Soul echo

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

Some sailors noticed that the group of killer whales guarding the fleet gradually calmed down, no longer screaming in panic or panic.

Noticing this, the sailors realized that the battle might be over.

And just as half of their guess, the chaotic water flow finally failed to form a vortex, and it slowly calmed down, gradually spreading with the blood rushing to the surface of the water.

The blood stained the surface of the sea red, and the sailors couldn't help feeling a little frightened when they saw the large area of ​​red sea water.

They have seen that huge killer whale before. If the killer whale is used as a standard and other sea monsters are of the same size, if their fleet encounters that kind of monster, at least half of the ships will sink. I can't guarantee that I will survive.

About 10 to [-] minutes after the waves gradually subsided, a black figure slowly floated up.

The watchman, who was watching the movement in the distance with a telescope, called out, causing many people to turn their attention to the front.

Then, they saw a gnawed wreck breaking through the water and floating up.

The sailors couldn't help but widen their eyes, and suddenly heard the cheers of the killer whales—although they were screaming, there was no anger in their voices, and all the sailors could tell that they were shouting happily.

Led by a certain killer whale, the killer whales swam towards the wreckage.

And farther away, the huge killer whale that pushed the bone whale carcass out of the water also broke through the sea, and uttered a long and distant cry to the sky.

In the battle with another sea monster, it completely killed another sea monster. Now, it is declaring its victory.

Even though it was covered in bruises, this victory still belonged to it.

At the same time, countless cheers erupted from the entire fleet, and the watchman even waved his arms vigorously at the other sailors, shouting: "Master Zhong is still alive! He is standing on the back of that corpse!"

Upon hearing the news, the fleet put down several small boats, and dozens of sailors drove the small boats towards the corpse of the sea monster.

After declaring his victory, the giant killer whale returned to the deep sea. It had already eaten enough in the previous battle, and the next thing to do was to recuperate and recover from its injuries.

The reason why it wants to push up the wreckage is to let its own group eat a few bites.

The group of killer whales surrounded the bone whale carcass, constantly tearing pieces of meat from the carcass and swallowing them into their stomachs.

Human beings cannot eat this kind of sea monster infected by the abyss. There is only one consequence of eating the meat of this kind of sea monster, which is irreversible deformation of the body.

However, while not edible, the meat has many other uses.

What's more, there are not only meat on the bone whale, but also blood, bones and other things. Alchemists have always bought these things unlimitedly.

Zhong Ye had long expected that the fleet would do something to this corpse, so he didn't return to the ship.

——The reason why the bone whale's body didn't sink to the bottom of the sea was entirely because he was supporting it with qi.

If it weren't for him, the body of the bone whale would have sunk to the bottom of the sea long ago, causing the whale fall phenomenon.

Those small steam boats went back and forth several times, exhausted all their strength to mine the whale carcass, burned a lot of coal, and finally filled the remaining space of the few ships in the fleet.

No matter how reluctant they were, they could only leave the remaining whale carcass here and wait for the elves to come and receive it.

The killer whales had already eaten and drank enough and returned to the fleet.

When Zhong Ye returned to the fleet, he happened to see a few elves setting off from the fleet. They gestured around the whale carcass a few times, and then used magic props to cast a powerful space spell. The corpse was taken into a different space, but the corpse was still teleported away. Anyway, the corpse of the bone whale disappeared directly on the sea.

The fleet negotiated a good price with the elves, and sold the rest of the corpses, and they would not accept a cent of the money, and handed it all to Zhong Ye.

After all, the sea monster was killed by Zhong Ye and the giant killer whale, and they had troubled Zhong Ye so many times before, so it was impossible not to pay Zhong Ye.

The money for selling the bone whale carcass was only part of it, and it was just a borrowed flower offering to the Buddha, and the rest had to be paid after they arrived in Dongtu—although there was money on board, the money could not be moved.

After finishing these things, it was already the early morning of the next day, and the sky brightened.

However, Zhong Ye was indeed a little tired. It was a rare case that he didn't do the daily exercise. After washing up a bit, he went back to his room and fell asleep.

That battle, even for him, was a pretty tough one.


"That sea monster has three brains and five hearts in its whole body. Even after destroying all its brains, the remaining nerve nodes can still support the body to continue to move."

Even if he destroyed the vital organs of the bone whale in the body, and the giant killer whale fought with the bone whale outside, it took several hours to completely kill the bone whale.

For Zhong Ye, that battle was arduous enough.

If he hadn't learned how to breathe underwater, he wouldn't have been able to fight underwater for such a long time.

The oxygen content in the blood of the bone whale is huge, but it has to rob oxygen from the red blood cells, which greatly delays the rhythm of the battle.

Although the bone whale failed to make any effective resistance, whether it was muscle contraction, blood gushing, or driving the immune cells in the body to attack him, none of them played an effective defense role.

But due to the huge vitality of the bone whale, even though it lost all its vital organs, it took more than half an hour to die completely.

After hearing Zhong Ye's narration, Lilian didn't know what expression to use to face him.

——It turns out that underwater breathing is really useful!And my teacher is not just talking about it, he has actually practiced the method of breathing in water!

"Oh... underwater breathing... I see..."

Delilah on the side nodded repeatedly, seeming to understand completely, but Lilian knew from the forced smile on her face that she didn't understand either.

After all, the idea of ​​being able to breathe underwater without any spells sounds... a bit far-fetched.

"But in this way, we also have start-up capital, right?" Delilah changed the topic.

Zhong Ye glanced over, "What do you want to do?"

But Dai Lila smiled slightly and said: "I have inquired a little on the boat these days, Mr. Zhong, you lived in no fixed place when you were in the west land, and you have been traveling around. If you want to do the same in the east land, we will Definitely need some funding to support our activities."

After a moment of silence, Zhong Ye asked: "...How do you know that I will continue to travel after arriving in Dongtu instead of going home?"

"Because you look very 'free'." Delilah put her chin in one hand and smiled slyly, "From your previous performance, it can be seen that you don't feel the slightest expectation about returning to the East, which shows that After you return to the East, there is a high probability that you will not go home directly, but continue to travel in the East."

After hearing Dai Lila's answer, Zhong Ye was dumbfounded.

He found that he seemed to have overlooked this point, but both he and Lilian knew that he was not a real Eastern native, so they didn't feel anything about it.

Since Dai Lila has noticed this, then Zhang Qian and the others may have noticed it a long time ago, but they just kept silent.

——This is a loophole that needs to be corrected in time!
With a flash of thought, Zhong Ye quickly found a reason, and said in a deep voice: "I come from a hermit sect, and I came out to establish a sect, and of course it is impossible to go back before I complete this goal.

"But starting a sect is not an easy task. First of all, I have to make a name for myself in the Jianghu. Otherwise, even if I want to start a sect, no one will buy it."

"Since this is the case, then we need funds even more!" Dai Lila smiled and played with the ends of her hair, "Not only do we need funds, but we also need a large amount of funds!"

Saying that, Delilah raised her hand and pointed, "Now the materials loaded in those ships, the money earned after selling them can be used as start-up capital, whether it is running a business or doing other things, it can be used. "

After a pause, Delilah's expression suddenly became serious: "Mr. Zhong, I need your authorization—I hope you can authorize me to use the money at will. I can guarantee that I will definitely earn more for you." money!"

Zhong Ye folded his arms and remained silent.

Lilian turned her eyes, looked left and right, looked at the two silent 'people', and couldn't help rubbing her hands.

If the teacher really wanted to start a school, wouldn't she become a big sister...

"Let's talk about it." Zhong Ye shook his head slightly, "I still don't trust you very much."

After a moment of silence, Delilah smiled: "Mr. Zhong, I will let you trust me."

(End of this chapter)

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