Soul echo

Chapter 490 Chase

Chapter 490 Chase
In Magdeburg, Zhong Ye and the others captured a maniac who was about to kill someone on the street. After investigation, they found that this man was a maniac before. He had committed [-] murders before, but because they all happened in slums, he kept going. It has not been discovered since then, and then the clergyman found a note from the murderer's home, which said 'a small gift, the next location is Potsdam'.

So, Zhong Ye and the others rushed to Potsdam again. With the help of the clergymen in that city, they found a few heretics who intended to create a plague from the vast crowd, and then they gathered at the place where those cultists usually gathered In the stronghold, I found a message left by a believer of the God of Conspiracy.

At this time, both Zhong Ye and the others, as well as the clergy in Potsdam, were puzzled and did not understand what the believers of the God of Conspiracy meant.

He didn't make trouble for them, and even helped them catch a murderer and a group of plague believers...

But the doubts didn't last long, because once Zhong Ye and the others stopped, the believers of the God of Conspiracy would definitely do something like the village blood sacrifice incident in Honowell's place again.

According to the message, Zhong Ye and the others continued to set off for Wittenberg.

This time, before Zhong Ye and the others arrived, the priests of Wittenburg responded first and caught a group of thugs who were about to burn down the entire slum.

The actions of those thugs were exposed by one of their original companions. He didn't know what happened, but suddenly realized that this behavior was wrong, so he took the initiative to report the incident to the church.

When Zhong Ye and the others arrived in Wittenburg, the priests of Wittenburg happened to find a secret letter from the stronghold of the mob, which stated that another group of thugs was going to attack Dessau at the same time, Create fires in the slums.

After interrogating the 'awakened' thug, the clergy learned that this group of thugs actually wanted to take the opportunity to launch an uprising.

In their eyes, they are like pigs and sheep raised by the nobles. Only through uprising can they gain status and money, but they do not have power. Therefore, it is necessary to make the poor living in the slums homeless and have nothing.

Only in this way can the poor people join forces with them. Otherwise, as long as there is such a little hope, those poor people who have already lost their desire and courage would not dare to join them.

After knowing this, the priests don't know whether these thugs are stupid or shrewd. They can realize that this society has solidified, but they use this stupid and cruel method to force others to rebel with them.

The Wittenburg incident had been terminated by the priests, and they had received information about the next location. Zhong Ye and the others continued to set off after replacing two new draft horses in Wittenburg.

The situation in Dessau is similar to that of Wittenberg. The distance between the two cities is not far. Even if you only use pigeons to deliver the news, it does not take a day.

Before Zhong Ye and the others arrived in Dessau, the group of thugs hiding in Dessau were pulled out by the clergymen and the city guards.

Not only that, but during the investigation, the priests of Dessau also found a group of abyss believers and started a big battle with them.

However, what puzzled Zhong Ye was that until they arrived in Dessau, the priests in Dessau did not find where the next reminder given by the believers of the God of Conspiracy was, neither from the thugs nor from the believers of the abyss. turn up.

Zhong Ye also searched for it himself, but like the priests, he found nothing.

At that time, they thought, could it be that the cult member 'enough is enough'?

As a result, the next day, news came from a small town near Dessau that the lord's family had been killed.

A family of 54 people, all the people living in the lord's manor, including servants and guards, all died, and someone wrote a line of text on the wall of the manor with their blood.

——[Unfortunately, when you were in Wittenburg, what you found was not the hint I gave, but in order to keep the game going, I can tell you with mercy that the next game location is in Halle, remember not to I'm late! 】

After Zhong Ye and the others learned the news, they left Dessau and rushed to Halle within 10 minutes.

It turned out that it wasn't that the cultist stopped, but that they didn't find the 'hint' left by him at all!
Being led by the nose all the time was enough to make Zhong Ye feel angry, and now that cultist actually slaughtered 54 people, it was even more unforgivable for him.

Let alone Zhong Ye, even Lily and Lilian were furious.

Zhong Ye even suspected that the cultist didn't leave any in Wittenburg at all, and killing people in that small town was decided long ago, and the purpose was to anger him.

It must be admitted that because the believer of the God of Conspiracy hadn't made any more killings before, Zhong Ye let down his vigilance towards that guy, thinking that his purpose was only to maintain the life of the God of Conspiracy.

It turned out that within two days, he was slapped in the face, and let the cultist create a murder case that killed 54 people.

Due to the bloody crime committed by the cultist in that small town, the clergymen in Harley also became vigilant, not only mobilizing the lord, but also mobilizing the power of adventurers to find the whereabouts of the cultist.

Under their extensive search, a gang leader who claimed that his sister was the lord's sister-in-law was found guilty and beheaded in the street. Several human traffickers were also caught, as well as criminals such as murderers and hallucinogen dealers. They were all found out.

But they turned Harley upside down, and they couldn't find any trace of the believer of the conspiracy god except for the lord.

Afterwards, the church insisted on a search of Lord Harley's mansion, but the Lord refused to obey, and the two parties had a quarrel.

It was also at this time that Zhong Ye and the others came. After learning about the situation from the church, they broke into the lord's mansion regardless of the date.

Seeing them for the first time, the lord's younger brother fell into madness instantly. Without a word, he transformed into a low-level demon, and at the same time corrupted the lord's mansion. If Zhong Ye and the others were not present, everyone in the mansion would probably be shocked. Be devoured by that demon.

It didn't take much effort for Zhong Ye to kill the demon and destroy the corrupted mansion.

The destruction of the lord's mansion triggered a mechanism, a flame shot up into the sky, and exploded in broad daylight.

The not-so-bright fireworks gradually formed a font, and ordinary people couldn't distinguish the fireworks from the sky at all.

But Zhong Ye could see clearly that the text read: 'Göttingen'.

It took Zhong Ye a while to memorize the map of the Rhine Kingdom, so he knew where the city was.

But it was precisely knowing where the city was that made him feel puzzled.

Göttingen is located in the south of Honowell. If the next location designated by the believers of the God of Conspiracy is there, wouldn't it mean that they went back again?

Doubts are doubts, Zhong Ye did not stop because of doubts.

The lesson of 54 lives is enough, and he does not want to see any other casualties.

Zhong Ye made the decision to go to Göttingen without even discussing with Lilian and the others.

Now the big cities in the middle of the Rhine Kingdom are searching themselves, and the towns between Halle and Göttingen are tense because of this.

On the way, Zhong Ye and the others passed a small town, and when they were supplying food and fresh water, suddenly a few clergy apprentices ran to them and cried to them.

From their cries, Zhong Ye knew that this small town had no official clergymen. Unfortunately, when their teacher was looking for the cultist, he disappeared.

However, although their teacher disappeared, before the apprentices noticed his disappearance, he used a magic spell to leave a portrait of the follower of the god of conspiracy in the church library.

Although he didn't know whether the face on the portrait was the true face of the cultist, Zhong Ye still solemnly accepted the portrait and assured the apprentices that he would kill the cultist and avenge their teacher.

Then, Zhong Ye and the others set off again, heading towards Göttingen.

(End of this chapter)

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