Soul echo

Chapter 564 Small talk

Chapter 564 Small talk
Between ordinary sea creatures and monsters of the level of sea monsters, there are other relatively large sea creatures.

After all, ordinary marine life is only tens of meters long, but the standard for sea monsters considered by the Dongtu people is at least 200 meters. It is impossible for ordinary marine life to grow to more than 200 meters long no matter what.

Below the level of 'sea monster', there are many larger marine creatures. They usually survive on the 'small fish and shrimp' leaked from the gaps between the teeth of the sea monster, but this does not mean that they are not aggressive and their numbers are low. not much.

On the contrary, because of the large number, the fighting between them is more frequent and tragic.

The battle between sea monsters may not necessarily kill each other, because they are too large, even if they lose part of their bodies, there is no problem.

Just like the skull whale, there are three brains, five hearts, and a large number of nerve nodes in the whole body. Even if you are injured and lose part of your body, as long as you can get a good rest and energy supplement, you will be able to recover in a few years. Fully recovered.

However, those larger marine creatures are different. Their vitality is not as good as that of sea monsters. As long as they lose part of their bodies and organs, they will die soon.

To deal with these sea creatures, Zhong Ye didn't even need to take action. The alchemists and lethal weapons of the fleet combined with the killer whale group could easily kill these monsters.

After killing the bone whale, the fleet loaded a lot of things that were removed from the bone whale. Many large marine creatures smelled the smell and chased after it.

Therefore, even though Zhong Ye and the others had already left that sea area and approached the Novosibirian Islands, there were still many large marine creatures chasing them and harassing their fleet continuously.

Because of this, the group of killer whales have eaten more than a dozen times these days, and they are almost getting fat.

"The Luo Wilderness Islands are ahead."

Wearing a fox fur, Zhang Qian looked at the front of the fleet and let out a breath of white air.

"After passing there, the Juelu Strait is not far away."

Zhong Ye made a switch in his mind before realizing that the "Luo Wilderness Islands" should refer to the New Siberian Islands, and the "Extreme Land Strait" refers to the Bering Strait on Earth.

The strait that cuts off the land link between Asia and America?It's quite appropriate.

After crossing the strait, it is not far from Dongtu.

The Juelu Strait is also a symbol of the division of the sea area by the fleet.

If the sea area from the north of the Juelu Strait to the West Land is the territory of sea monsters and undead, then the south of the Juelu Strait is the territory of the abyss.

The Lord of War didn't spend much time in the Western Continent. Although the Western Continent is chaotic, under the pressure of the gods, large-scale wars rarely occur. Whenever there are large-scale wars, there must be factors from the abyss involved.

Such as territorial conflicts between nobles, this kind of 'war' that usually only involves hundreds or even dozens of people is just a small fight, and few people will die.

The power of Xilu is not strong. If the Lord of War turned his target to Xilu, perhaps Xilu would have been destroyed long ago.

However, both the war lord himself and his legion enjoy blood and war, and they are more interested in the eastern land than in the western land.

The bloody tribe fought with the Elven Kingdom and the Eastern Land at the same time, and fought intermittently for hundreds of years. Not only did they fail to defeat these two countries, but even driven by the war, these two countries are rapidly becoming stronger.

The believers of the Lord of War occupy a large area of ​​land from the lowlands along the Caspian Sea to the Korean Peninsula, and now they have extended their tentacles to the four islands of Japan.

The bloody tribe only has a small amount of artillery and muskets lost from the east. They do not have the ability to manufacture these weapons themselves, and their maritime armed forces naturally only rely on gang-hopping tactics for naval battles.

Even so, their strength is still quite strong!

After listening to Zhang Qian's description, Zhong Ye realized something terrible after thinking about it for a while.

"They don't have spells?"

"Spell?" Zhang Qian sneered and shook his head, "Those believers of Khorne would never use such 'weak' things, they would only enjoy fighting, and enjoy the touch of swords colliding with flesh and blood."

Without using spells, simply using gang-jumping tactics can cause damage to fleets with alchemists and various lethal weapons. How terrible is the bloody tribe?
Zhong Ye frowned slightly, but soon relaxed it again.

Regardless of whether the enemy is strong or not, they will eventually fight. He is not a commander, so he doesn't need to worry about so many things.

Almost every year, the fleet that can go back and forth must have been familiar with the tactics of the bloody tribe's maritime armed forces, and with him in charge, what else do you need to worry about?
Looking into the distance, Zhong Ye suddenly asked: "Won't the sea armed forces of the bloody tribe cross the Juelu Strait?"

Zhang Qian shook his head and explained: "The elves also have a navy, and the elves have a deep hatred for the bloody tribe! As long as the bloody tribe appears in the sea area around the elf kingdom, they will attack immediately.

"However, out of respect for the spirit of all things, elves will not cut down giant trees with a long lifespan. Therefore, they do not have ships that can sail across the sea, and their naval power is not strong-but they are used to fight blood. Tribes are enough."

The elves' ships can only sail in the coastal waters, so the naval power is not strong. Even so, it is not a problem to deal with the bloody tribe's sea armed forces.

Compared with the elves, Dongtu's navy is extremely powerful, and it is more fierce to deal with the bloody tribe.

Especially after Dongtu invented the artillery that can be installed on the ship, they even led teams to the vicinity of the Korean peninsula from time to time to bomb the members of the bloody tribe on the shore, and waited until the remaining bloody tribes were sailed out to sea, and then sent those guys one by one. Chopped.

If Zhong Ye is not counted, the overall strength of their fleet is not very strong. Once they are bitten by a bloody tribe's maritime armed forces and besieged by other thieves, they may suffer extremely heavy losses.

After all, the killer whales would not follow them across the Juelu Strait, they would only live in the ice sea.

After losing this important boost, the strength of the fleet will naturally be reduced a lot.

"When we pass through Luo Wilderness Islands, it's time for our fleet to send a message to Dongtu."

Zhang Qian said: "After receiving the news, the government will dispatch a navy to meet us. If it is in time, it can even rush to the vicinity of the strait before we touch the bloody tribe's fleet. At that time, ambush there The bloody tribe will suffer."

Since it is known that a fleet will pass through the strait, the bloody tribe will definitely lay an ambush.

Zhong Ye didn't ask why he only sent a message to Dongtu when he came here, because there was a high probability that it was a technical problem.

"It has been like this for hundreds of years, so has the entire fleet been wiped out by the bloody tribe?" Zhong Ye asked curiously.

But Zhang Qian grinned, "Of course there is, how could it not? If not, how could we divide that sea area? Until more than 100 years ago, the bloody tribes had a navy, but they were wiped out by us later. Since then, the fleet has never been completely wiped out by the bloody tribe."

These few words sound easy, but they are actually murderous. People can't help but imagine what kind of determination Dongtu had more than 100 years ago in order to wipe out all the bloody tribe's navy and make the bloody tribe even today. , failed to reorganize the navy.

Zhong Ye nodded thoughtfully, and roughly figured out Dongtu's maritime strength.

Seeing Zhong Ye's thoughtful expression, Zhang Qian smiled and patted him on the arm, "So you don't need to worry so much, brother. The bloody tribe is extremely scary on land, but now, they have no strength at sea!"

"Then I'm relieved." Zhong Ye smiled slightly, and turned his gaze into the distance again.

Having said that, he was still a little uneasy.

Suddenly, Zhong Ye thought that there was a person beside him who could "predict the future to a limited extent".

— Why don't you ask Delilah?

(End of this chapter)

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