I have a super illustrated book of elves

Chapter 95 Explosive Flame Turtle Beast

Chapter 95 Explosive Flame Turtle Beast
Li Xiaoyao and Yilima set off by means of transportation, left Hauole City, passed through Lili Township, Road No. [-], and came to a forest.

"I can only go here, the road ahead cannot get in." Yilima landed with one foot.

"Hmm." Li Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

Why is this vehicle different from what he thought?
Li Xiaoyao was sitting in a remodeled carriage similar to a rickshaw, and was pulled by a Kentaro in front of the carriage.

An uncle sat on Kentaro.

"Thanks, Uncle Luo." Yilima took out the Union Coin and handed it to the uncle.

"No trouble, no trouble." The uncle smiled and took the Union Coin and said politely.

After the uncle took Kentaro away, Li Xiaoyao and Yilima also stepped into this forest.

"This forest is called Tree Shadow Forest, it's near the sea, and there are many Pokémon living here." Yilima put aside a bunch of vines.

Li Xiaoyao frowned again, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Why hasn't he heard of this place in the game?

Sure enough, the animation is for reference only, please refer to the reality.

Although this world is not at all the same as the world seen in the animation.

The first time he stepped into the Tree Shadow Forest, Li Xiaoyao was blocked by the dense forest.

As it continued to deepen, Li Xiaoyao found that the inside of the Tree Shadow Forest was no longer densely covered with trees like the outside, and there were thorns everywhere, making it impossible to get a foothold.

As he gradually approached the tree shadow forest, Li Xiaoyao found a wisp of white smoke rising from the side of the forest near the coastline.

Li Xiaoyao was taken aback for a moment, why would the forest catch fire wherever he went?

It really has its own fire attribute.

"Stop." Yilima stopped in front of Li Xiaoyao with one hand, stopped and said.

"Something is wrong," Ilima added.

"What's wrong?" Li Xiaoyao looked left and right, but he didn't see anything wrong, it was nothing more than another cloud of white smoke in the forest sky.

"I remember a group of wood owls living here." Yilima approached a thick tree and tapped it a few times with his hand.

"Xiao!" Standing on Li Xiaoyao's shoulder, Mu Muxiao spread his wings and shouted happily.

"I didn't call you, you continue to sleep with you." Li Xiaoyao patted Mu Muxiao's head.

Under Li Xiaoyao's touch, Mu Muxiao's feet gradually approached the shoulders inside Li Xiaoyao's head, snuggling up against Li Xiaoyao's face.

"Don't make trouble." Mu Muxiao rubbed Li Xiaoyao's face, feeling very comfortable.

"The tree is empty, and the Pokémon living in it are gone." Ilima said seriously.

After Ilima confirmed that there were no Pokémon in the tree hole, he began to look for traces on the ground and speculated about what happened before he came here.

Yilima's index finger was stained with a little dirt, and he and his thumb rubbed each other.

"Hot air." Yilima said suddenly.

"Hot air?" Li Xiaoyao followed Yilima's example, squatting down and touching the ground.

Feeling carefully, he could indeed feel a faint heat on the ground.

Li Xiaoyao was taken aback for a moment, and then put both hands on the ground.

As Ilima said, there is indeed heat on the ground.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Li Xiaoyao pointed to the sun in the sky, "Can such a big sun not be hot on the ground?"

Elima smiled lightly.

"It's not the same, this heat is left by the Pokémon." Ilima stood up and sniffed it with his nose.

"Over here." Yilima pointed to the direction of a forest.

Li Xiaoyao looked up and saw that it was the direction of the white smoke.

"What does this mean?" Li Xiaoyao asked puzzled.

"A fire-attribute Pokémon fought with Mu Muxiao?" Li Xiaoyao added.

"Xiao~" Mu Muxiao on Li Xiaoyao's shoulder yelled again, but the voice was no longer as rough as before, but soft and soft.

Li Xiaoyao was about to say something, but finally shut up.

Li Xiaoyao smiled lightly, looking at Mu Muxiao with interest.

This guy at least knows how to learn his lesson and doesn't bark as loudly as before.

Get smarter.

The future is expected.

"We have to help Mu Muxiao." Yilima said.

After Yilima said this, Li Xiaoyao suddenly thought of a question.

He remembered that there were very few fire-type Pokémon on Melomele Island, only the Fire-Ban Meow family and the Katie Dog family, or the hot and hot style Huawuniao.

Li Xiaoyao immediately ruled out Huawuniao, which is obviously unlikely.

"Do Fire Spot Meow and Cardi Dog live near here?" Li Xiaoyao asked.

Elima shook his head.

"Why are you asking this?" Yilima couldn't understand Li Xiaoyao's thoughts.

"Then we might have to be careful."

10 minute later.

Then the two of them came to the coast outside the Shadow of Tree Forest by relying on a shallow trace. A two-meter-large flame-flaming turtle appeared in the outer forest along the coast of Shadow of Tree Forest. fighting.

Not far away, there were many Mu Muxiao hiding in the trees under the protection of Tou Yuxiao.

"It's the sniping tree owl and the explosive turtle beast." Li Xiaoyao excitedly pointed at the two battle Pokémon.

The two Pokémon just kept testing each other, while the Blazing Tortoise burned the surrounding forest into an open space, turning it into a hollow duel field.

The sniping tree owl just kept spreading its wings rapidly, jumped from one tree to another, and then attacked the explosive flame turtle with several leaves.

However, as long as the flaming tortoise uses the shell on its back to block, these leaves will be burned by the temperature on the flaming tortoise's shell.

Immediately, the flame-exploding tortoise spewed out a flame, burning a tree into charcoal again.

"Why did the Flame Tortoise appear here? Shouldn't it stay by the volcano?" Yilima looked at the Flame Tortoise with some doubts.

"Are they fighting?" Li Xiaoyao kept watching the battle between the two powerful Pokémon.

But soon, the Flaming Tortoise once again spewed out a ball of flames to attack Tou Yuxiao near the woods, and Tou Yuxiao had to take Mu Muxiao to fly away again, so as not to be accidentally injured by the Blazing Tortoise.

After seeing the flaming tortoise attacking Mu Muxiao and Touyu xiao, the sniper tree owl screamed, and countless leaves around the sniper tree owl drew towards the flaming tortoise like a sword blade.

After Ye Ren touched the shell of the Blazing Tortoise Beast, an explosion occurred, blowing the Sniper Tree Owl to the ground.

After seeing the sniper tree owl hit the ground, the Flame Tortoise Beast took advantage of the victory to pursue, spraying poisonous gas to attack the sniper tree owl.


Mu Muxiao who was standing on Li Xiaoyao's shoulder jumped suddenly, and a gust of wind blew up.

"Mu Muxiao!" Li Xiaoyao looked at Mu Muxiao in surprise.

He wanted to call Mu Muxiao back, but to no avail.

Mu Muxiao blew out a stream of air, which disintegrated the poisonous gas sprayed out by the explosive flame turtle.

"Oh, Xie Te, I knew it would be no good to let you out." Li Xiaoyao said so, but he still habitually took out the poke balls of Dan Boss and Dan Lao Er.

Playing a team is his favorite.

Especially gang fights.

 Thank you Kong King for the 100 tip
  (Thank you for pointing out a small number of typos, because most of the time I am conceiving the plot and working hard on the code words. When I have time to check the typos, I check them with software first, and then check them myself, but some words are due to input. The problem of the law is labeled like that, and then it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, and it does not affect the plot, so it is skipped)
(End of this chapter)

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