Soul echo

Chapter 565 Passing the Strait

Chapter 565 Passing the Strait
Zhong Ye talked to Zhang Qian because he felt uneasy in his heart. Obviously, it was his premonition that reminded him.

However, he couldn't think of anything that could hurt him in the ice sea.

"The future?"

Upon hearing this, Delilah closed the book in her hand, and Lilian beside her also cast her gaze curiously.

Afterwards, Zhong Ye felt a burst of psionic energy fluctuations, and saw Dai Lila's eyes emitting light.

"Hmm, interesting..."

Dai Lila stood up, holding her chin with her right hand, and circled around Zhong Ye.

"There are many...things spreading from your body? Can you put them away?"

The next moment, Zhong Ye absorbed all the stellar energy overflowing his body into his body.

"Just now you were like the sun, but now you are much better and can see many things clearly."

With a word of emotion, Dai Lila began to turn her head to sort out the information she saw from Zhong Ye.

"I saw...a mass of red!"

Saying that, Delilah's face instantly became grim.

Seeing this, Zhong Ye made a decisive decision and activated his psychic energy to invade her soul.

As he expected, Delilah accepted his psychic power - she had already prepared everything when she was hit.

Therefore, Zhong Ye also saw a piece of 'red'!
Cruel, tyrannical and bloody - these are all words that can be used to describe that mass of 'red'.

However, the purity is not enough!
Wrapping Delilah's consciousness, Zhong Ye closed his eyes and returned to reality.

From Lilian's point of view, after Dai Lila said those words, her legs went limp and she almost fell to the ground, and then Zhong Ye raised her hand to support her.

"Thank you." Zhong Ye said solemnly.

"It's okay..." She took a few deep breaths, and when the fear in her eyes dissipated, Delilah smiled nervously, "Because it's very interesting!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly looked up at Zhong Ye, "What did you see? You are so powerful, you must be able to see clearly, right?"

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, "Big devil."

"So it's just a big demon..." Delilah suddenly fell down, "I thought I saw it..."

"Don't think about contacting the evil god of the abyss!"

Zhong Ye looked serious, and scolded: "With your ability, you will fall into madness just by seeing them! You don't even have the qualifications to become their believers. There is only one possibility to see them—to become a mutant!"

Zhong Ye noticed that she was thinking carefully, and Dai Lila smiled sarcastically, and didn't mention it anymore.

But thinking about it carefully, what Zhong Ye said seems to be correct. She almost lost her mind even seeing a big demon. If she saw the evil god himself, death would probably be the best ending.

After a while, Delilah regained her composure and explained to Zhong Ye and Lilian what she saw.

She can't see the actual picture, but can only observe the 'future' within a certain limit according to the law of changes in everything and cooperate with calculations.

For her, predicting the future is solving math problems. She is extremely sensitive to mathematics—how sensitive are ordinary elves to "reiki", she is as sensitive to mathematics, and even beyond that.

The reason why Zhong Ye saw that scene was mainly because Dai Lila came into contact with the big demon.

"The believers of the blood god will wait for us at the exit of the strait."

Delilah tapped her head with her fingertips, and said: "They are driving sea beasts and a blood god ship... It seems that they want to fight to the death with the navy of the Eastern Land?"

Zhong Ye nodded, and then asked again: "Is there a sea monster?"

"Maybe there is..." Delilah took a light breath, "I saw a big monster before, which means that there will be a big monster in this battle!"

As she said that, she looked at Zhong Ye with a complicated expression, "The reason why I can see so much is all dependent on you, you have a lot of information flowing out of you, enough for me to calculate so many things.

"This means that you are the center of the battle—the absolute center."

If the Dongtu Navy also participated in the battle, but he was still the center of the battlefield, then there would inevitably be an enemy of the same level as him appearing on the battlefield.

Although Zhong Ye is a legend, his combat power is mainly reflected in single-body and small-scale battles. In legion-level battles, he can do very little besides beheading.

Even if he swung his hands sour, he couldn't kill all the enemies.

A single legend cannot become the center of the battlefield, but if there is another enemy legend, the collision of the two legends can have a huge impact on the battle situation.

Because they never limit the battlefield to one place, just the aftermath of the battle can cause damage to others.

Although Delilah has never seen the battle between legends with her own eyes, she knows how powerful legends are in combat.

A legendary sorcerer can completely burn down a forest in half an hour. Even if Zhong Ye doesn't have such a strong group destruction ability, he should have the ability to sink a ship in a minute.

The appearance of such a monster on the battlefield is not a good thing for the enemy or for one's own side.

Zhong Ye nodded and got up to look for Zhang Qian.

Regardless of whether that big demon will appear on the battlefield or not, there is nothing wrong with being vigilant.


"Ahead is the Juelu Strait."

After a sailor next to him said this, killer whales emerged from the water one after another, screaming at the fleet.

The passengers cast their eyes curiously, and then saw the sailor throw some pieces of meat into the water.

Each killer whale took a piece of meat, swung its tail, and swam towards the rear of the fleet, gradually moving away from the fleet.

"Eh?" a passenger exclaimed.

They have been familiar with the existence of these killer whales for half a month, and they fall asleep listening to the calls of killer whales every day.

The voice of the killer whale is adorable and reassuring to hear.

Some killer whale cubs were reluctant to leave and didn't want to leave, so they stayed around the fleet and screamed, but they were still pushed away by their parents and elders.

The fleet stopped in place until all the killer whales had left before the captains issued an order.


The sails were raised one after another, and the wind from the North Pole blew the white sails, making the ship move.

"--set sail!"

"After crossing the strait, it is not far from Dongtu." A passenger said happily to his companion.

It's just that they don't know that the real challenge actually starts after passing through the strait.

They didn't know that their lives were actually in jeopardy.

The coastline in the distance is like a stroke of an ink painting, winding and winding, seemingly light but thick.

Many people are intoxicated by this poetic scenery, completely unaware that the sailors are fully armed.

Lilian also brought all the equipment with her after a long absence, light sword, dagger, boot blade, holy water, throwing knife, hand crossbow, pistol...

After putting all the props and equipment on her body, Lilian felt a strange 'sense of security' in her heart.

She sadly found that even if she was asked to give up the adventure life in the world of Dan and return to daily life, she might not be able to adapt to life on earth.

Lilian sighed, and Dai Lila, who was sitting on the other bed reading a book, looked up at her and chuckled, "Good luck."

Lilian nodded first, just about to say 'thank you', then raised her eyebrows lightly, and reacted.

"What do you see?"

Delilah raised the book in her hand and covered her mouth, only showing a pair of smiling eyes, "It's nothing."

Squinting her eyes, she looked Dai Lila up and down a few times, and Lilian realized something, the corners of her mouth slightly turned up, and she raised her head, "Thank you for your good words."

With that said, he opened the door and walked out of the room.

Watching her leaving, Delilah hummed twice, opened the cabinet under the bed, took out her suitcase, groped in the suitcase for a while, and then took out a shotgun that had been treasured for a long time.

In that battle, even she couldn't stay out of it, but there was only so much she could see.

Zhong Ye is getting stronger every moment, although the progress is subtle, it is indeed progress.

His progress is an important factor affecting the situation, so she has no way of determining the final result.

I just hope that I and Zhong Ye don't die in that battle...

 I have something to do outside today, this chapter is taken out
(End of this chapter)

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