Soul echo

Chapter 516 "Death Record"

Chapter 516 "Death Record"

The Witcher's Castle covers a large area. Apart from a rather old-looking main building, there are three fortresses on the outside. The fortresses are connected by walls, enclosing the main building.

The reason why the castle doesn't look like Viking architecture is that the castle has fallen twice in history.

Walking into the castle, you can see two crosses erected, and two demonic 'corpses' were nailed to the tall crosses.

- They look dead, but in fact, they are still alive!

They were the masterminds behind the fall of the two castles, one was the former chief of the eagle witcher, and the other was the former deputy chief of the Northland Witch.

Because demon hunters have been active in hunting demons and cultists in various parts of the western continent, and sometimes go to the eastern land, North America, and the continent of Africa, demon hunters have received more attention from the abyss than most priests.

Being targeted by the abyss is not a good thing, as long as you show any weakness, you will be taken advantage of - just like the two 'corpses'.

The demon hunter didn't kill the two demons, because they caused extremely serious damage to the demon hunter and the Northland Witch, almost cutting off their inheritance.

In fact, these were not the only two witchers and witches who were corrupted by the abyss, but only these two caused the castle to fall.

So they are nailed here for people to look at and suffer eternal torment.

Every year, demon hunters, witches of the North, and even clerics carve sacred runes on these two demons, suppressing their vitality, and at the same time stimulating their dying souls, so that they just live in a desperate situation. The state of being unable to die.

Although the castle covers a large area, it seems that there are not many people living here.

After entering the castle, Zhong Ye and the others didn't see anyone, only some golems and activated objects were moving.

Aware of their doubts, the demon hunter who brought them into the castle explained: "Most demon hunters are out all year round, and only a few demon hunters and Northland witches live here. our apprentices.

"We once recruited ordinary people to form an army, but every corner here is filled with whispers from the abyss. Ordinary people living here will soon be corrupted."

Hearing this, Lili was thoughtful, but Lilian couldn't control her mouth and asked, "What about the apprentice?"

Apprentices have not been transformed by demon hunters, and should belong to 'ordinary people'.

Even witchers and witches of the North will be corrupted, so apprentices...

After saying that sentence, Lilian realized what stupid thing she said.

"Sorry! I didn't mean it!" Lilian hurriedly apologized.

The demon hunter looked sad and shook his head, "Actually, we are also accomplices... knowing that the road of 'demon hunter' is hopeless, we still dragged those young people in."

In fact, most of the demon hunters are orphans, and the apprentices are all ruined by the abyss. They embarked on the road of becoming "demon hunters" and hunting the abyss with hatred.

Only a very small number of demon hunters have family members. They are the descendants of demon hunters, and their blood contains resistance to the abyss. They are natural demon hunters.

Even knowing that the "demon hunter" is a way of no return, the demon hunter will still continue to recruit apprentices, because the world needs the power of the demon hunter, and their strong resistance to the abyss can ensure that they can be created by most abyss forces. Survive the extreme environment and destroy that abyssal force.

Even priests can't do this kind of thing, so the world needs demon hunters.

After a moment of emotion, the demon hunter put away his weakness and led Zhong Ye and the others to one of the three fortresses.

According to Zhong Ye's knowledge, demon hunters are mainly divided into hawk faction, wolf faction and bear faction, which correspond to the training direction of the three attributes of agility, strength and physique respectively.

Of course, at the beginning, these three factions actually referred to what types of demon hunters could hunt what types of abyssal monsters.

For example, in the fort where Zhong Ye and the others are now, there is a huge wolf head in the hall. Because the wolf head is well preserved, it is still lifelike and terrifying.

After entering the fortress, they finally saw a living person other than themselves.

"Mr. Malcolm!"

What appeared in front of Zhong Ye and the others was a young man, about fifteen or six years old, muscular all over, taller than most adult males.

The young man was originally maintaining the armor in the hall. After seeing Malcolm walking in with three people, he put down his work and turned around to salute respectfully.

However, Zhong Ye noticed that although he showed respect in his actions, the boy still had a bit of vigilance in his eyes.

Malcolm also noticed this, his lips curled up slightly, "Always be vigilant."

"Always be vigilant." The boy responded.

Malcolm led Zhong Ye and the others through the hall and up the stairs.

"Now the building inside the castle is mainly used by the witches of the North, so I can only arrange you here." Malcolm explained, "Before moving in, we need to meet the current director of Wolf Castle. Demon hunter, he is managing this place now, but before that, you can put your luggage here—"

Malcolm pointed to a bench in the corridor, "After you get the check-in permit, there will be a golem to help you take your luggage to your respective rooms, provided that they need to be stored separately, because the golem doesn't have the wisdom to distinguish between you items."

Zhong Ye and the others also felt that it was not polite to bring this big bag to see the supervisor, so they put the luggage down, showing considerable trust in the demon hunter.

Although he didn't say anything, Malcolm's attitude towards them was obviously more gentle after they put down their luggage.

As a fortress, the interior of this wolf castle with the same name as a city in the Rhine Kingdom should have been dark, but the crystal lamps that can be seen everywhere illuminate every corner of the fortress, so that there is no darkness in this place.

This is because many abyssal creatures can lurk in darkness and shadows, and eliminating darkness is a form of protection for demon hunters.

Zhong Ye and the others followed Malcolm to the middle floor of the fortress, where the office of the fortress supervisor is located.

Demon hunters don't have so many red tapes, so Malcolm pushed the door open and walked in, introducing Zhong Ye's identity to the supervisor who was sitting in the office writing materials.

After knowing Zhong Ye's identity and why they came, the supervisor rang the bell on the desk and gave instructions to the golem.

After finishing these things, the supervisor got up from behind the desk and walked towards Zhong Ye and the others.

"Your Excellency, please sit down."

Knowing that they had something to discuss, Malcolm said hello and left the office, leaving Zhong Ye and the others here.

Zhong Ye and the others sat opposite the supervisor. The supervisor snapped his fingers, and a book appeared in his hands out of thin air.

He handed the book to Zhong Ye and said, "This is all the information we have collected about 'Nemo Bellucci Belli' so far."

Books are quite thick. Generally speaking, information about a person can be recorded in only a few pages, but Nemo's information actually records an entire book?
Zhong Ye took the book with a serious expression and flipped through it silently.

Lily and Lilian sat on both sides of Zhong Ye, lowered their heads to watch the book with him.

After turning to a certain page, Zhong Ye's fingers stopped.

"Have you ever suspected that Nemo's cousin's death was related to Nemo?" Zhong Ye raised his head and questioned.

"Yes." The supervisor nodded, "We only started to investigate this matter after you and Amos confirmed that Nemo was the Chosen Lord of Pleasure, because all signs indicated that The cause of the woman's death is strange, so we suspect that her death may have something to do with Nemo.

"And the news that was passed through the church's internal network before gave a little more proof to this guess."

Zhong Ye continued to read thoughtfully.

The more you watch it, the more shocking it becomes.

Death, death, death...

One death record after another appeared in front of Zhong Ye and the others, shocking them.

Cousin Nemo may have been the first victim, and her 'manipulation' was not skilled enough, so her death was not natural enough.

After that, many people died because they once held Nemo's paintings, but these deaths seemed natural, and it was difficult for people to suspect Nemo.

If nothing else, Nemo must be preparing a big plan.

That being the case, why did he go to that border town in the Kingdom of Ytrull and 'kill' himself?
(End of this chapter)

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