Soul echo

Chapter 700 Fighting (1)

Chapter 700 Fighting ([-])

"Zhong Ye..."

"It was him..."

The martial arts master and the land immortal who lived in the capital walked out of the house and looked to the west.

They all knew Zhong Ye's name. After all, he was on the "Record of Heroes", but that was all they knew. No one knew where this person came from.

The first time he appeared was in Xilu, and it was also in Xilu that he became a master of martial arts, so they didn't know Zhong Ye at all.

The first time this unknown stunned young man appeared in people's sights, he cleaned up all the high-ranking officials and families in Jingzhou.

They also know a thing or two about the struggle between the emperor and the powerful family. The two sides now, one is the world's number one family, it is impossible to let go of face, and the other is a stunned young man, who will not let it go, so they all know that Zhong Ye stepped into this time. Jingshi, I'm afraid I can't be kind...

Not only the gate of Shangguan's mansion was smashed by Zhong Ye, but even the screen wall was hit by the fragments of the gate and burst open.

Zhong Ye strode through the dust, his face full of anger was revealed in everyone's eyes.

The servants of Shangguan's family stood still in a daze, looking up at Zhong Ye, astonished.

They never expected that someone would dare to break the gate of Shangguan's house and break into the mansion.

Hearing Zhong Ye's voice, some innate warriors from Shangguan's family ran out from the backyard, but landed in front of Zhong Ye in a moment.

But he was alone, isolated and helpless, and he didn't dare to conflict with Zhong Ye rashly.

"Master Zhong, did you make a mistake?"

The innate martial artist standing in front of Zhong Ye felt the powerful aura emanating from Zhong Ye's body, cold sweat broke out from his forehead, and he opened his eyes and said nonsense: "My Shangguan family has never had any conflicts with you, why did you break into me? Shangguan’s mansion, and also demolished the gate of the mansion?”

"No conflict?"

Zhong Ye sneered, pulled the long knife out of the scabbard, and carried it to his shoulder, frightening the innate warrior's hairs to stand on end.

"You sent someone to send me a message, telling me to be careful of the safety of the people around me, and be careful of the abyss' sowing dissension'. Do you really think I don't understand what you are trying to say?!"

The burly body took another step forward, and the soles of his feet were deeply imprinted on the ground.

The long wind whistling in the world had to hide its sound in front of the might of the martial arts master, and the light seemed to be distorted, so that the vision of the innate warrior was quickly covered by darkness, leaving only Zhong Ye still with color.

"A threat is a threat. If you don't dare to do something, how can you call it the number one family in the world?"

Deng Deng Deng!
Oppressed by Zhong Ye's aura, the Xiantian warrior couldn't help but took three steps back before pulling his mind out of the illusion.

He was short of breath, even the breathing rhythm was disrupted, and he couldn't feel the flow of breath in his body.

"Go back..."

An old voice came from behind the Xiantian warrior. The Xiantian warrior was slightly taken aback, looked back, and was immediately overjoyed, "Uncle!"

Zhong Ye also cast his gaze over, and saw a hale and hearty old man in a long gown, with his hands behind his back, pacing from behind the courtyard.

The old man has short and shallow wrinkles on his face, and his eyes are bright and energetic.

Unlike Meng Yusheng, who didn't know how to become a legend, Zhong Ye was sure that the old man who appeared in front of him was a real legend.

The innate warrior stepped aside, and the old man faced Zhong Ye face to face.

"This matter was indeed done by our Shangguan family."

After a moment of silence, the old man said slowly: "The struggle between our Shangguan family and the emperor has reached the most intense stage, so our Shangguan family will link up with other Shuntian families to put pressure on you.

"Naturally, the purpose is to make you quit in spite of the difficulties and stop getting involved in this matter. Besides us, other families feel a little afraid of what you have done, even the head of the Shangguan family now. , are afraid of you.

"So they issued you an 'ultimatum' - it's not your misunderstanding, we did."

"So?" Zhong Ye looked at the old man opposite, and tapped the handle of the knife with his right index finger.

"We need an answer from you." The old man narrowed his eyes slightly, "Should I agree, or refuse? Should I leave here, or leave my life here!"

The index finger stopped, and Zhong Ye blinked, thinking about the old man's words.

After a moment of silence, Zhong Ye suddenly asked, "Do you think what they did before was wrong?"

"Of course." The old man nodded.

Zhong Ye took a light breath, and then sighed: "But you plan to make mistakes, and you will not repent?"

"Naturally." The old man raised his head and looked at Zhong Ye, "The Shangguan family has this right and ability, otherwise, you don't think we will bow our heads to you and admit our mistakes?"

As he spoke, he sneered: "Naive! Ridiculous!"

I see……

Zhong Ye slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and suddenly clenched the handle of the knife with his right hand.

"You said, the Shangguan family has this right and ability, right?"

Hearing this, an alarm sounded in the old man's heart, all the muscles in his body tensed up, his eyes suddenly widened, and he stared closely at every inch of Zhong Ye's body.

"Then I - I'll hit until you are willing to admit your mistake!"

As soon as the words fell, the strong wind suddenly picked up.

Seeing Zhong Ye's right hand and the long knife disappear instantly, the old man immediately pulled his gaze to his left, and saw a cold light blooming brightly in front of his eyes.

Kicking with footsteps, the body was quickly pulled backwards, and at the same time, the true energy in the body was stimulated, creating a barrier outside the body.

But there was a loud explosion in the air, and the old man's barrier outside his body was destroyed by the rushing wind.

The old man narrowly escaped the slash of the long knife, but the tip of his nose was cut by the wind of the knife.

But he didn't care, he stared at Zhong Ye as if he was facing a big enemy, raised his hands, flicked his fingers repeatedly, true energy gushed out from his fingertips, surrounded the air, turned it into a cannonball and shot at Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye pulled the long knife back, and the air in front of him was cut open, and the air bomb hit it, bursting loudly.

The old man's eyelids twitched, he never thought that Zhong Ye could control such violent power, and switch between fierceness and dexterity at will.

Surprised or surprised, the old man's movements did not stop, his feet stepped on the ground quickly, sending his body backwards, his ten fingers did not stop, and he continued to shoot air bombs.

The rigid long knife turned into a stream of water in Zhong Ye's hands, blocking every incoming air bullet with an incomparably supple posture.

The bursting air devastated the ground, and the slate bricks cracked one after another.

As the distance between the two was widened, some changes occurred in the air bullet fired from the old man's hand - the old man used the control of true energy, making the air bullet with a straight trajectory arc to circle around Zhong Ye's side, Hit his flank!
But at this moment, Zhong Ye stepped on the sole of his foot suddenly, and countless cracks opened on the ground, and the recoil surged upwards, pushing his body, and disappeared in place in an instant.

The air bullets with an arc-shaped trajectory bypassed Zhong Ye, and only a few bullets that went straight to the face were blocked by the aura he propped up.

In an instant, Zhong Ye's figure appeared in front of the old man, with the long knife in his hand cutting straight out.

The strength of his whole body burst out instantly, the old man gritted his teeth tightly, and poured all his strength into the ground, and the returning power surged up instantly, pushing his body up into the sky.


The long knife cut out, smoothly cut off a rockery, the rocks rolled down, and the mountain collapsed.

The old man turned his body in the air, trying to land on the top of a wall, but just as he turned around, he saw Zhong Ye's eyes bursting with light.

The old man made a decisive decision, and slammed his hands in front of his body to communicate the true energy in his body and form a protective shield outside his body.

At the next moment, spiritual energy turned into an invisible giant hammer and fell from the sky, smashing the old man to the ground.

The body fell with a crash, and even though the true qi had removed most of the strength for him, the counter-shock force still rushed to his heart, and the old man couldn't help coughing out a mouthful of blood.

Infuriating energy, psionic energy, in addition to superb martial arts, and somehow the 'breath' - no matter what kind, it can't be done if released alone, but these things are all gathered in the same body, that is the sky. Big trouble!

The air in front of him surged violently, and Zhong Ye charged forward silently. The old man stared at him, and immediately slapped out his palm.

The true energy burst the air, and the shock wave spewed out, slightly blocking Zhong Ye's footsteps, but what the old man needed was just a few tenths of a second!
Zhong Ye lowered his gaze and saw the talisman paper stuck in the palm of the old man.

Suddenly, lightning flashed, and a thunder erupted from the old man's palm, bombarding Zhong Ye's body.

Even though Zhong Ye's lightning resistance was not low, he suffered muscle spasms after being struck by lightning at such a close distance.

In the blink of an eye, the old man slapped again, knocking Zhong Ye's body flying.

He watched Zhong Ye fly upside down, and within two or three seconds, he turned over and landed, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

So the old man didn't even have time to take a few breaths, and ejected the air bomb again.

Like a storm of 'cannonballs' coming towards him, Zhong Ye took a deep breath and mobilized the stellar energy in his body to fill his body.

——He chose to pick it up hard!

 Thanks to book friend 20200306171807716 for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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