Soul echo

Chapter 488 Message

Chapter 488 Message
In full view of everyone, not long after Zhong Ye entered the room, the room collapsed and Zhong Ye was buried inside.

The faces of the priests surrounding the house suddenly changed, and they panicked.

Lily and Lilian stood aside, their expressions unchanged, and Lilian even couldn't help sighing.

With only this level of attack, how could it be possible to kill Zhong Ye?

Before the dust from the collapse of the house settled down, the ruins shook, and a big hand pushed aside the piled-up building wreckage, and walked out from under the ruins.

At this time, the clergymen remembered in embarrassment that Zhong Ye was powerful, so they didn't need to worry at all.

"That guy escaped again?"

Lily also felt that what she said was nonsense. If that guy hadn't escaped, he wouldn't have made the place where he lived into a trap.

The believer of the God of Conspiracy disguised himself as a businessman, accompanied other businessmen, came to this city, and then rented a house here to store the goods.

The house that just collapsed was rented by the cult members, and now the owner of this house is standing outside the circle surrounded by the clergymen and shouting angrily.

The house has collapsed. To clean it up and rebuild it requires not only money but also time. How much money will he lose during the rebuilding period?
No one knows the answer to this question, and not many people care about it.

Zhong Ye brushed off the dust from his body, walked to the leader of the clergyman, whispered a few words to him, the leader couldn't stop looking back at the landlord, and nodded slightly.

After communicating with the team leader, Zhong Ye looked back at the ruins seriously, and walked to Lilian and the others, "Let's go, that guy might have escaped again."

That cultist was really daring. Not only did he pretend to be a businessman and walked all the way with other businessmen without fleeing halfway, he even dared to come to this city.

Right now, the city Zhong Ye and the others are in is the destination where the cultist traveled with other businessmen. They followed the clues to get here, and found a few businessmen traveling with them through the church, and learned about the cultist from the mouths of those businessmen. the foothold.

Zhong Ye and the others walked almost non-stop, but they still failed to catch the cultist and passed him by.

Knowing that Zhong Ye and the others were chasing after them and setting a trap to kill them, if nothing happened, the cultist might have changed his identity again and fled from the city.

That guy doesn't even need to do anything extra, as long as he restores his original appearance, he can get out of the city.

Because until now, no one knew what that guy looked like, and naturally there was no description of the cultist's appearance on the wanted warrant.

Just when Zhong Ye was feeling restless, a ragged boy ran out of the crowd and waved the letter in his hand to him.

"Your letter! Your letter!"

Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows lightly, pointed to himself, and saw the boy nod repeatedly.

Frowning slightly, Zhong Ye walked over to take the letter from the boy, opened it and took a look.

——【Three days later, I will hold a blood sacrifice in Wolf Castle. I wonder if you, a hero from the East, can stop my plot in time? 】

Zhong Ye suddenly looked up at the boy, "Who gave you this letter?"

"A grown man."

The boy opened his hands to Zhong Ye, "He said that as long as he gives the letter to a tall adventurer who is traveling with priests and adults, the adventurer will give me a reward."

Hearing this, Zhong Ye couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

The cultist seemed to have figured out his character, even if he knew that the cultist was trying to scare him, he would still pay the money.

Swallowing the anger for a while, Zhong Ye looked at the boy, "How much is the reward?"

"The man said it was a silver coin!"

You can earn a silver coin by running errands, let alone this boy, I am afraid that even adults cannot resist this temptation.

Zhong Ye sighed softly, took out a good-quality silver coin from the purse, put it in the boy's hand, and watched him run away happily.

Lilian poked her head out from behind Zhong Ye, glanced roughly at the words on the paper, and was stunned.

"Teacher, are we going to Wolf Castle next?"

Zhong Ye nodded, "Now I know why that guy left such obvious clues before. He just wanted me to track him down and be teased by him."

"He wants to tease you? Why?" Lily asked with a frown.

There must be a reason for a person to act. A highly utilitarian group like the believers of the God of Conspiracy will definitely not do things that are not beneficial to themselves.

"I don't know yet, but..."

Zhong Ye held the piece of paper, and couldn't help sighing again.

It was impossible for him to do nothing after knowing that a blood sacrifice was about to take place.

For him, that blood sacrifice is still in a quantum superposition state, but if he does nothing, the blood sacrifice will collapse directly to the side of 'happening'.

Zhong Ye knew that that cultist was absolutely capable, and he was determined to do that.

It was because of this guy's cruelty that dozens of families in Honowell were torn apart.

After making up his mind, Zhong Ye discussed with the leader of the clergy.

The team leader will convey the news to the church members of Wolf Castle. At the same time, Zhong Ye will also borrow two draft horses from the church.

The last time Zhong Ye checked the draft horses, he found that the two draft horses that had been pulling their carts were a little overwhelmed, and their physical exhaustion had accumulated to a certain extent. If they were not allowed to rest and continued to pull the cart, they would be very tired. It might just fall down.

Zeller's God of War church family has a great career, so they can naturally get the two horses, not to mention that Zhong Ye exchanged the two horses in his hand, so they didn't lose much anyway.

After switching to the horse, Zhong Ye and the others did not stay any longer, but hurriedly left Cele and headed towards Wolf Castle.

Wolf Castle is located in the east of Celle, Zhong Ye and the others head east all the way, and it will take about two days to arrive.

However, Zhong Ye didn't know how the 'three days' written in that letter was calculated, was it 72 hours?Or three days later?

When they arrived at Wolf's Castle, they might not even have the slightest rest time, so they had to start looking for the blood sacrifice held by the cultist as soon as possible.

But Zhong Ye can now guess that when they arrived at Wolf Castle, that cultist had already left that city.

If there is a blood sacrifice to be performed, it will be performed by other people, not the cultist himself.

If Zhong Ye and the others could destroy the blood sacrifice in time, then at the scene of the sacrifice, or after that, there would also be a situation similar to the letter he received just now.

And the new information will naturally point to the next location where the cultists intend to make trouble.

Not only did Zhong Ye think so, but Lily also realized after they left Celler that the believer of the God of Conspiracy was most likely plotting a deeper conspiracy.

It's just that they can't guess what that guy wants to do now, and why he planned this whole conspiracy.

Everything about that cultist was hidden in the mist, whether it was his appearance, relationships, or plans, they were all hidden very deeply by him.

The only thing Zhong Ye and the others can do now is to follow the clues given by the cultist and follow the clues.

Even if they do this, they will be led by the nose by the cultist, but if they don't do that, they won't be able to find the cultist.

As a believer of the gods, Zhong Ye did not believe that the believers of the god of conspiracy did not take the power of the church into consideration, so everything he planned now was made after considering the influence of the church.

It's just that he doesn't know the village of the 'player' yet. The communication between Zhong Ye and the others has been broadcast live by Lilian. According to the atmosphere that Zhong Ye felt from the game forum before, the players are very likely to be dispatched, and they will try their best to get Zhong Ye Find that cultist earlier and kill him.

In the eyes of the players, they are the real protagonists of this world. Even a "plot protagonist" like Zhong Ye must make way for them. Otherwise, wouldn't they have let down the freedom of this game?
Hearing the voice of "Wow, you guys have to act together" coming from the carriage, Zhong Ye settled down and tried hard to drive the horses, trying to reach Wolf Castle as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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