Soul echo

Chapter 698

Chapter 698
There is not much difference in the straight-line distance between Bianliang to Shuntianfu and Jianli to Bianliang. For Zhong Ye, if he hurry up, it only takes one and a half days to get there.

Legends are already 'inhuman', and Zhong Ye is the most among them.

Even though he is a master of martial arts and has not mastered any martial arts and spells related to 'Narvement', if he really wants to cross the eastern land, it doesn't even take ten days. Naturally, it is no problem to go from Bianliang to Shuntian mansion .

Zhong Ye set off from Bianliang overnight and arrived at Shuntian Mansion on the morning of the third day.

However, he did not approach rashly, but stood on a distant mountain overlooking the big city.

In this era, Shuntian Mansion is the well-deserved 'world's number one'.

The majestic city wall twists and turns between the mountains, enclosing countless mountains and farmland into the city, and the connected buildings are large and small, scattered throughout the city wall.

Looking around, Qionglou Yuyu can be found everywhere, and Daojian Zen Pass is located in the mountains, where incense is curling up, as if it is prosperous.

Zhong Ye sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, and took out the talisman.

Before he could speak, the emperor asked back: [Have you arrived at Shuntian Mansion? 】

"It's on a mountain outside the city." Zhong Ye looked away from the talisman and looked at the majestic city in the distance, "Where is the Shangguan family you mentioned?"

[In the west of the city, their family has a big manor, which can almost be regarded as a 'city within a city', comparable to the Forbidden City... Heh, can you see it? 】

Zhong Ye looked far away, his sight was blocked by mountains and mountains, and he couldn't see clearly enough, but he still found the 'manor' mentioned by the emperor.

"It's really big..."

It is indeed the largest family in the world. Although the scale of the manor is much smaller than that of the Forbidden City, it also includes several mountains.

Zhong Ye has excellent eyesight, and he can see the buildings and walls among the mountains from here.

He looked around in that direction, and it was the manor he noticed now that had the largest area.

[The aristocratic families in Shuntian Mansion are one body in front of me, one is prosperous and the other is damaged. They probably regard you as my eagle dog, so they will target you so much—after all, you are me outside the court The only wedge that broke their blockade naturally became a thorn in their side. 】

[However, because of your strength, they have no way to attack, they can only attack the people around you. 】

Speaking of this, the emperor couldn't help laughing: [It's just that they didn't expect that it was precisely because of their actions that our fake show came true. 】

The emperor and Zhong Ye were just allies with common interests. The emperor wanted to deal with the aristocratic families in the court and among the people, but Zhong Ye hated evil, and the aristocratic families happened to be a group of evil people.

Zhong Ye's many problems were not worth mentioning in front of the emperor's power, and the emperor just needed a helping hand who could help him break the situation, so the two hit it off and became tacit allies.

They were originally allies, not the affiliation envisaged by the aristocratic family in Shuntian Prefecture.

If the aristocratic family hadn't thought about dealing with Zhong Ye, he wouldn't have come to Shuntian Mansion. After all, in Bianliang and Jingzhou, there are still many things that he needs to do, and he doesn't have that leisure time at all.

But the aristocratic family speculated about the relationship between Zhong Ye and the emperor, thinking that Zhong Ye's existence was a threat to them, so they chose to oppose Zhong Ye.

A combination of various factors led to the current situation.

【You came to Shuntian Mansion to frighten the aristocratic families in Shuntian Mansion, and you need to attract their attention. So, do you want me to help you build momentum? 】

"...No need." After pondering for a while, Zhong Ye shook his head, "There should be many legends in Shuntian Mansion, right?"

【This place is at the feet of the emperor. In order to flatter the emperor, all the officials naturally have to do superficial work. 】The emperor teased, 【Shuntian Mansion is the place with the highest degree of industrialization and electrification in the entire Dan world, and the standard of living is naturally high. 】

[I have to say that if you have money, you can live comfortably in Shuntian Mansion, and Legend is also a human being. There are the most diverse food and wines in the world. The means of entertainment are not comparable to ordinary cities, and even Yingtian Mansion cannot match it. , there will naturally be legends who choose to settle in Shuntian Mansion. 】

[But you ask this, what do you want to do? 】

Zhong Ye shook his head and stood up, "You will know later."

【Yo?Are you still selling it? 】The emperor chuckled, 【That's good!I will wait and see! 】

After hanging up the communication with the emperor, Zhong Ye hung the talisman on his belt, and took out the Supervising Censor Order, and hung it beside him, for fear that others would not recognize his identity.

Then go down the mountain, walk beside the long dragon-like convoy, and approach the city gate.

Zhong Ye was tall and imposing, so he easily attracted the attention of others.

One after another, people cast their eyes on Zhong Ye, and the young lady who was out of the city to play also stood in the distance and pointed at Zhong Ye.

But for some reason, they obviously liked this person's appearance and figure, but they didn't dare to get close to him. Whenever such a thought came up, their hearts would become tense, making them afraid to get close to him.

So, along the way, no one spoke to Zhong Ye.

The soldiers and gatekeepers guarding the city gate had already discovered Zhong Ye's existence, and the veterans kept the recruit behind him, and did not collect Zhong Ye's entry fee.

But Zhong Ye would not take advantage of this, he took out three Wen coins without looking sideways, put them on the table in front of the doorman, and walked into the Shuntian Mansion.

"Boss Zhang, why stop me?" the recruit asked suspiciously.

"You boy!" The veteran hated iron for being weak, and poked the recruit's forehead vigorously with his fingers, "I told you more than once, to serve as a soldier in Shuntian Mansion, you must have eyesight, if you don't have it, then practice—you know just now Who is that man? The censor’s token is tied around his waist, and he belongs to the Holy Majesty!"

"Ah?" The recruit was shocked, and turned to look at Zhong Ye's back.

After passing through the long doorway, the sun shines on his body again, Zhong Ye has stepped into Shuntian Mansion, but this place is not considered a 'capital' in the eyes of the locals.

What appeared in front of me was a cement slab road. There were constant pedestrians on the street, there were vegetable farmers carrying poles and selling along the street, and there were also horse-drawn carts coming and going.

Apart from inns, there are mostly butcher shops, food stores and tea stalls on both sides of the street.

This place is only the outskirts of Shuntian Mansion, because the price of goods in the capital is too high for many travelers to and from, so villages and towns similar to Zhong Ye's current settlement have appeared, specially used to receive business travelers traveling to and from Shuntian Mansion and other places.

Therefore, there are many inns, warehouses, restaurants and brothels here.

Cows, horses, donkeys, mules, these most common camels came into view one by one. In addition, Zhong Ye also saw uncommon camels such as chocobos, wildebeests, and hard-skinned pigs.

——There are no dinosaurs in the East, because today's dinosaurs in the world of Dan are the products of the resurrection of dinosaur genes extracted from amber by the ancient Westland mages, and there are no mages in the East to do such things, so naturally there are no dinosaurs.

Zhong Ye walked through the settlement with only a few streets, and walked into the fields.

The winding city walls enclose many lands within the city, including large tracts of farmland.

Under the breeze blowing, the golden wheat field has successive ups and downs of wheat waves like waves, which is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Zongjiao’s children ran across the fields with a paper windmill, and his little friends chased after him, laughing happily. The older children followed their elders to harvest wheat, straightened up from time to time, raised their heads for a rest, and looked at the children There was envy in his eyes.

Children can still rest, but adults don't have that space. They wear a hat to shade the sun, and hold a not-so-sharp sickle to cut straw.

Boys harvest wheat with their elders, and girls carry a basket behind them to pick up the fallen wheat grains and ears.

It's morning, the sun is not too strong, and the sky is clear and there are no rain clouds. How long will it be if there is no harvest at this time?

If there is no time to harvest, and there is a sudden rain, the production will be reduced by more than seven or eighth?

While walking and watching, Zhong Ye suddenly noticed a pair of grandparents, a thin grandfather and an equally thin granddaughter.

Zhong Ye walked over and raised his voice to ask, "Old man, do you need help?"

Hearing the voice, the old man opened his eyes and smiled, "I want it!"

But when he turned his head to look, he saw a 'giant'.

Even though the 'giant' smiled warmly and enthusiastically, but seeing his bright and beautiful face and bright clothes, the old man's smile faded away, and he shook his head hastily: "No, no, our grandparents and grandchildren are enough! "

"It's okay! Old man, you can tell by my figure that I am strong and strong!" Zhong Ye grinned and patted his arm, "Besides, your granddaughter is also a little tired. She is still so young. But it's not good!"

The old man was startled, and looked down at his granddaughter, and the little girl also looked up at him. Although he didn't say anything, how could he not see his granddaughter's exhaustion as a person who had experienced it?

The old man opened his mouth, muttered a few times, and then stammered, "Then, I will trouble you..."

Zhong Ye smiled again, walked into the field, looked at the wheat field ahead, and asked, "Old man, how big is your wheat field?"

"From here to there." The old man gestured carefully to Zhong Ye, fearing that he would cut other people's wheat and cause disputes.

Zhong Ye took a few glances, nodded, took the sickle from the little girl, put it aside, bent down and touched her little head, and stretched out a finger to the wheat field with a smile.

I saw a finger swipe in the void, and the straw broke.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand again, and the ears of wheat flew up out of thin air before they landed, and piled up to the side of the road.

The old man, the little girl, and the children running by the side of the road were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"God, god?!" The old man screamed.

To be able to harvest an entire wheat field at once, with such a tall figure, such a handsome appearance, and a kind heart, isn't this still a fairy?
Hearing this, Zhong Ye laughed twice, then shook his head and said, "I'm not some kind of god, I'm just a relatively powerful human being."

After speaking, he turned to the others and asked, "Is there anyone else who needs help? I still have some time, let's solve it together!"

As soon as they heard this sentence, the stunned farmers reacted immediately, and immediately raised their eyebrows with joy. They raised their hands and answered loudly, expressing that they also needed help.

(End of this chapter)

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