Soul echo

Chapter 489 Guess

Chapter 489 Guess
"This world is destined to be destroyed, but hold on to the daggers in your hands, they are the passage to another world."

In a dark room, the only lamp was held in the hand of a man with a gloomy face. He paced back and forth and said darkly: "When you pour fiery emotions into the dagger, the passage will open. When the passage After opening, use the dagger to kill your loved ones, and they will be reborn in another world.

"In that world, there is endless food, endless wine, no one needs to work, gold and silver will fall from the sky every day, and everyone will be healthy forever, forever..."

- Bang!

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked open, and under the stunned gaze of the people, the silent clergymen filed in. The leader was a tall and handsome man.

Holding the torch in his hand, he glanced at the gloomy man standing at the other end of the room, who was slowly backing away.

"Just grab it, this world will not be destroyed, and the dagger in your hand is not a passage to another world. It will only kill your relatives, and it will have no effect other than that."

Zhong Ye shook his head, "Using words to confuse others and let them complete the 'blood sacrifice' for you is a good idea of ​​yours. Unfortunately, using your cleverness in a crooked way is your biggest mistake!"

The gloomy man threw the lamp in his hand to the ground, the lamp oil splashed, and the flame spread rapidly. At the same time, he jumped back and disappeared into the room.

It turned out that the ground was covered with a layer of dry straw, and the flame fell on that layer of straw and quickly ignited it.

Seeing the flames soaring, most of the people in the room panicked, especially those civilians who were listening carefully while holding a dagger, suddenly became panicked.

But at this moment, Zhong Ye took a deep breath and let it out suddenly. The violent wind blew the burning straw flying around, but the flame attached to it was also quickly extinguished.

After a while, the rest of the room returned to darkness, only the torches in the hands of Zhong Ye and the priests were still emitting light.

Lilian carried the lantern to the place where the gloomy man disappeared, and found a hole in the ground. The hole was not deep, but it was well hidden.


Hearing Lilian's call, Zhong Ye took a closer look, then frowned.

It can be seen from the outside that the height of this hole is very low, and even ordinary adult men need to bend over to pass through it. People of his size can only crawl forward after entering.

"Teacher, let me go!"

At this time, short stature has become an advantage.

Lilian patted her chest and said, "I can definitely catch that guy back!"

Zhong Ye turned his head, looked at Lilian for a while, looked at her shining eyes, and nodded, "Go."

Lilian chuckled, handed the lantern to Lily, then took out a glowing crystal with lower brightness but could be carried around and concealed, and jumped into the tunnel.

With the help of Zhong Ye and the others, the priests quickly caught everyone in the room.

Zhong Ye and Lili were not worried about Lilian, because that little girl was not weak, even if she could only use a dagger, she was stronger than most people, not to mention she carried a revolver with her.

In that narrow tunnel, a revolver is a peerless weapon.

After leaving the room, Zhong Ye looked up at the bright starry sky with the bright moon hanging high, it was already night.

They just came to the city this morning, and without even taking a break, they began to contact the clergymen of the city to start a search operation.

Before Zhong Ye and the others arrived, the clergymen of Wolf Castle were searching for groups that were suspected of conducting blood sacrifices. Even the slums were checked, but they never expected that the person who organized the blood sacrifice did not kidnap anyone, but Want to use some ignorant civilians to kill their dearest people.

If nothing else, after these people have killed their dearest with a dagger, the person who organized the blood sacrifice will tell them the truth and drive them into despair.

Fortunately, Zhong Ye and the others arrived in time, this kind of thing has not happened yet...

Suddenly, a muffled sound appeared not far away.

Zhong Ye frowned, and quickly ran towards the direction where the muffled sound came from.

Noticing that he made a sudden move, Lily turned her head to look at the clergymen, "Don't worry about him, Zhong may have discovered something, and now I'm rushing to check it out."

The clergyman who was looking up heard this sentence, looked at each other in dismay, then lowered his head, and continued to escort those deceived civilians.

Lily did not leave, she followed the escort team and returned to the church together.

Zhong Ye didn't need to worry at all. With his great strength and calm thinking, it was almost impossible for him to die. What he needed to worry about now was whether the escort team would be attacked.

Running over following the muffled sound, Zhong Ye saw some people walking out of his house on the road, looking left and right to figure out what happened.

When Zhong Ye walked to the place where the muffled sound came out, he saw a house that was about to collapse, and Lilian, who was covered in gray and black, was struggling to drag several people out of the house.


Seeing Zhong Ye approaching, Lilian yelled in surprise, then choked and coughed violently.

Zhong Ye smiled, "You did a good job."

Then he passed by Lilian, walked into the room, and brought out the rest of the people in the room.

Not long after they left the house, the house collapsed and collapsed, even affecting the neighbors' houses on both sides.

The neighbor who went to the street to watch the excitement found that half of his house had collapsed. He suddenly screamed and sat down on the ground.

Because of the violent shaking, the few people who had just passed out woke up slowly. When they saw the collapsed house, they didn't react at the first time. They didn't realize something was wrong until they took the street into their eyes.

"Where's my house?!"

Zhong Ye had no time to care about those collapsed houses, so he asked Lilian, "What happened just now?"

"I caught up with that man, pulled out my revolver and shot him in the foot. I wanted to keep him from running away, but before I caught him, he blew himself up." Lily was terrified, "Fortunately, at that time Keep it far away, or I will be killed by the bomb..."

As she said that, Lilian remembered another thing, "By the way, teacher, before the man blew himself up, a ball of fire floated out of his body, and that ball of fire formed a line of words, which is..."

She glanced quickly at the barrage, "'Magdeburg'!"

Zhong Ye frowned slightly. This city... If he remembers correctly, it should be quite a big city.

When he was looking for the location of Wolfsburg on the map last time, he saw that the city was marked a bit larger than ordinary towns.

If you don’t count the small town, the believer of the God of Conspiracy first appeared in Honowell, followed by Celle, then here, which is Wolfsburg, and then went to Magdeburg—— These cities are not small in size.

Zhong Ye was a little confused about what that cultist wanted to do, and why he made these 'jokes' with them.

—Yes, a joke!

Whether it was Celler or Wolf Castle, the cultist did not cause any casualties. This is not like a conspiracy at all, but a joke.

It's just that if these 'jokes' are not controlled in time, it will lead to extremely bad incidents.

Celler just collapsed the house, but Wolf Castle was a blood sacrifice.

Perhaps the cultist would realize how outrageous things he could do after he knew they had arrived at Wolf's Castle. Therefore, he only passed on the location information and did not say what he would do.

But even if he didn't say anything, Zhong Ye could still imagine what that cultist would do.

Whether it's blood sacrifice or murder, that guy can do it!
He has both that ability and that determination!

...For some reason, Zhong Ye always had a sense of déjà vu when he watched the actions of that cultist.

That guy is like trying to make a hero, put all the events in the big city, and let everyone pay attention.

With the traffic conditions of this era, this kind of legendary event that happened around me will probably be nagged by people for a lifetime.

In other words, that cultist actually wanted to spread the title of 'God of Conspiracy'?

As for why he did that, the answer is actually very simple - the God of Conspiracy is dying!

(End of this chapter)

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