Soul echo

Chapter 610 Players

Chapter 610 Players
'Phantom', this company was led by Isis Pharmaceutical Group and Jiangcheng Unreal Technology Co., Ltd. They are the two largest shareholders of this company, holding 19.00% and 20.00% of the shares respectively.

In addition to these two companies, other companies also invested in technology or capital, and took away 40.00% of the shares, while the remaining shares were held by some retail investors.

This is what Qi Jingshu investigated on the surface, and these things can be found directly from the Internet.

However, she not only investigated on the surface, but also hired several hackers for money.

Qi Jingshu got a lot of information from those hackers, but most of it was of little use to her.

However, there is still a small amount of information that helps her investigation.

There was one piece of information that surprised Qi Jingshu—Phantom Company seemed to have close ties with the military of more than one country.

Because of this news, Qi Jingshu had more doubts and doubts about Mirage Company.

Isis Medicine and Jiangcheng Unreal itself are indeed connected with the military, but they should not have that much energy.

In other words, Phantom Company has established contact with the military of various countries by virtue of its own ability.

During the investigation, Qi Jingshu also discovered that the scale of Phantom Company is much larger than she imagined. It not only has branches all over the world, but also involves other industries besides game entertainment, such as artificial intelligence, electronics, etc. Peripherals and ancient architectural design.

Logically speaking, Phantom Company has not been established for a few years, so the company should not be that large, nor should it be involved in so many industries.

There's a lot of weirdness in it, but why hasn't anyone noticed?
Suddenly, Qi Jingshu felt extremely absurd.

A few sheets of paper and a notebook were spread out on the table in front of Qi Jingshu, because she was secretly investigating the background of the Phantom Company, so she didn't dare to put those things on the cloud or on her own smart device.

That way, once the Illusions figured out something, just hacking into her cloud storage or smart device would provide evidence that she was investigating them.

That's why Qi Jingshu uses paper as the information carrier to avoid remote intrusion.

Although she didn't find many things now, but if they were sorted out, she could still get a lot of useful information from them.

The more she investigated, the more surprised and shocked she became.

What exactly does the phantom company represent? If they really have so much power, why can I find so much?

Countless questions popped up in her mind, Qi Jingshu could only bite her nails, looking at the papers in front of her in distress.

What on earth is Phantom trying to do?
After thinking for a while, her eyes kept scanning the paper and the open notebook, countless thoughts were running in her mind, and suddenly, Qi Jingshu had a flash of inspiration.

—What if Illusion hadn't intended to hide this information in the first place?
The Illusion Company has only mastered a "Echo of Soul" that is like a real different world, and other artificial intelligence, electronic peripherals, and ancient architectural designs are all extended from "Echo of Soul".

So is there a possibility that there is indeed a 'Dan world', and it has been observed by the earth?
Maybe it's not something unconventional like 'another world', but an alien planet.

Otherwise, why did the earth suddenly form the earth confederation more than 30 years ago?Why is Phantom Company able to build relationships with the militaries of so many countries?

But if this is the case, what does these things have to do with Zhong Ye?
The head that had just become clearer fell into confusion again. Qi Jingshu sat at the table, quietly looking at the information on the table.

This information is not enough, she still needs to investigate more things.

Now that she is in China, she cannot use many means, but fortunately, she will go on a business trip to the Confederate States of America next month, and when she gets there, she can contact hackers to help her investigate the local Phantom Company branch.

For now, let's temporarily suspend the investigation...


The medical officers sent from Shuntian Mansion have determined the treatment plan for Qing Lai's 'terminal patients', which is to kill the parasitic monster's activity, but keep the parasitic monster in their bodies.

Parasitic monsters completely replace the livers of terminally ill patients, who would die if they were lost.

In fact, not only terminal patients, but even most officials in Bianliang have to use this therapy, because the parasitic monsters in their bodies have begun to absorb nutrients from their bodies, which means that the parasitic monsters have grown to a certain extent.

The parasitic monster occupied most of their livers, and the medical officer had no way to remove it. The consequence of forcibly removing it was to kill them as well.

Therefore, it can also be said that Qinglai and the others incidentally, if the Bianliang officials' illnesses had not developed to an advanced stage, the women in Changuang Pavilion might not have received such treatment.

After all, in this era, human life is worthless.

The treatment took a long time, because when inactivating, the medical officer had to ensure that the bodies of those parasitic monsters could be used as livers, and ensure that the parasitic monsters would not continue to reproduce.

If nothing else happened, the people in Changuang Pavilion would receive treatment as soon as possible, because medical officials could not use half-baked treatment methods on Bianliang officials and children of aristocratic families.

I don't know if it's a blessing in disguise, Zhong Ye just finds it extremely ironic.

After helping to inactivate the parasitic monsters in the body of Changuang Pavilion, Zhong Ye left Bianliang.

Logically speaking, now Bianliang is closed and only allowed to enter but not to exit, but Zhong Ye can guarantee that he will not bring any plague out of the city. When the medical officer reports to the imperial court and obtains the emperor's permission, Zhong Ye will take Lilian and the others with him. start again.

The school project has not yet started, and Bianliang does not need him for the time being, so Zhong Ye chose to return the blue bird to the hometown of the craftsman first.

Before Ma Ming confined the parasitic plague to Bianliang, the surrounding villages and towns were not affected. Zhong Ye and the others walked to a small town near Bianliang, where they bought two horses before continuing on the road.

When Zhong Ye pointed the blue bird to the south-west direction, the light emitted by the straight knife was the brightest. According to the map of Earth Huaxia that Lilian queried, south-by-west should be the south and north of Dongting Lake. It is not allowed to pass the Yangtze River.

One day, when Zhong Ye and the others passed through a county town, they happened to encounter a beheading incident.

"Isn't it summer now?" Lilian looked at Zhong Ye doubtfully.

Zhong Ye glanced at the sun hanging high in the sky, "It's almost midsummer!"

"Then how can they beheaded?" Lilian pointed to the fork in the street.

At the fork in the street, a prisoner in prison uniform was pressed down by two yamen servants and knelt on the ground. The executioner stood aside, wiping his shiny knife with a rag.

People around are talking about it, but most of them are resentful.

Of course, their resentment was not directed at the prisoner, but at the county government and the county magistrate.

The two yamen servants who pressed the prisoner were so scolded by the neighbors that they couldn't lift their heads, and the executioner remained silent, and the clerk who read out the copy had already soaked the judgment in his hand with sweat.

Swallowing, the clerk looked up at the sky, clenched his teeth as if resigned to his fate, and shouted: "The time has come—!
"The prisoner Zhang Jian, on March [-]th in the third year of Jianye, in broad daylight, first killed Li Zishan, the second son of Li Mu and Li Yuanwai's family, and then broke into Li Yuanwai's home, killing Li Mu, Li Qilin and others. People should be punished for their crimes, and with His Majesty's special approval, the death penalty will be executed immediately!"

As soon as the words fell, rotten eggs and stones were thrown around, and countless curses spewed from the mouths of the people.

The clerk covered his head with his hand, but his body was soon covered with filth, his robe and skin were cut by sharp stones, and he became extremely embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, the two yamen servants lowered their heads even lower, and their hands relaxed a little.

Instead, they now hope that the prisoner can escape from their hands instead of being crushed and beheaded by them.

However, the prisoners who were suppressed by them did not understand their intentions at all. Instead, they looked up to the sky and laughed: "Then Li Yuanwai's family is bullying men and women. If you don't care about their rampage, someone will take care of it! I, Zhang Jian, spit and nail Well, it's only right and proper to kill people to pay for their lives. I killed their whole family, and now it's okay to use my life to pay for it!

"Brothers, I know that you are all forced to do so. Folks, please don't blame these brothers, they don't want to do that!"

As he said that, Zhang Jian raised his head and smiled at the executioner, "Come on! I, Zhang Jian, will still be a good man after 18 years!"

Hearing Zhang Jian's words, the people around slowly stopped attacking and cursing, and couldn't help but shed tears. Even the two yamen servants and civil servants blushed with shame.

The executioner looked at them, waved them back, and then took the death card on Zhang Jian's back, and sighed helplessly: "Brother, go well."

While speaking, the hand raised the knife and dropped it, and the head fell to the ground.

The surrounding people couldn't bear it any longer and burst into tears.

Lilian, who was standing behind the crowd, had a strange expression on her face, because the 'prisoner' whose head had just been beheaded was sending barrage in her live broadcast room.

——【Oh, I've wanted to say that sentence for a long time!If it weren't for saying this sentence, I would have deleted my account during those days when I was imprisoned in the cell!Brothers, am I handsome? 】

——That's a player!

(End of this chapter)

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