Soul echo

Chapter 745 Leaving Jingzhou

Chapter 745 Leaving Jingzhou
"After testing, there was no sign of 'Pavilion Master' being corrupted by the abyss..."

The emperor read the report handed over by Wang Chunxi, and then took a deep breath, raising his hands to pinch the corners of his eyebrows.

Calm down and go over the whole incident—the reason why they went to investigate the 'master' of the Qianji Pavilion is entirely because of a passage left by the deputy master who has disappeared. He asked a person beside him to I brought this passage to Zhong Ye, and when Zhong Ye came into contact with him, he happened to be attacked by a group of organmen, which deepened their impression of 'the pavilion master has been corrupted by the abyss'...

In the whole incident, there must be one or more liars, and even an invisible 'third party'.

After inspection by Bianliang Jinyiwei, it was found that those warheads defeated by Zhong Ye were completely made according to the human body structure, and there were no hidden weapons in their bodies. It is very likely that these warheads were not designed for fighting.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the young man called those officials the "clone of the pavilion master".

——Wang Chunxi discovered that there are many organmen in the branch of the Qianji Pavilion directly above the location of the "Pavilion Master". They are not like the organmen who went to hunt down the young man. Skin.

But according to that young man, he has never met the owner of Qianji Pavilion himself, and he has never been to that branch. If so, how does he know that those organ people are controlled by the pavilion owner?
Because this incident involved the former emperor, the emperor was extremely concerned about it and knew the whole picture of the incident.

It is precisely because of understanding that his mind is now a mess.

The emperor pondered for a moment, sighed, picked up the talisman, and told Zhong Ye about it.


【... That's how things are. 】

After listening to the emperor's narration, Zhong Ye was silent for a long time.

Afterwards, Zhong Ye asked in a low voice: "Who do you think is lying in this matter?"

The emperor was also silent for a while, 【I'm not sure...but I'm more inclined to be the Deputy Pavilion Master, because the Commander of Jinyiwei has confirmed that the 'Pavilion Master' of Qianji Pavilion has no clear signs of abyssal corruption, and has no communication with the outside world If the fact is true as the young man who brought the news said, only the deputy cabinet master has seen the cabinet master in the entire Qianji Pavilion, then it is impossible for the deputy cabinet master to not know this. 】

[If it wasn't the deputy cabinet master who lied, it was the young man who lied. Of course, it is also possible that neither of them lied, but someone deceived them! 】

Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows lightly: "Why did you say that?"

【If there is no medium for the 'Governor' to communicate with the outside world, then who exactly is controlling those organs?Or in other words, the 'Pavilion Master' that the Deputy Pavilion Master has seen is not the 'Pavilion Master' we found? 】

With his eyes lowered, Zhong Ye pondered silently.

He turned the emperor's words in his mind for a while, and then found that these speculations were all possible.

【Zhong Ye, what do you think? 】

Zhong Ye opened his eyes and said, "I think we should investigate the controllers behind those traps now."

【Heh, I think the same. 】

The suspicion of the deputy cabinet master has not been cleared yet, but the affairs of the deputy cabinet master can be investigated slowly. In contrast, they are more concerned about what is the matter, so that the deputy cabinet master thinks that the 'pavilion master' has been corrupted by the abyss.

The current situation is that the deputy cabinet master is missing and probably dead, and the 'pavilion master' is just a machine that can't communicate and doesn't know what it's doing. a clue.

"By the way, I have an idea."

At this moment, Zhong Ye suddenly said: "Can I give up the prefect position to Dai Lila?"

Of the two magistrates sent by the emperor, one was influenced by the abyss believer and did a lot of stupid things, one was a abyss believer himself, and the next one didn't know what it would be like.

That being the case, it would be better to let Dai Lila be the magistrate of Jingzhou directly, at least she is very familiar with everything in Jingzhou, and she is also loved by the people.

[The idea is a good idea, but there are a few problems - first, Dai Lila is not an official, she is only a temporary worker in name of "temporarily serving as an official, assisting the prefect to manage Jingzhou"; second, she has not participated in the imperial examination, Without any fame, if she just became the magistrate of Jingzhou, would it be unfair to scholars all over the world; thirdly, she is not from the East; finally, she is a woman. 】

The problems pointed out by the emperor are very realistic. If Dai Lila becomes the magistrate of Jingzhou, her ability must be sufficient, and she can even run Jingzhou well.

If Jingzhou is well managed, the emperor will definitely improve his face, and he will be more confident when facing aristocratic families.

But he is an emperor after all, and needs to consider the ideas of more people.

The imperial examination can give people in the world an idea, even if it seems to be only superficially fair, this fairness cannot be broken.

The 'temporary team' formed by Zhong Ye is already challenging the limits of people's ability to accept it. If Dai Lila is allowed to take over Zhong Ye's class and become the magistrate of Jingzhou, it will be unreasonable.

After thinking for a while, Zhong Ye felt that what the emperor said was right, and said again: "Then, how about the vacancy of the prefect of Jingzhou? Just like when I went north to the capital, the position was vacant, and Dai Lila took care of it."

The emperor was silent for a while, 【It can only be an expedient measure. After a long time, some people will definitely object. 】

"It's also an expedient measure." Zhong Ye smiled slightly, "At least in this way, I can leave Jingzhou."

The emperor also laughed, it was a waste to have a powerful supporter like Zhong Ye trapped in a small Jingzhou.

[Where are you planning to go next?Bianliang? 】

Zhong Ye nodded, "Yes, Bianliang! I want to talk to that young man. There are too many doubts about the whole incident, and there are conflicts between words and facts, so I have to confirm whether what that person said is true."

[When are you going to leave? 】

"Leave early tomorrow morning."


The baby in the swaddle raised his eyes together with Zhong Ye, and saw the plaque inlaid above the city gate.

"Ah Yai!"

The little baby held in Zhong Ye's arms stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the big word 'Bianliang'.

Zhong Ye smiled slightly, and stuffed his finger into the baby's hand, causing her to let out an "oh" in surprise, and then grabbed her finger.

The queue to enter the city was very long. People would always be intimidated by Zhong Ye's tall figure when they saw him, but they would smile knowingly when they saw the baby in his arms.

Zhong Ye waited for a while before entering Bianliang.

The city guard seemed to know him, and even saluted him when he passed the city gate. Of course, Zhong Ye also politely returned the salute.

When Zhong Ye came to the gate of Changuang School, he found that it was crowded with people, people in different clothes came and went, some brought their own children, some did not.

Seeing how lively the school was, Zhong Ye's mood improved a lot.

The concierge and teachers who were busy greeting the students' parents didn't notice Zhong Ye, but the security guards standing in the crowd to maintain order did notice, but they also saw Zhong Ye gesture to them, signaling them not to speak.

The security guards were taken aback for a moment, and then they were overjoyed.

——This is the real 'Zhong Ye'!
Zhong Ye came to a corner of the yard and sat down, took out the bottle, heated the milk with spiritual energy, and then fed it to the baby in his arms.

The baby held the bottle, sucked on the pacifier, and looked curiously at the crowd with big black eyes.

Now that the school is about to start, all the buildings have been remodeled, so the school organized an event to open the campus for students and parents to visit-this must be the idea of ​​the players.

However, this activity is also very appropriate. After all, Changuang Pavilion, the predecessor of Changuang School, is a brothel. Even if the school offers very generous conditions, almost begging students to enroll, people can't be completely relieved.

The purpose of opening the campus is to reassure the parents of the students and tell them that Changuang Pavilion has completely transformed into a school and is no longer a brothel.

The faces of teachers who used to be prostitutes are filled with smiles from the bottom of their hearts. Even though the work of being a "teacher" is very hard and tiring, how can it compare with the pain and tears of prostitutes?
Which female prostitute really wanted to sink and became a female prostitute voluntarily?
When they were female prostitutes, they were just commodities, and they were not qualified to choose customers, but now, they are at least one person.

The visit was not over until night fell, and it was only then that people discovered that Zhong Ye had arrived.

"Good job." Zhong Ye said to all the school staff with a smile.

The security guard was okay, but the women couldn't help crying.

From now on, they finally become a complete 'person'!

(End of this chapter)

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