Soul echo

Chapter 611 Players

Chapter 611 Players
Queshan, this is a county under the rule of Runing Mansion, the city is not big, the population is not large, there are no precious medicinal herbs growing around, and no mineral veins have been excavated for the time being, it is an ordinary small county in Huangguo.

However, this is only for the people in the world of Dan. For the players in the East, from now on, they will regard Queshan as their 'main city'.

As for why this is so, it is because after entering the game, a player entered an academy by accident, and obtained the qualification for the provincial examination in the academy examination. Then, last autumn, Huangguo was about to hold the provincial examination. After passing the provincial examination, he became a 'Yayuan'.

This spring, that player went to Beijing to rush for the exam, successfully passed Chunwei, and became Tanhualang.

Then because the emperor saw his strategy and theory, he became a little interested in him. It happened that the county magistrate of Queshan died unfortunately, so the emperor let him take office directly and became the county magistrate of Queshan County.

Not everyone likes to follow the crowd. The rise of this player has allowed other players to see another way to play "Echo of Soul" - even in the Dan world, a world with extraordinary power, they don't necessarily need to have strong force .

Playing games is to experience a different kind of life, a life that you have not experienced and cannot experience.

That being the case, why do they have to experience extraordinary power?

Although the core gameplay of "Echo of Soul" is still adventure and fighting, not everyone likes adventure and fighting. Compared with these things, they prefer to do other things.

When Zhong Ye and the others entered Queshan, although they had expected it, they were still surprised by the number of players in this county.

Looking around, on the entire street, at least five out of ten people are players, which they can still identify.

It's summer now, and it hasn't been long since the county magistrate of Queshan took office, but there are already so many players on the street, and no one knows how many players will come here in the future.

After the current Queshan County Magistrate came to Queshan, the biggest change in the county was that there were more people and knights coming and going. At the same time, private schools grew like weeds.

Not to mention that there are many private schools, the most important thing is that those private schools do not need to pay much tuition fees, and there are not so many rules. Even a farmer with a slightly better family can send his own children to study.

The original private school teacher in Queshan County said it was "disgraceful to the style" at the beginning, but now a month has passed, and he no longer dares to say such words.

Most of the children on the street can read and write, and can add and subtract within ten, and even better, they have learned the nine-nine multiplication table.

If things go on like this, within a year, the county magistrate of Queshan will be rewarded with the award of "well-educated".

Facing the arrival of many players, a factory was also built around Queshan, which was nothing but a steel factory.

Because the players found that no matter what they wanted to do, steel was an unavoidable hurdle. Therefore, in just one month, they completed a series of tasks such as excavating ore veins, building blast furnaces, and building factories, and The recruitment of workers has been completed, and now they only need to wait for the training of the new batch of employees to be completed before they can make steel.

For many Dongtu players, farming is something that makes them feel supremely happy, especially seeing a place prosper due to their efforts can give them a strong sense of accomplishment.

"I'm coming……"

"Zhong Ye..."


'Whispering' came from all directions, which made Zhong Ye feel quite a headache.

The players thought they were discussing in a low voice, but the voice was still very clear to Zhong Ye.

— Not to mention now, even when he was on Earth before, he could hear the voices of other people talking half a street away, but at that time he couldn't accurately distinguish the meaning of every sentence and every word.

Now, the voices three streets away are blurred because the brain can't handle it.

Haven't these players watched Lilian's live broadcast in the past?Otherwise, they should all know about it.

After listening quietly for a while, Zhong Ye realized that those players would add some information about the earth and the game when communicating.

The aborigines cannot hear information related to the earth, so as long as a few related words are added to the discussion, the system will help them block the perception of the aborigines, so that the aborigines cannot know what they are talking about.

No wonder they were not afraid, it turned out that they used encrypted calls.

At this moment, Lilian raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhong Ye, who also turned his head and gave her a wink.

Lilian immediately pursed her lips and looked at the crowd in front of her.


With a scream, a figure smashed the door and flew out of the restaurant.

The passers-by in front of the restaurant scattered away, and then stood not far away, looking in the direction of the restaurant.

Immediately afterwards, like a classical martial arts movie, another person jumped out from the door, and the person who flew upside down before also jumped up, and the two started fighting again.

After fighting for a while, suddenly a ball of red cloth flew out of the restaurant. The two of them paused, caught the red cloth, turned around and jumped at the same time, jumped onto the front eaves of the restaurant to unfold and hang up the red cloth.

Afterwards, the two clasped their fists and bowed at the same time, and said in unison: "Tongfu Restaurant is open for a big bargain today. Buy a dish of meat and get a glass of fine wine for free. Buy a table of meals and get a jar of fine wine for free. You can dine-in or take away. Full half slam, and there are exquisite gifts to give away, such a discount is rare, folks, neighbors, don’t miss it when you pass by!"

The people around the restaurant were all taken aback for a moment, and then they all applauded!

Some businessmen from other places were even more impressed, thinking about how to apply this trick to their own or their employer's business.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Ye and Lilian looked at each other.

Undoubtedly, this must have been thought up by the players. It can be seen from the martial arts design that there are many elements of performing martial arts. Although the fight seems fierce, neither of them was injured. The two should still be from the acting department.

[When they were fighting just now, I designed some moves. 】

Zhong Ye and the others also followed the crowd into the restaurant. After sitting down, Lilian heard his voice ringing in her ears.

She glanced at Zhong Ye in surprise, Lilian did not expect Zhong Ye to be able to design moves for the art academy's performance at such a young age.

But after thinking about it, Zhong Ye had already made his mark in the martial arts world back then, so it's not surprising that he could do this kind of thing.

Dai Lila sat on the side, watching Zhong Ye and Lilian's "eye-catching", as if they were communicating with each other with their eyes, and immediately felt a little curious.

Is there any dark secret between the two of them?Not only this time, when she traveled with them before, she saw similar scenes more than once.

They obviously seemed to be discussing something, but they didn't hear anything. When they looked closely, they found that they didn't even speak, but just communicated with their eyes.

When I was on the ship, this kind of thing didn't happen much, but after arriving in Dongtu, similar things happened frequently... What caused this to happen?
Delilah recalled it carefully, and found that there was nothing weird about it.

With her power of observation, there shouldn't be any mistakes or omissions...

Could it be that this is a little secret between Zhong Ye and Lilian?

But it's not right, if this is the case, I should have realized it a long time ago. Lilian treats Zhong Ye just like her father, she is dependent and nostalgic, but she doesn't have the feeling of a lover, Zhong Ye is even more It's just to the point of being stubborn, if there is something, he will definitely explain it directly, and will not cover it up.

So, is there something she can't realize?
Thinking of this, Delilah felt her heartbeat start to speed up, and her face started to feel hot.

"... Delilah?"


Hearing Zhong Ye's call, Dai Lila raised her head, pursed her lips and smiled.

Zhong Ye raised the menu in his hand, "What do you want to eat?"

"Me?" Dai Lila narrowed her eyes with a smile, her eyes fixed on Zhong Ye, "I can do it."

She never cared about this kind of thing, only cared about - 'unknown'.

(End of this chapter)

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