Soul echo

Chapter 515 Arrival

Chapter 515 Arrival
After three days of sailing, Zhong Ye and the others finally arrived at their destination.

The headquarters of the witcher is called 'Quintuart', and the corresponding city on earth should be Copenhagen, Denmark.

However, there is no Denmark in this world, only the Kingdom of Nuoji.

The players' single player rematch is over, but unfortunately, Lilian did not make it to the final. In the match that advanced to the final, she lost to a mage player.

This should be a pity, but Lilian hasn't focused on the competition these days...

After the passenger ship docked and stepped off the ship, Lily realized for the first time that she loves the earth so much.

Even with her physique, during the three days on the ship, there was hardly a minute without feeling dizzy.

"Praise Ms. Stern." Lily supported Zhong Ye and let out a long sigh of relief, "It's finally landed."

Even after getting off the boat, she still felt dizzy. Without Zhong Ye's support, she might fall to the ground within a few steps.

The dizziness lingers in her head, and she can't vomit out of her stomach. This feeling is extremely uncomfortable. If she can vomit out, it may be much better. Unfortunately, her physique is not up or down, just between the level of being prone to vomiting and not being prone to seasickness. , She can quickly adapt to life at sea without getting dizzy if she goes up a little bit, and she can vomit a long time ago if she goes down a little bit.

In this state now, it would be much better if she could spit it out, but she just couldn't do it.

Zhong Ye might be able to induce vomiting for her, but she didn't want that kind of thing to happen!

After supporting Zhong Ye and walking for a while, Lily finally recovered.

"Is this the headquarters of the demon hunter?" Looking at the crowded street in front of her, Lily asked, "It looks no different from other cities!"

The street they are on now, except that the crowds are a little taller, and the architectural style is a bit different from other cities, does not look fundamentally different from other cities.

"Although Kuntuyat is a city established by the demon hunters, because of its superior geographical location, it has attracted many outsiders, and the usual expenses of the demon hunters are also very high, so they leased this city It was given to foreign businessmen, and rarely intervened in the construction and management of the city." Zhong Ye said while looking at the street, "—from "The Unknown History-Quintuart"."

"I didn't expect that there would be a new generation of demon hunters who knew about this."

Applause came from behind, Zhong Ye and the others turned their heads to look, and saw a man who was shorter than Zhong Ye but equally tall standing not far away, looking at them with a smile.

"Actually, I'm not a demon hunter." Zhong Ye shook his head helplessly, "It's a coincidence that I grow so tall..."

Having said that, Zhong Ye looked at the man and asked, "Are you a demon hunter?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, because most demon hunters are very tall, so I mistook you for a demon hunter." The man touched his head with a smile, and nodded after hearing Zhong Ye's question. , "Yes, I'm a demon hunter... Let me guess, what do you want from us?"

"I'm Zhong Ye."

The smile on the man's face froze, his expression quickly became serious, and he looked Zhong Ye up and down.

Zhong Ye and the others were carrying big bags and small bags, they looked like a few refugees fleeing from a disaster, but after ignoring these things and observing them, you can find that all of them are different from ordinary people.

" are Your Excellency Zhong Ye?" The man asked cautiously.

Zhong Ye smiled slightly, "I don't think anyone can impersonate me, right?"

Everyone knows that Zhong Ye has several major characteristics--a native of the East, tall, and handsome, and as a hero who can save several cities, his strength cannot be inferior.

Looking at it this way, almost no one can pretend to be Zhong Ye.

"That's right." The man smiled casually, "I don't know your Excellency, why are you looking for us demon hunters?"

"Related to Nemo Bellucci Bailey."

Hearing the name, the man's smile disappeared again, and his brows frowned.

He looked at the appearance of Zhong Ye and the others covered in bags, and suddenly said: "Your Excellency, you haven't found a place to live yet, have you? If you don't mind, I would like to invite you to live in our headquarters temporarily. What do you think, Your Excellency?" "

Zhong Ye himself didn't care, so he turned his head to look at Lily and Lilian, wanting to ask their opinions.

"Okay, okay!" Lilian replied immediately.

Lily thought for a moment, then nodded, "I think it's okay."

Therefore, Zhong Ye nodded to the man.

The man laughed and guided sideways: "Your Excellency, please follow me."

The witcher's residence was far away from the city. After walking out of the city, the man pointed to a castle in the distance and said that was the headquarters of the witcher.

At the same time, it is also the residence of the Northland Witch.

Although there is a distinction between the witcher and the witch of the Northland, in fact, they are still one.

In the past, although the Vikings were a male-dominated social group, sacrificial activities could only be controlled by women and must be inherited by women.

Today, even though the concept of 'Vikings' has disappeared, this tradition is still passed down.

——'Warriors' are mostly men, and 'Priests' can only be inherited by women.

After the end of the first abyssal invasion, the Viking warriors who became the first generation of demon hunters died suddenly because they fused the organs of abyssal creatures. People would have died in battle before that time, so they didn't know that demon hunters had this defect.

But at that time, in order to fight against the abyss, almost all Viking warriors carried out the "plundering ceremony" with the help of priests. If no solution was found, all Viking warriors would die suddenly.

Feeling deeply inadequate, the Viking priests decided to go to other parts of the Westland to communicate and learn with mages from other places, and to allow more women to obtain priestly inheritance to maintain the lives of the first generation of demon hunters. That's when the transition to the 'Witches of the North' began.

Therefore, even if they split into 'demon hunters' and 'northern witches', these two groups are still one.

The reason why demon hunters spend a lot of money is because they need to provide research for the witches of the Northland, and the research results of the witches of the Northland will also increase the combat effectiveness of the demon hunters.

Therefore, they depend on each other as lips and teeth, and they are each other's exterior and interior.

After leaving the city, Zhong Ye and the others soon encountered several farms. The farmers living in the farms saw them and took off their hats to salute.

Demon hunters are the largest landowners in the Quintuate area, and all the farmers living on this land are actually their tenant farmers, but demon hunters will not oppress these farmers, they only need farmers to provide enough food, If there is a disaster year, the witcher will also exempt farmers from taxes, so the farmers living on this land are quite rich.

But only relying on farmers and a city's tax revenue can't support the huge organization of 'Demon Hunter'.

At this time, another group needs to be mentioned—the Witches of the Northland.

They often make some objects and give them to the demon hunters to sell them in exchange for money to invest in their magic research and support organization activities.

If the Witch of the North goes out, she must be accompanied by at least one witcher.

Because the body has been modified, demon hunters can rarely obtain offspring through normal means. If there are witchers who want to have their own offspring, they will often choose to combine with the witches of the Northland who also have this wish, and use magic to obtain offspring.

For the witches of the Northland, a strong witcher is also a good tool to relieve stress. They don't mind marrying a witcher. It's just that most witches are more addicted to the relationship between men and women. The study of spells and worldly objects.

Zhong Ye had seen this in a book before, so on the way to the Demon Hunter's Castle, he casually mentioned a few words to Lilian and the others.

His understanding of the witcher and the witch of the North even made the man who led them doubt his identity for the first time - he was clearly the witcher, but he didn't seem to know much about these things.

When they approached the castle, Zhong Ye suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked up at the castle.

one two Three……

"Three legends?"

(End of this chapter)

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