate it with the grace of nature, wouldn't it be...

"The second son of the egg, gorgeous and colorful flowers are in full bloom."

Li Xiaoyao threw out the grass z, and a stream of grass-attribute energy enveloped Dan Erer's body. Suddenly, a powerful energy burst out.

Suddenly, a green tornado rolled up in the entire forest, and the surrounding leaves, flowers and plants were gathered together.

In the blink of an eye, the green tornado swept across the Flame Tortoise, hitting on the Flame Tortoise, scraping off the limestone and sulfur on the carapace.

"It's now, the grace of nature with the fire attribute!"



A huge explosion resounded through the forest.

On the outskirts of the Tree Shadow Forest, there was a 100-meter-deep pit with thick smoke billowing.

"Cough cough." Li Xiaoyao coughed twice.

Blazing Tortoise Beast lost information in his elf illustration book and could not lock on to the target.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the tragic situation in front of him, his legs and feet went limp.

"Where's the group of wood owls?" Li Xiaoyao held the big tree beside him with his hands in fear.

He didn't mean it.

He just wanted Dan Lao Er's green tornado to roll up the flaming tortoise and minimize the damage to the forest.

"Xiao~" A wooden owl flew onto Li Xiaoyao's shoulder, and immediately many Mu Muxiao and Tou Yuxiao came to Li Xiaoyao's side.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the hordes of Mu Muxiaos, and was immediately confused.

Why are these guys doing nothing?
Ah no, it's better to be okay, he doesn't want to be charged with killing Mu Muxiao's family.

"Mu Muxiao, they shouldn't be injured, right?" Li Xiaoyao couldn't help asking.

Although the death of wild Pokémon is a common occurrence, when it really happens, he doesn't want it to happen to him at all.

Especially the innocent Pokémon who died at his hands.

If he kills an unforgiving and unrepentant Pokémon, he won't show any mercy, but if he kills an innocent wild Pokémon because of his operation, he will only think it's a waste of time own guilt.

Facing Li Xiaoyao's question, Mu Muxiao nodded and let out a cheerful cry.


Immediately, the group of wild Mu Muxiao and Tou Yuxiao also responded together.

After getting the answers from the group of wooden owls, Li Xiaoyao looked around with suspicion.

"Where's the sniping tree owl and the second egg?"

Not long after the dense fog cleared, a sniper tree owl flew towards Li Xiaoyao holding four eggshells.

"The sniper tree owl? The second egg?" Li Xiaoyao looked at the sniper tree owl flying in surprise.

After the sniping tree owl landed, the second egg also landed together, but there were only four eggs left.

Obviously, in the explosion of the flame turtle beast, the second egg lost two eggs, that is, lost two spiritual bodies.

"Dan Er Er, I'm sorry." Li Xiaoyao hugged Dan Er Er fiercely, sobbing.

Although he knew that the second egg would not die just because he lost two eggs, Li Xiaoyao couldn't help crying in his heart.

He felt that he was ashamed of the second egg.

And the second egg just responded, and gently stroked Li Xiaoyao with super power energy, without any intention of blaming Li Xiaoyao.

For the second egg, it saved a colony of wood owls, and it saved the lives of many Pokémon.

That's enough for it.

But Li Xiaoyao didn't know what Dan Erer was thinking.

At this time, Yilima also came over and comforted him.

"It's okay, the second egg saved the lives of so many Pokémon, he is the hero of this group of Pokémon." Yi Lima pulled Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao hugged the second son of the egg, and when he looked at the group of Mu Muxiao and Tou Yuxiao, he was slightly taken aback.

Only then did he react.

Dan Er is a hero, he saved the lives of so many Pokémon.

How can he cry?
"Well, you are right, at least you have protected so many Mu Muxiao." Li Xiaoyao wiped away his tears.

But this also strengthened his attitude towards Dan Erer in the future.

He not only needs to cultivate Pokémon well, but also cares about Pokémon's mood all the time.

Sometimes, it is better to spend a lot of money to make Pokémon eat better and live better than trainers to get closer to Pokémon.

"Shu Xiao~" Sniper Shu Xiao said softly, lowered his head, and thanked Li Xiaoyao and Dan Laoer.

At the same time, the second egg also showed a smile, as if he didn't care, as if to say, "I have a big heart, I don't care, isn't it just that I lost two eggs?"

Li Xiaoyao also nodded, and replied.

He felt that the only thing he needed to do to shoot the tree owl was to thank the second child.

"I'm just Dan Lao Er's trainer, and it's Dan Lao Er who really saves you." Li Xiaoyao pointed to Dan Lao Er.

"Don't say that, if you hadn't raised Dan Lao Er to be so powerful, Dan Lao Er would not be able to do it by himself." Yilima smiled and encouraged.

"Hmm..." Li Xiaoyao whispered.

Then, a taller Tou Yuowl stood up, shook its wings, and two blue candies appeared in front of Li Xiaoyao.

Sniper Tree Owl took the blue candy and politely handed it to Li Xiaoyao.

"This is..." Li Xiaoyao looked at the two blue candies suspiciously.

In just one second, the elf illustration book in Li Xiaoyao's mind suddenly appeared, showing the information of these two blue candies.

Magic Candy: Candy full of energy, after feeding it to Pokémon, it can quickly help Pokémon break through the accumulated experience.

"Thank you." Li Xiaoyao took the magic candy.

But what puzzled Li Xiaoyao was, where did Snipe Tree Owl get the magical candy, and what is the meaning of the experience accumulated through breakthroughs introduced by this magical candy?
"Magic candy?" Yilima recognized the blue candy that Sniper Shuxiao handed to Li Xiaoyao at a glance.

"Do you know this candy?" Li Xiaoyao was taken aback by Yilima's reaction, and quickly pretended not to know what these two candies were.

Sometimes it's more useful to be stupid than to be aggressive.

For example, at this time, someone will answer some doubts about these two magical candies for him.

 It’s about to die, and the increase in collections plummets
(End of this chapter)

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