Soul echo

Chapter 517 New Ideas

Chapter 517 New Ideas
After Zhong Ye thought for a moment, he raised this doubt.

A person's wisdom is limited, not to mention that he is not the kind of person who is extremely smart. If he brainstorms, he may be able to get the answer.

"Actually, we are also very puzzled about this."

There is no reason why the demon hunter could not have imagined what Zhong Ye could perceive after seeing these death records.

The supervisor sighed and took out a pipe from his pocket, "Do you mind?"

Zhong Ye and the others shook their heads one after another, so the supervisor began to add shredded tobacco to the pipe, and said while doing it: "What makes us even more puzzled is that the identities of the deceased are either Nemo's own relatives or have nothing to do with him at all." Even though we have counted the identities of those people and researched them for a long time, we still can’t find half a noteworthy similarity.”

After adding the shredded tobacco, the supervisor began to squeeze the shredded tobacco from the outside into the bucket with two thumbs, then lit a match, and hung the match above the tobacco to move back and forth without letting the tongue of fire lick the bucket.

Soon, the tobacco was lit, and the supervisor bit the cigarette holder lightly, and began to swallow the smoke as he breathed.

"We did find a lot of things, but the clues just stopped. In fact, we still suspect that a considerable part of those death records were not caused by Nemo. They died because of their own bad luck, and some of them should be Nemo's random killing to confuse the view has nothing to do with the plan he wanted to do... more likely, in fact, everyone was killed by him at random, and the plan he wanted to do didn't need anything else at all Things only need the life and soul of the dead."

Zhong Ye knew exactly what the supervisor wanted to say. After all, he saw with his own eyes that after the painting was destroyed, a soul emerged from the painting.

If Nemo did kill those people, then the medium must be those 'paintings'!
"...How many paintings did you find?" Zhong Ye asked.

"57 frame."

"Have you ever tried to destroy those paintings?" Zhong Ye asked again.

The supervisor took a puff of the cigarette, held the smoke in his mouth, and did not spit it out immediately.

"Before that, we thought that there might be clues in those paintings, so we didn't destroy them, but your practice gave us inspiration. We used spells to rub those paintings, and then burned the body. In the end, 57 Ten souls emerged from the painting."

Zhong Ye frowned, 57 out of [-], the probability is not high, not small.

It is not known how many paintings of Nemo have been handed down. Although some paintings have been destroyed due to improper preservation, they are very few. To this day, the demon hunters and the church have acted together and only found 57 of them.

These are not all of Nemo's paintings. Just like the one Zhong Ye found, there are many unknown paintings of Nemo that have been handed down.

"We also asked the clergy of Lady Charm to help us track down those paintings, because they have that ability, but after we found three paintings, the Church of Art and Beauty told us that those who helped us track down Nemo's paintings The clergy...they're corrupted."

To fight against the abyss, one must have a firm will, but unfortunately, most people in this world have their own weaknesses—even Zhong Ye is no exception, but his weakness is not here.

What the abyss is best at is to invade a person's heart, and start from the weakness of the heart, and eventually corrupt a person.

The priests of the Church of Art and Beauty have always liked art and beautiful things. It just so happens that the Lord of Pleasure is known as the Lord of Pleasure and Fall. Once you believe in Him, you can get the ultimate 'beauty' and 'endless' power from Him. happy.

After saying that, the supervisor fell silent, smoking the smoke silently.

You could tell he felt guilty about it.

"Later, we no longer asked the priests of the Church of Art and Beauty, but investigated and collected those paintings by ourselves. As a result, we have only collected 57 paintings, most of which were collected at the beginning. Recently, We haven't been able to find any more paintings for two months." As he spoke, the supervisor couldn't help but sighed again.

Their investigation of 'Nemo Bellucci Bailey' has come to a stalemate - from Nemo's good disguise to the fact that he was witnessed to be an 'Abyss Believer', no one has been able to gain anything from him It can be seen from the evidence that he is an abyss believer that this person is extremely good at hiding.

In other words, he never thought of hiding it from the very beginning, because his status as a 'big artist' was not blown out.

If it wasn't for his superb painting skills and profound intentions, how could Nemo's paintings be sought after by so many people in the first place?

After confirming Nemo's identity, the demon hunter and the church began to investigate the people around Nemo, but neither his parents, elder brother, nor close friends were abyss believers.

Nemo does not seem to have spread the belief of the Lord of Pleasure to the outside world, and has always acted alone.

He has disguised himself as tight as possible, so it is not easy to investigate him and obtain information from his past deeds.

Zhong Ye fell into deep thought. He kept his expression on the surface, but there was a storm of thinking in his mind.

Suddenly, he caught an inspiration.

Zhong Ye asked in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, you just said that you used magic to rub those paintings?"

Hearing this, the supervisor raised his eyebrows.

Since Zhong Ye would ask such a thing, he must have thought of something...

"Would you like to take a look?" the supervisor asked back.

Zhong Ye nodded and pointed to his head, "I don't know if you know about Amos, it was Amos and I who killed Nemo together, and before killing Nemo, Nemo also used He performed a spell, pulling me and Amos into his memory.

"I experienced Nemo's more than ten years from birth to the time before he believed in the Lord of Pleasure. I remember what kind of paintings Nemo drew before that!"

Hearing this, the supervisor's heart tightened, and he stood up abruptly.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye, are you saying that the paintings that you believe caused the death of others and sealed the souls of the deceased in the paintings were actually made by Nemo before he became a follower of the Lord of Pleasure?"

Lily and Lilian, who were thinking about why Zhong Ye suddenly said those words, fell into a daze when they heard these words.

Zhong Ye shook his head, "Not necessarily, it's just an idea."

But this idea is also a way of thinking. Now that the investigation has reached a deadlock, one more thought means a breakthrough in the deadlock. They may not be able to use this breakthrough to break the current deadlock.

The supervisor took a deep breath and clenched his fists nervously.

Whether it is or not, this is a new lead.

"The rubbings of those paintings are kept in Bear Castle, three, please follow me."

After speaking, the supervisor turned around and led the way.

Under the leadership of the supervisor, Zhong Ye and the others went to another fort through the passage in the city wall.

The supervisor's steps were steady and somewhat eager. On the way, he explained something to them by the way.

"After the two previous crises of the castle falling, we decided that if it is not a particularly urgent situation, at least three legends will stay in the castle to prevent the castle from being breached again."

The legend of the Northland Witch generally does not leave the castle, but will leave the castle and go to other places to perform tasks. Only the chiefs of the three factions kill the abyss and the heretics.

——Only a legend can be the chief of the three factions of the witcher and the witches of the Northland.

Zhong Ye only felt the aura of the three legends, because the chief of the wolf faction left the castle and went out to perform tasks. Currently, the chiefs of the bear faction and the eagle faction are staying in the castle.

Those paintings were originally kept in Wolf's Fort, but when the chief went out, Wolf's Fort became less safe. Therefore, important objects were transferred to the other two fortresses.

After entering Bear Castle, Zhong Ye and the others could see a lot more living people.

With Legend sitting there, the other two fortresses are much safer than Wolf Fortress. In addition to the necessary defensive force, other demon hunters have also moved to the other two fortresses, and are vigilant about Wolf Fortress, planning for the worst.

The supervisor greeted the demon hunters of Bear Castle, and brought Zhong Ye and the others to the door of the storage room for important objects in Bear Castle.

He walked to a nearby room and knocked on the door.

After a while, Zhong Ye felt a slight vibration on the floor, and saw the door was opened, and a burly old man came out of the room.

The two looked at each other and confirmed each other's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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