Soul echo

Chapter 612 Players

Chapter 612 Players
Continuing to travel south, Zhong Ye and the others encountered a caravan on the way.

Zhong Ye and Lilian could tell at a glance that this caravan was led by players.

Although there are troops stationed along the national road in Huang Kingdom, sometimes monsters will suddenly appear on the national road, and the army has no time to clean them up.

Sometimes, caravans will also take a detour, so most caravans will hire bodyguards to protect the caravan, and the caravan that Zhong Ye and the others encountered is the same.

This caravan does not seem to be the business of a single merchant. The ten donkey carts are loaded with various goods.

There are many players in the caravan, but there is only one player dressed as a businessman. Although she is geared towards young people, the other businessmen in the caravan admire her very much.

——Yes, this is still a female player.

In this era, whether it is the East or the West, most of the attitudes towards women are contemptuous and discriminatory, but they will also sincerely admire women who are truly capable.

Except for the female player, the other players are bodyguards, responsible for protecting the caravan from robbers and monsters.

Seeing Zhong Ye and the others, the female player's eyes lit up, she squinted her eyes, and asked with a smile: "The three of you are going to Jingzhou Mansion? We are also going along the way, why don't we go all the way?"

Zhong Ye glanced at her, then turned around and asked Lilian and the others for their opinion.

Delilah has always been indifferent, Lilian thought about it, and nodded.

Although the other businessmen in the caravan had doubts, it seemed that the female player was quite prestigious among them. Even if she asked outsiders to go with the caravan, they did not make any objection.

Zhong Ye and the others' next destination was indeed Jingzhou, and they would not confirm their next destination until they arrived in Jingzhou.

The female player smiled, and whipped her whip into the air beside the donkey, making a bang.

The convoy continued on. According to past experience, they still have a long way to go to Jingzhou, and it will take about three or four days to arrive.

The female player sat on the donkey cart, looked up at Zhong Ye, and asked with a smile, "Young hero, what's your name?"

As she said that, she patted her head again, pretending to be surprised, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! Hehe, my name is Liu Yiyi, just call me Yiyi!"

Zhong Ye quickly glanced over the faces of other businessmen, and found that they were not surprised by this, which meant that Liu Yiyi usually looked like this.

"Under Zhong Ye."

He reported his name to the female player who knew the reason, and then Zhong Ye introduced Lilian and Delilah to them.

"So you are from the Westland..."

Liu Yiyi looked at Zhong Ye and the others in 'surprise', as if he could see flowers from them.

Hearing her voice, the other businessmen couldn't help but look at Zhong Ye and the others a few more times.

Many people in Dongtu have heard that there are many places and countries in this world besides the Huang Kingdom, among which the West Land is the most famous.

It is rumored that hundreds of years ago they could go to the West Land through the Western Regions, but now the land route has been cut off, and they can only go by sea, and every trip is very dangerous.

Although they can always hear about 'Western land people', there are very few opportunities to actually meet them.

Even though Zhong Ye is not from the Westland, he has also been to the Westland and came back, which is even more strange.

Liu Yiyi invited Zhong Ye to sit in the cart, but Zhong Ye refused. An ordinary horse couldn't bear his current weight, let alone the donkey pulling the cart already had to bear the weight of the cart and its cargo.

What's more, his walking speed is not slow now.

Several bodyguards in the caravan looked at Zhong Ye with strange eyes, which seemed a bit strange, but Zhong Ye knew that they were all players, and the reason why they acted like this was just thinking about how to greet him. ——Actually, they are discussing this matter now.

It's a pity that until the evening, when the caravan stopped to rest, they couldn't find a suitable opportunity to talk to Zhong Ye.

After dinner, Liu Yiyi went online again. After logging online, he saw Zhong Ye looking up at the sky, and then turned to look at her.

"Master Liu, I encountered something before I returned to the East from the West."

Hearing Zhong Ye's words, Liu Yiyi was taken aback for a moment.

She didn't pay much attention to Lilian's live broadcast, but she knew that there was Lilian and Zhong Ye, and she watched some recordings and clips when she was bored, but that was all.

She really didn't know what happened to Zhong Ye and the others in Westland.

"What's the matter?" Liu Yiyi asked.

Zhong Ye said seriously: "It's obviously not a dark night, but there are undead resurrected and attacking humans."

He was not referring to the events at Chartres, but to what had happened to him and Lillian on the way to Bergen.

The moon in Dan's world has long been polluted by magic power, so the undead were born in this world.

In fact, as early as when Zhong Ye and the others were attacked by undead in Chartres, the moon had been further polluted by magic power. Otherwise, those undead would not have awakened on a non-moon-dark night.

But that was mainly because those corpses were buried under the altar, and the Yin Qi was too heavy, which caused the undead to wake up early.

However, the resurrection of the undead encountered by Zhong Ye and the others on the way to Bergen was a real accident.

That time was just an accident, but if nothing goes wrong, then this 'accident' will be transformed into the norm.

Why did Zhong Ye mention this matter at this time?

A flash of spiritual light penetrated Liu Yiyi's brain, causing her to jump up from the ground immediately.

"Get up! Get up!"

Liu Yiyi yelled at the escort and caravan members: "The undead are coming!"

She remembered that one of Zhong Ye's settings was 'Super Perception', and when Zhong Ye suddenly mentioned this matter, it must be because he had already noticed something that he would remind her.

People got up from the ground in panic, and took out their weapons from the car, and Liu Yiyi also ordered the caravan servants to bring the donkey over, keeping the car outside and forming a fence.

Even with Zhong Ye by her side, she did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Zhong Ye is an important character in the plot, and the things that come out of his mouth are to some extent equivalent to the golden rule. It has been so long since the last version update, and the next version update should be coming soon.

According to what Zhong Ye said just now, the next version will almost double the number of undead, and there is a probability that they will be attacked by undead when they are in the wild, but this probability may not be fixed, everything depends on fate.

This kind of thing is really hurtful for her as a businessman. After all, they have no way of guaranteeing when they will reach the next village and county when they are in the wild. What if they are attacked by undead in the wild?

Therefore, Liu Yiyi took it as a rehearsal. Anyway, with Zhong Ye watching, it was impossible for them to suffer any harm. On the contrary, they could check for omissions and make up for vacancies.

After finishing these things, before the undead came, Liu Yiyi sent this message to the group chat of the 'Da Jin Tuan'.

"Echo of Soul" is difficult to obtain money directly from monsters, and the production team has not opened an official exchange between game currency and real money so far. Players who want to exchange real money for game resources can only go through people like Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi's current job is to do business in "Echo of Souls" to make money, and then sell the money in the game to local tyrants in reality.

She has formed a "golden group" with people who do the same job as her and have a good relationship. They usually unify the exchange rate and exchange information in the group. The incident she encountered now may not only happen to her, but may be the whole The East has been affected.

Some of the friends in the gold-making group should also be in the wild, but they didn't have Zhong Ye's reminder, and they might be caught off guard. If that was the case, they would suffer heavy casualties.

The moonlight was bright and clear tonight, and there was an inexplicably faint stench in the air, and the space in front of me seemed to be coated with a hint of red, but if you look closely, you can find that nothing has changed, everything is an illusion.


People stared nervously at the surroundings, and they didn't know how long they waited. When they were about to be irritable and cursed, the sound of grass blades being touched came from around them.

After hearing this voice, people's first reaction was nothing but surprise - they turned their heads to look at Zhong Ye in surprise, as if they had seen a ghost.

Where is this sacred, able to detect movement so far away?

(End of this chapter)

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