Soul echo

Chapter 744 Machine Pavilion 'Lord'

Chapter 744 Qianji Pavilion 'Lord'

"It turns out that the real headquarters of Qianji Pavilion is here..."

Exhaling a breath of cold air, Wang Chunxi rubbed his hands and walked deeper into the cave.

This place is two to 300 meters underground. Even as the commander of Jinyiwei and enshrined by the royal family, Wang Chunxi spent a lot of resources to find out here.

Even as a creation of an institution, the 'Governor' of Qianji Pavilion needs quite a lot of materials to maintain normal operation, and those materials cannot be transported here casually.

However, the owner of Qianji Pavilion is smart enough, or the person who designed the material transportation route for it is very smart. He didn't intend to engage in bulk cargo transportation from the beginning, but manipulated many caravans through normal trade, so that those who come from Caravans from different places transferred the goods to several distribution centers through multiple routes. Those caravans would sell the goods used to maintain the normal operation of the Qianji Pavilion owner at the distribution centers, and finally 'coincidentally' fell into the hands of Qianji Pavilion.

Then, those caravans will continue to set off to the next destination, and the supplies that fell into the distribution center will continue to set off to the place where Wang Chunxi is now.

More than 200 meters above this cave, there is a surface base of Qianji Pavilion, which is just an ordinary branch of Qianji Pavilion, and even the ordinary members working in that branch don't know what is under their feet.

It took more than ten days for Jin Yiwei to find it because it was hidden so deeply.

Jin Yiwei has the qualifications to use the national weapon - as long as they have made a report in advance, they can use the national weapon.

National weapon, national weapon, as the name suggests, is the most important weapon of the country. Generally speaking, it can only be used when the country and the people are in a critical situation. Jin Yiwei only needs to make a report if he wants to use it.

Cha, cha...

Moccasin boots rubbed against the ground slightly stained with ice sand.

Wang Chunxi looked left and right, looking across the cave walls on both sides, watching the cave gradually shrink inward as he moved forward, becoming narrower and narrower.

By the time he encountered a large door, the cavern's dome was only five meters high.

Wang Chunxi looked up, looked at the four-meter-high bronze gate in front of him, and took a light breath of the cold air.

The temperature in the cave was very low, but there was no frost on the bronze door in front of him. He knew very well what was hidden behind the door.

It was obviously not a good idea to break in directly. Wang Chunxi rummaged in his Qiankun bag and found a talisman.

Driven by true energy, the talisman was activated without spells, and turned into a gloomy light covering Wang Chunxi's whole body. Then he took a step forward and walked straight to the wall.

Under the influence of the talisman, Wang Chunxi's figure actually disappeared into the cave wall.

At this time, the talisman was completely activated, and he couldn't continue to step on the real thing, so he could only move his hands and feet like swimming, allowing himself to swim in the mud.

Being in the mud, Wang Chunxi couldn't see anything, and couldn't tell the direction. Fortunately, he memorized the direction before he came in. After swimming forward for about a few meters, he turned to the left.

A moment later, Wang Chunxi's figure emerged from the mountain wall, and a huge cave appeared before his eyes.

Wang Chunxi raised his eyebrows, kicked his legs, pulled himself out of the soil, and canceled the effect of the talisman when he was in the air, so as not to escape into the ground after landing.

"This is... the 'Pavilion Master' of Qianji Pavilion?"

What appeared in front of his eyes was a cave with a huge space, the dome was as smooth as a mirror, and there were many air holes in it, allowing steam to be ejected from the holes.

In this cave, there is a huge mechanism creation!

The structure of the mechanism without any cover is exposed, and only Wang Chunxi can see that there are at least [-] gears in constant rotation.

The rotating shaft and the gears are criss-crossed, and when they rotate, they drive the chains. Thousands of chains are scattered like spider webs. Even if they cross each other, there is no collision.

At first glance, that huge mechanical creation is chaotic, because in addition to metal, gears, shafts and chains also use a lot of wood and stone materials.

It is not that there is no light in the cave. The light comes from the lava pool under the metal chassis of the organ creation. The unglamorous red light radiates from the lava and fills the entire cave.

In addition, there are several thick and long pipes extending from the organ creation, connecting the surrounding mountain walls.

These pipes appear to be fixed, but seem to have other utility.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of water flowing in the pipes.

The elements have been assembled, and Wang Chunxi immediately understands how the organ creation in front of him operates - it is powered by 'steam'!
Driven by the steam, the pistons kept turning day and night, and the gears kept turning. The rising steam rose through the holes in the dome and was discharged. Afterwards, the pipes collected water from other places and poured it into the mechanism.

The lava pool below is the energy source, and it is precisely because of the help of this natural force that the huge mechanical creation can never stop.

This cave is probably 80 meters high, while the height of the mechanism creation is almost 50 meters, and the area covered is even wider. It seems that it is not too much for a village with a large population.

Such a huge machine was hidden underground by the first emperor, it must not only be for the purpose of disclosing the information of the aristocratic family to the public.

The astonishment on Wang Chunxi's face didn't last long, and soon changed to seriousness.

According to the information given by Zhong Ye, the Deputy Pavilion Master of Qianji Pavilion should know about it, but he seems to be able to conceal this, why?
Wang Chunxi remembered very clearly that what Zhong Ye told them did not mention how huge the "Pavilion Master" of Qianji Pavilion was.

Then, could he think that the young man who brought the Deputy Pavilion Master's "last will" didn't know how big the "Pavilion Master" was, so he didn't tell Zhong Ye about it?
As for why the young man didn't know, the answer is simple - the deputy cabinet master didn't tell him!

Obviously knowing these things, but not telling the 'heir' who entrusted his will, it is obviously impossible to say that the deputy cabinet master has no problems.

Wang Chunxi originally thought that the 'Pavilion Master' would only be as big as a house, but now its volume has completely exceeded his imagination.

"What the hell is this..." Wang Chunxi took a light breath, feeling his scalp go numb.

And who actually made this thing?

Such a gigantic building cannot be built by just a few people, and the Qianji Pavilion was established when the first emperor ascended the throne. Does it mean that the construction of the "Pavilion Master" actually started before the first emperor ascended the throne?

Taking a few deep breaths, Wang Chunxi settled down and walked towards the huge mechanism creation in front of him.

If the function of the "Pavilion Master" is really as the Deputy Pavilion Master said, only calculation and induction, then this machine must have a "medium" for external communication, otherwise, it can neither get information input nor output, then this What can things count?
At this time, Wang Chunxi had already had deep doubts about the fact that the "Pavilion Master has been corrupted by the abyss". There are more and more doubts about any reaction.

The lava pool surrounds the huge monster, and the huge mechanism creation is like a floating island, floating in the lava pool, erupting huge amounts of steam all the time.

Water is constantly pouring in from the pipes and poured into the body, so that this organ creation will never stop.

After getting closer, Wang Chunxi found that all the gears were engraved with incantations. Although he couldn't understand the meaning of those incantations, he could tell that once those gears were worn out, the incantations would be activated to repair the gears.

No wonder this big machine has been running for so many years, but it has never collapsed.

The lava pool is nothing to Wang Chunxi, and he can jump over it with a light step, but he searched around, but he couldn't find a medium for the 'pavilion master' to exchange information with the outside world.

--How is this going?

(End of this chapter)

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