Soul echo

Chapter 701 Fighting (2)

Chapter 701 Fight ([-])
In a short while, 63 air bombs landed on Zhong Ye's body and exploded one after another.

But these air bombs did not explode at the same time, there is a sequence.

Suddenly, a long thorn condensed from the Gang Qi surrounding Zhong Ye's body, piercing an air bomb.

The air bomb exploded an inch away from him, and the resulting shock wave not only bombarded Zhong Ye's body, but also affected other air bombs.

The shock wave passed through the body through the conduction of the muscles, gushed out from behind, and blasted a piece of air again.

With the explosion of the air bomb, successive shock waves poured into Zhong Ye's body, but were guided one by one by him, and then spewed out behind him.

The air in front of and behind Zhong Ye was crackling and rumbling, and he was thus restrained in place.

The old man took a few deep breaths to recover the true energy in his body. Just as he was about to condense the true energy and continue firing air bombs, the shock wave around Zhong Ye was suddenly swept away by it.

Then he bent the fingers of his left hand, tapped the air in front of the old man, and the air turned into a sharp blade and flew to the old man in an instant, breaking through the zhenqi shield that the old man hastily opened.

Immediately, Zhong Ye stepped forward and charged!
The old man hurriedly recovered from the shock, shock, and unbelievable emotions, and pushed his palms forward, the raging true energy rushed out, like a flood in a long river, and slapped towards Zhong Ye.

The long knife swung out from bottom to top, chopping the wind and waves.

Zhong Ye used his ingenuity to break through the surge of true energy, then he paused his steps and turned his wrist, and saw that the tip of the knife raised to the top drew a circular arc, pulling the air, and chopping obliquely.

The old man backed away again, but his back hit the wall, his eyes fixed, and he suddenly reached out and struck the blade of the long knife.

When the fingertips touched the blade, they were shaken away by the qi surrounding the blade, but the effect of force was mutual. When the old man's fingertips were bounced off, the long blade also tilted slightly.

Just this slight angle of inclination gave the old man enough time to squat down and punch Zhong Ye in the stomach.


The long knife slashed into the wall, and stopped after traveling three or two inches. Zhong Ye took advantage of the opportunity to use the long knife inserted into the wall as a support, and suddenly swung his leg.

The old man's expression turned into astonishment, and he immediately turned a straight fist into a block, and at the same time, true energy burst out from his body, filling his whole body.

The white wall exploded with a bang, and countless dust gushed out like a spring, and then another figure suddenly broke through the dust and flew out backwards.

There is a forest behind the vestibule, and the body of the old man flying upside down collided with the tree and broke it directly.

After the five big trees fell, the old man stopped, prostrated himself on the ground, spitting blood.

But such a collision is not too heavy for a legend!

The old man quickly got up from the ground, his legs trembling slightly, he looked up at Zhong Ye who was coming from the crack in the wall.

Then, he saw a figure suddenly flashing behind Zhong Ye, his pupils dilated, "Don't!"

The muscles contracted, and the Gang Qi moved accordingly. The next moment, it bombarded the air, and the storm erupted instantly, hitting the attacker's face.

There was only a muffled sound, and even though the attacker used his true energy to resist, after his head was hit, his body still fell backwards involuntarily.

The sneak attacker was the innate martial artist who had talked with Zhong Ye before, and now he fell to the ground, life or death unknown.

The old man gritted his teeth, feeling a little scared in his heart.

He only used it a few times in front of Zhong Ye, and Zhong Ye actually learned his moves... What a terrifying ability to learn!

"I heard that your Shangguan family has nine innates, a martial arts master and a land immortal. You are a martial arts master. Where is the land immortal? What about the other innates?"

Zhong Ye looked at the old man coldly, and said: "I came to Shuntian Mansion this time to kill people. I don't think it's enough to have only one martial arts master and one innate words."

"Others..." The old man spat out a mouthful of blood and looked straight at Zhong Ye.

The Shangguan family is very powerful, so naturally it is impossible for all congenitals to stay at home with nothing to do, but most of those who become congenitals will be sent out by them.

Now there are only three Xiantian people staying at home, one of them has already fallen behind Zhong Ye, and the other two...

Suddenly a bomb crossed the wall and appeared in the old man's line of sight. After a moment of astonishment, he saw many bombs being thrown out and flying towards Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye didn't even look at it, and activated his psychic energy to strangle all the bombs in the air.


The bombs exploded one after another, and the shock wave pushed the flames to bloom. Under the cover of the sound of the explosion, the guard of Shangguan's house smashed the wall with a hammer, and the muzzles of more than a dozen machine guns protruded from the hole, pointing at Zhong Ye.


The big and round guards immediately roared and pulled the trigger.

The muzzle flame suddenly tore through the dust and mist created by the shattered walls, and the bullets poured down like rain!

The overlapping gunshots shook the air, and the bullets dragged wisps of hot air, running towards Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye had already sensed the arrival of those people. The reason why he stood still was because those things could not hurt him at all.

The hail of bullets instantly covered Zhong Ye's position, and the metal storm blew through the forest, directly interrupting many trees.

Zhong Ye remained motionless, and the spiritual energy formed a shield, covering it with Gang Qi, which became the inner layer of the shield. After breaking through these two shields, the bullets that fell on Zhong Ye's body were reduced by an unknown amount of kinetic energy. His skin cannot break through.

The bullet hit Zhong Ye's steel-like body, pouring out the remaining kinetic energy. However, those kinetic energy, guided by the stellar qi and muscle activity, passed through the cracks, rushed to the other side of the body, and poured into the void.

The bullet only tore Zhong Ye's clothes, but did not hurt him at all.

When all the machine guns stopped, people saw Zhong Ye standing where he was, unscathed.

Everyone's mouth was dry, and they couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"That's all?"

Zhong Ye retracted the long knife, took out two short sticks from the bracelet, and joined them together to form a long spear.

"I heard from His Majesty that your Shangguan family colluded with Abyss, is this true or false?"

Hearing this sentence, the old man's eyelids twitched.

"He is deceiving you and wants you to attack us!"

The Xiezhiling hanging on the belt suddenly roared, and Zhong Ye's eyes froze.

——Supervising the Censor Order!

The old man's expression twisted instantly, because the previous scene was so shocking, he even forgot that Zhong Ye was still a 'supervising censor', and he carried the Xiezhi Token with him.

Xiezhi Ling is a subset of "Xie Yuanlu", which can distinguish the truth from the false, but this "discrimination" is a mechanism based on whether the speaker thinks he has lied or not.

If he firmly believed that he was not lying, then even Xiezhi Ling would not be able to tell whether he was telling the truth or a lie.

That is to say-

"Everything you did before was to confirm whether we were in collusion with Abyss?!" The old man widened his eyes and yelled in shock.

No matter whether they pressed on but didn't kill them, or stood still and endured the baptism of the hail of bullets, it was all to shake his mind!

"I, Zhong Ye, always only seek a clear conscience when doing things!"

Zhong Ye took a step forward, but this step was extremely firm.

The next moment, his figure disappeared.

——Now that you know that you have colluded with Abyss, then even if you kill you, you won’t feel guilty!

The old man's face changed suddenly, and he kicked the broken wood lying on the ground, and the soles of his feet stepped on the ground, leaving the original place.

The tree flying forward was shattered by a gun head, and countless fragments were scattered. Zhong Ye's figure passed through it, and caught up with the old man in a moment.

If ordinary people held a three-meter-long spear, they would definitely not be able to use it in this woods, but Zhong Ye was able to wield it vigorously, constantly pushing the old man back.

The old man took continuous shots with his palm and narrowly dodged several times.

The long spears were stabbed with thorns and swept across, causing chaos in the forest, countless leaves were flying, and the trunks were broken.


The old man could only retreat again and again, without any power to fight back.

Even if he is both a martial arts master, he is no match for Zhong Ye in terms of strength, agility, or skill.

However, this is the 'Shangguan's House', his home field!
Zhong Ye was brought deep into the woods by the old man, but he saw the old man suddenly turn around and kick the trees beside him, causing the ground to tremble.

The extraordinary factor surged wildly, and the earth bulged up, turning into several stone giants, breaking through the ground!

The moment the stone giants appeared, they swung their fists and hit Zhong Ye.

 Thank you Bailu Feishuang for giving Zhong Ye 233 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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