Soul echo

Chapter 746 Conversation

Chapter 746 Conversation
"This is... your daughter?"

Looking at the baby in the swaddle, many people are guessing her identity.

Although Zhong Ye didn't think he was the 'master' of Changuang School, at most he was a shareholder, not even the principal, but he couldn't stand the old ideas of others and identified him as the master here.

In their concept, the master's offspring will naturally also be the master, so they are very concerned about this matter.

"Maybe it's a daughter..."

Zhong Ye looked down at the baby in his arms, and said with a smile, "Adopted daughter."

Is it just a foster daughter...

Hearing this answer, people don't know whether the emotion in their hearts is disappointment or happiness.

"I may live in Bianliang in the future, so I brought her along." Zhong Ye explained why he brought such a small baby from Jingzhou to Bianliang.

Now that he has adopted this child, he should be responsible to the end and raise her up.

People didn't care about Zhong Ye's explanation, they cared more about the word "permanent residence" that Zhong Ye said.

"Master Zhong, are you going to live in Bianliang permanently in the future?"

The most gratifying thing is the security guards of Changuang School. The reason why they applied for the security guards was that apart from wanting to repay Zhong Ye's kindness in teaching, they also had a fluke mentality in their hearts, and hoped that Zhong Ye could give them some advice. Let them go one step further in martial arts.

Even if you can't become a master, you can become a relatively powerful innate.

Now that Zhong Ye is going to live in Bianliang, doesn't that mean that they have enough opportunities to ask Zhong Ye for advice?
With Zhong Ye's temperament, as long as they ask him for advice, generally speaking, they should not refuse.

"Yes." Zhong Ye smiled and nodded.

People looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

Zhong Ye was not a short-sighted person, he could see Dai Lila's ambition for power, so he proposed to hand over Jingzhou to Dai Lila, and the emperor agreed.

Now the prefect position of Jingzhou is vacant, she is not a prefect, she is better than a prefect.

Although he didn't know whether this 'little' power could satisfy Delilah's desires, but at least it could satisfy part of her desires, and this was one of the rewards he gave her after she helped him so much.

Zhong Ye recovered from his thoughts, and looked at Qing Lai, "How are your textbook preparations going?"

"Because it's just the most basic education. You only need to teach the children literacy and simple calculations. You can order the textbooks directly from the bookstore." Qing Lai tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled slightly, "Because our school is about to start, this month Taxes in Bianliang are about to rise to a higher level."

The school does not charge tuition fees, and at the same time, it has to order a large number of tables, chairs, paper pens and books. In order to meet the catering needs of many students, it also opened a breeding farm and reclaimed many pieces of farmland. The money was paid by Zhong Ye, and His money came from various warriors in the East.

He has published a lot of "analysis" books, and he has written all eighteen kinds of weapons and fists. Although the price of a single book is not high, there are many buyers. If they add up, he can get a lot of money.

However, this income will not be too much, and people may pass it on to each other after buying it, and if it is kept properly, it can even be passed on to family members.

Fortunately, before this income was all used up, Zhong Ye invested in several farms and factories. As long as those factories can go on smoothly, he will have more and more money, so he doesn't have to worry about not being able to support the operation of the school.

"Not only that, I heard that the public security in Bianliang is much better!" The security guard at the side told everyone the news he had inquired from the Yamen police, and everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

After they set up farms and opened up wasteland farmland, they directly created more than 100 jobs, and the indirect benefits even promoted the expansion of Bianliang's original industries, allowing many idlers to find jobs. .

People have jobs, so they will naturally stop doing sneaky things, and the security problem will be solved naturally.

According to the police in Bianliang, the magistrate was so happy from ear to ear every day that he was even in the mood to greet them when they met.

A dinner was lively and lively, and the dinner was procrastinated for nearly an hour, and the dinner was finally finished.

After dinner and cleaning the dishes, Zhong Ye was about to leave Changuang School.

"Master Zhong/Master Zhong, where are you going?"

People asked anxiously, Zhong Ye just said before that he would live in Bianliang permanently, why is he leaving now?
Zhong Ye looked at them suspiciously, "Of course I'm looking for a place to live! Now this place has become a dormitory for women, I'm not suitable to live here, even if you don't care about it yourself, what should you do if there are rumors?"

Just as the people were about to say something, Qing Lai raised her hand, making them all silence their voices.

"Okay, since Mr. Zhong insists, let Mr. Zhong find a place to live outside!"

Qing Lai winked at her sisters, and they reacted immediately.

——If Zhong Ye were allowed to stay, it would not be them who would get a bad reputation, but Zhong Ye!

Even though they are no longer female prostitutes, they used to be, and even now, some people will still question and abuse them, thinking that they cannot become teachers, and that the so-called school is just a filthy place that misleads children.

If Zhong Ye stayed overnight, his reputation would be ruined.

Now that the school is just about to start, if any rumors spread outside, it will affect the school.

So no matter what, Zhong Ye shouldn't stay.

As a result, many women changed their subject: "Sister Qinglai is right, if Mr. Zhong wants to go out and live, go out and live."

"Yes, there will always be some rumors when men and women live together."

"It's getting late, Mr. Zhong, you'd better act quickly!"

Zhong Ye was not dull, he was keenly aware of what those women were saying, and frowned slightly.

Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Qing Lai with a serious face.

"No! Mr. Zhong, I know what you want to say!"

Qing Lai stared into Zhong Ye's eyes, and said seriously: "Even if you are not afraid of gossip, Changuang School is our painstaking effort, and we don't want any accidents when the school is about to start, so that the school cannot start normally!
"We need to rule out all uncertainties, so we beg you - you can't stay here!"

Zhong Ye opened his lips slightly, looked at Qing Lai, and then at the other women, and found that the expressions on their faces were equally firm and decisive.

After a while, Zhong Ye nodded, "Okay, I'll go out and find a place to live."

Zhong Ye sighed, and left the school together with the security guards.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, he noticed several eyes falling on him. He lifted his eyelids and glared at those who were secretly observing Changuang School.

After being stared at by Zhong Ye, those people shrunk their necks in fright, turned around, and didn't dare to look any more.

Zhong Ye snorted coldly, and led the security guards to leave the street.

The dormitory of the security guards is a large courtyard with a large area. The owner of this courtyard is the Bianliang government. Zhong Ye rented the courtyard at a rent that was half the market price.

It was a bit dilapidated when it was first rented, but now it has been cleaned up by the security guards.

There are still some vacant rooms in the yard, which were originally intended for newcomers to live in, but no newcomers have been recruited yet, so the security guards helped Zhong Ye clean up the house, and he stayed here temporarily.

The young man who brought the news of Qianji Pavilion to Zhong Ye before also lived here. Although it was getting late, the young man hadn't fallen asleep yet. After hearing the news that Zhong Ye came to Bianliang and lived in this courtyard, he immediately went to bed. came to visit.

Although he wondered why Zhong Ye could appear in Bianliang, after all, he said before that he was trapped in Jingzhou.

However, doubts are doubts, but young people will not ask those questions. Everyone has a little secret. As a martial arts master, it is normal for Zhong Ye to have a little secret.

"Mr. Zhong, more than ten days have passed now, may I ask if there is any news from Qianji Pavilion?"

Originally, Zhong Ye planned to wash up and go to sleep, but when he heard the young man's question, he put aside his thoughts of going to sleep for the time being, and looked at him seriously.

"As a member of Qianji Pavilion, you should know what kind of institution Jinyiwei is."

Having said this, Zhong Ye paused, and seeing the young man nod, he continued: "The Commander of the Jin Yiwei personally went to investigate the 'Governor', and he came to the conclusion that--'Governor did not appear in the abyss Signs of corruption'!"

As soon as the words fell, the young man exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

Looking at the young man, Zhong Ye shook his head slightly, "Maybe it's hard for you to accept, but it's the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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