Soul echo

Chapter 699

Chapter 699
In order to bring home the excess harvest, farmers had to send their children to run home to inform the rest of the family to put down their work and help move the ears of wheat back.

Although it was hard work, at least there was no need to worry about a sudden heavy rain that would reduce the harvest, so everyone had smiles on their faces.

Zhong Ye asked the grandpa and grandson where their home was, and then he picked up the large stack of wheat ears that hadn't been processed, but simply tied them up, and carried them on his shoulders.

While carrying the wheat ears on one side, the other hand still had the strength to pick up the little girl. At the same time, she walked steadily, with almost no bumps, and no grains of wheat were thrown off.

After being picked up by Zhong Ye, the little girl leaned against Zhong Ye's body, opened and closed her eyes a few times, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Zhong Ye chatted with the old man who was walking beside him, and learned that the little girl's father was a soldier guarding the frontier, but unfortunately died in battle. After the pension came, the little girl's mother took the money and ran away without a trace.

Regarding this, Zhong Ye couldn't say anything, although he had some thoughts in his heart, but the thoughts were still vague, so he didn't say anything.

Putting the ears of wheat into the old man's yard, after being thanked repeatedly by the old man and his wife, Zhong Ye smiled, didn't want anything, just accepted a portion of cooking cakes and turned to leave.

While eating the pancakes, someone next to him greeted him enthusiastically, and even said he wanted to thank him, but he declined them one by one.

When Zhong Ye was about to leave the village, a child suddenly caught up and handed him a wooden stick.

The wooden bar was really long and straight, with only a little curvature at the top, and the hardness was not bad, Zhong Ye couldn't help but beam with joy after taking it.

There happened to be a forest on the way out of the village, looking at the leaves hanging over his head, Zhong Ye couldn't help throwing out the wooden sticks.


Seeing that a few leaves were broken, Zhong Ye clicked his tongue and smiled, and his steps became a little lighter.

Swish swish!
Waving the wooden stick with excellent hand feeling, Zhong Ye walked along the path, and soon he saw another street.

The line of sight crossed the top of the building and landed on the towering city wall in the distance. Moss was mottled between the city bricks, leaving traces of time.

When he got here, Zhong Ye could already hear the hustle and bustle of the city.

——The popularity is high, soaring to the sky!

With a pleasant smile on his face, Zhong Ye stepped into that street.

This street is much more prosperous than the settlement that Zhong Ye passed by before. If the settlement outside is the junction of urban and rural areas, then this can be regarded as the outskirts of the capital.

In addition to vendors, there are also some sugar figurine stalls, fortune-telling stalls and gaming stalls on the street, which are extremely lively.

Zhong Ye walked across the street with a stick of wood and bought a sugar painting with more than a dozen coins, which made people see that the money bag was bulging. When he walked into the crowd, someone fumbled for his money bag.

With a light flick of the wooden stick, a red mark was drawn out of the outstretched hand. Zhong Ye looked down at the right time, and met the astonished little thief. He saw the corner of his mouth tickle, and the thief was frightened. Had to run away.

As a result, Zhong Ye became interested, and while eating sugar paintings, he beat the thieves hiding in the crowd with wooden sticks.

His attack was unnoticed, even the thieves didn't notice, only felt a pain in the back of his hand or wrist, and hurriedly stopped.

Coincidentally, Zhong Ye's action of beating those thieves happened to be seen by a little boy. With a little "wow", he took the hand of a maid who was not a few years older than him, and caught up with Zhong Ye's. pace.

They happened to catch up with Zhong Ye at the junction of the street and the city gate. The crowd around him was no longer crowded, and the little boy was overjoyed and hurried over.

"I'll change it with you!"

Zhong Ye looked down and found that the little boy was holding a long life lock inlaid with jade and gold in his hand, pointing at the wooden stick in his hand.

"Master..." The maid who followed the little boy became anxious all of a sudden, how can such things be exchanged!

Seeing this, Zhong Ye smiled, "Okay! Change!"

He handed the wooden stick to the little boy's hand, took the longevity lock, and then reached out and rubbed the little boy's head.

The maid watched Zhong Ye hang the longevity lock on one side of the little boy's hair, and couldn't help opening her mouth slightly.

Zhong Ye pressed his raised index finger to his lips, blinked at the maid, and turned to leave.

The little boy didn't care so much, he waved the wooden stick excitedly, after a while, the excitement faded, and he felt the weight, stretched out his hand to grab the head, and grabbed the longevity lock.


At this time, Zhong Ye had already entered the city.

"Sister, how can I get to the west of the city?"

A woman was pulled over by Zhong Ye for questioning. Seeing his smile, she swallowed, "Go, go forward, turn left, walk all the way to Qingningfang, then go north for two streets, then turn left again, It's just to the west of the city..."

"Thank you, big sister!" Zhong Ye waved his hand with a smile, and walked away.

Zhong Ye walked along the route guided by the woman, and soon saw Qingningfang, which was a street.

So he turned to the north and walked two more streets. As a result, he had a lot of bamboo sticks in his hands and a little bit of sauce in his mouth.

After licking his lips with his tongue, Zhong Ye released the soul breath suppressed in his body.

After a while, the capital was shaken!
"Martial Dao Grandmaster? Land Immortal God?"

"what happened?"

"Is it evil? How could anyone dare to do such a thing in Shuntian Mansion!"

All the legends in Shuntian Mansion felt the soul breath released by Zhong Ye, and turned their eyes to look.

In the palace, the emperor also had a feeling.

He turned his head to look at the map behind him, was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

Throwing the bamboo stick into a trash can on the side of the street, and wiping off the grease stains on his mouth, Zhong Ye took Jin Shiyue out of his bracelet, and walked out of the city gate with his head held high.

That induction came and went quickly, and the direction where the breath finally disappeared was in the 'west of the city'!
Zhong Ye walked straight to Shangguan's manor, his steps were steady and quick, and he arrived in front of Shangguan's manor in just a quarter of an hour.

——That is not so much a 'manor', it is better to say a 'small town'.

Many chariots and horses that entered Shuntian Mansion did not enter the capital, but drove directly towards the manor of Shangguan's family.

Looking at the heavy traffic under the archway in front of him, Zhong Ye raised his head and saw the three big characters of 'Shangguanzhuang' pasted with gold foil printed on the archway.

He took a deep breath and walked into the archway.

"A guest is coming..."

The martial arts master who was sitting on the futon and reading the scriptures silently opened his eyes, which surprised the old servant sitting beside him.

"The visitor is not good!"

The old servant stood up solemnly, bowed to the martial arts master, and exited the room.

He walked to the door, woke up the nurse waiting outside, and asked the nurse to pass on the news.

The nursing home stared, and hurried out of the small courtyard, stepping on the flat stone steps to leave this quiet small courtyard built on the top of the mountain.

After a while, a bell rang in the buildings below the mountain.

At this time, Zhong Ye happened to pass through the manor, which was as prosperous as a small town, and arrived in front of the Shangguan's mansion.

He took a deep breath:

"Ying Tianfu Zhong Ye, come to pay a visit!!!"

The roar resounded through the mountains and forests, resounding against the clouds.

The sound echoed continuously, even drifting over the city wall and into the deep palace compound of the capital.

However, these voices have been transmitted so far, after all, they still attenuated a lot, and only the legend who is paying attention to this matter can hear it clearly.

They were silent, savoring the words silently.

"His Majesty……"

Seeing the emperor standing up from his chair and walking outside the imperial study, the old eunuch dozing off in the shadows opened his eyes and followed closely behind.

The emperor looked at the west and couldn't help but sneered: "Hey! The Shangguan family..."

"...Come and visit!!!"

"...Come and visit!!"

"...Come and visit!"

Everyone in Shangguan's house listened to the echo in a daze, and didn't react until the sound dissipated.

Then, a violent explosion was heard from the direction of the gate!

Zhong Ye kicked the gate and walked into the mansion, looking up.

"You dare to warn me thousands of miles away. Now that I'm here, what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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