I have a super illustrated book of elves

Chapter 97 Alora Coconut Egg Tree (Part 3)

Chapter 97 Alola Coconut Egg Tree ([-]rd update)

"Magical candy is an extremely rare thing. It may be rare in the mainland, but in the Alola region, there are many ancient Pokémon that have this kind of thing." Yilima explained.

"Ancient Pokémon?" Li Xiaoyao was taken aback when he heard that.

Why is it different from the game's settings?

No, this is not a game, this is the real Pokémon world.

And his elf illustrated book also shows the information of magic candy, which is a very ancient Pokémon upgrade item.

It is now a discontinued prop or an out-of-print prop.

"That's right, this magical candy is said to be a handed down work left by ancient Pokémon or humans. At that time, because of the magical candy, there was a big fight, and the whole world was darkened." Speaking of this, Yilima sighed, " Until now, there are very few historical records about that war at that time."

For a moment, Li Xiaoyao couldn't turn his head around.

For a while, it was an ancient Pokémon human, for a while, it was a work handed down from generation to generation, and for a while, it was a war.

It made him a little confused.

Although his elf illustrated book also records the history of this world.

But when he opened the records, there were tens of thousands of pages.

He decided to give up reading this shit history.

Or lie down and be a salted fish happily.

"In short, magical candies are basically rare now, and only a small number of Pokémon that have lived for a long time may leave behind some magical candies."

"So, the reason why the sniper tree owl can give you the magical candy is because it is a sincere thank you." Yilima said with emotion.

Sometimes Pokémon even know how to repay favors better than humans.

After Yilima explained, the sniper tree owl pointed to the magic candy in Li Xiaoyao's hand and the leaf stone in his pocket, and then pointed to the second egg.

Li Xiaoyao took out the Ye Zhishi with half of its corner exposed in his pocket, with a little panic in his eyes.

The meaning of shooting the tree owl is to let him give the magic candy and the leaf stone to the second egg, so that the second egg can evolve.

Although he knew that the shot at the tree owl was out of good intentions, Li Xiaoyao still knew it in his heart.

He still knows what kind of guy the second egg is.

I think when I had the first leaf stone, the two guys, the egg boss and the egg second, refused to evolve, and finally smashed the leaf stone and swallowed it.

Inspired by the power of z, the egg boss barely evolved into a coconut egg tree.

As for the second egg, he was not at all sure that the second egg would evolve.

"Tree owl~" The sniper tree owl nodded, pointing at the second egg.

Dan Er Er just rolled around, as if he didn't care about the two missing heads.

"The second egg." Li Xiaoyao hesitated and shouted.

"Bang, bang, bang." Dan Er Er came over.

Li Xiaoyao still hesitated. At that time, Boss Dan had signs of evolving, so Li Xiaoyao dared to take a gamble.

But now the second egg...

He was afraid that Dan Lao Er would also smash the Ye Zhishi into pieces, and the Z power would not be able to stimulate Dan Lao Er's potential and make him evolve, so it would be a bit cheating at that time.

"Let's change the place, why don't we send the sniper tree owls home first?" Li Xiaoyao had a flash of inspiration.

Suddenly, the audience was silent.

Suddenly, the second egg snatched a magical candy from Li Xiaoyao's hand and swallowed it.

Li Xiaoyao's face darkened.

"Forget it, a dead horse is a living horse doctor." Li Xiaoyao took Ye Zhishi and placed it in front of Dan Laoer.


One second, two seconds, three seconds...

All the people and Pokémon in the audience looked at the second egg nervously, as if they were expecting something.

Dan Er Er chewed his mouth and swallowed the magic candy.

On Dan Laoer's body, Li Xiaoyao could clearly feel the power of the magic candy begin to digest in Dan Laoer's body.

A magical power shrouded Dan Er Er.

five seconds...

six seconds...

seven seconds...

The energy on Dan Laoer's body began to explode, and the leaf stone also began to shatter, and a stream of grass-attribute energy gathered on Dan Laoer's body.

Immediately, a white light flashed.

The white light was so bright that Li Xiaoyao had to cover his eyes halfway with his hands to barely see the change in the second child.

ten seconds...

11 second……

12 second……

A ten-meter-tall Alola coconut egg tree stood in front of Li Xiaoyao, and the data of the second egg was also updated in Li Xiaoyao's elf illustration book.

Looking at the huge egg in front of him, Li Xiaoyao was speechless.

Not only because of the change of the second egg, but also because of the evolution of the second egg.

Such a big coconut egg tree is too scary.

Li Xiaoyao covered his mouth and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The place where he lives is not as tall as Dan Lao Er. If he encounters a place that is shorter in the future, wouldn't Dan Lao Er be unable to get out?
"Ah, this..." Li Xiaoyao looked at the tall Dan Er Er, even standing on tiptoe, he couldn't see Dan Er Er's three heads when he raised his head, only the head on Dan Er Er's tail was shaking .

Suddenly, he regretted letting the second egg evolve into an alola egg tree.

What should I do at home after becoming so tall?
Immediately, Dan Er Er began to sway, and in an instant, Dan Er Er, who was ten meters tall just now, stretched his neck back and became as tall as Dan Boss.

Li Xiaoyao:? ? ?
Li Xiaoyao pinched his cheeks, witnessing the scene that happened just now with Dan Er Er.

He couldn't believe it.

How can the neck of his Alola coconut egg tree stretch freely?
You can really go in and out.

"Egg~" the second son of the egg grunted, and went to find some fruit to eat.

"It's probably just evolved, I'm hungry." Li Xiaoyao looked at the second egg who walked a little further away.

I saw Dan Er stretching his neck, he could easily bite the fruit on the tree.

Li Xiaoyao suddenly felt that his wallet began to deflate.

It's not good to go on like this.

It is enough to have a Mu Muxiao who is greedy for food and sleep. Now that there is another Alola coconut tree with such a big appetite, how will the future be?

Eating became a problem.

When checking to see if there were any remains of the flaming tortoise, there was only a barren exploding space, but no Pokémon could be seen.

"I'm sorry, Blazing Turtle Beast, we're just on the side with more Pokémon lives." Li Xiaoyao put his hands together and bowed.

"May every Pokémon have a beautiful home."

After cleaning the scene, Li Xiaoyao and others also sent Mu Muxiao back to the deep center of the tree shadow forest.

Judging from the communication between Yilima and Mu Muxiao's family, it seems that Yilima is very familiar with this group of Mu Muxiao.

Li Xiaoyao just followed closely, watching Yilima and Sniper Tree Owl happily communicate.

Although he couldn't understand what the sniper tree owl was talking about, he could feel that Yilima seemed to understand the meaning of the sniper tree owl.

Like a pair of inseparable friends.

When returning to the forest, the sniper tree owl stood in front of Li Xiaoyao's Mu Muxiao.

"Li Xiaoyao, the sniper tree owl said that he wants to teach your Mu Muxiao how to sew shadows." Yilima conveyed the general meaning of the sniper tree owl.

 Listening to the boss's words, like listening to the same words, the focus of the boss's discussion is different from my own. The boss thinks about how to increase the subscription every day, but I am thinking about how to ensure that the subscription will not drop
(End of this chapter)

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