Soul echo

Chapter 491 Chase

Chapter 491 Chase
"...Even you don't know where that cultist is?" Zhong Ye asked suspiciously looking at the virtual screen floating in front of his eyes.

[It should be the God of Conspiracy who made a move. He may be dying, so he chose to use such a 'farce' to collect beliefs and maintain his own existence. 】

[If you want to continue to survive, the faith you have collected now is not enough. If his believers are caught by you and judged, then the faith he has gathered so hard will collapse in an instant. 】

[Therefore, there is a high probability that the God of Conspiracy concealed the existence of that believer, and even we couldn't find it. 】

If the God of Conspiracy didn't have one or two unique skills, he would have been caught and killed by other gods long ago.

Therefore, it is not surprising that He can help his believers and blind the observation of the gods—especially this believer is still shouldering important responsibilities.

Zhong Ye sighed and turned to look out the window.

Göttingen at night is not much different from other cities, and it is still dark as far as the eye can see.

He had already arrived in Göttingen, but he couldn't find the cultist.

In the past nearly a month, he has been chasing the believer of the God of Conspiracy, but the cultist can always escape, and Zhong Ye doesn't know when he will be able to catch that guy.

... Let alone catching that guy now, it is a question of whether he can be stopped before his final plan is completed.

Leaning his back back, Zhong Ye showed a rare look of exhaustion.

After nearly a month of continuous tracking, even he couldn't hold it anymore.

This fatigue does not come from the body, but from the mind.

The heavy psychological pressure made him feel very tired, even he was like this, let alone Lily and Lilian.

Zhong Ye had already noticed that they were also very tired, and persuaded them more than once to stop and rest, and go after the cultist by himself, but they refused every time.

Lilian was fine. She had already passed the preliminaries and qualified for promotion. She didn't have much psychological pressure, but Lily was different. Both physical exhaustion and psychological pressure were on her body at the same time, and she was almost out of breath.

After this time, no matter what, he would persuade them to stay here to rest, they could no longer hold on.

Zhong Ye leaned on the back of the chair, unable to rest no matter what, exhaled a foul breath, got up and walked towards the door.

After pushing open the door, Zhong Ye walked down the stairs and entered the hall.

"Yo! Your Excellency, good evening!"

Zhong Ye turned his head and saw an adventurer raising his glass to greet him, with a smile on his face and cupping his fists in return.

After that greeting, the eyes of the entire hall were focused on Zhong Ye.

People toasted to say hello one after another, and even some adventurers coaxed the bard to change the tune and sing about Zhong Ye's legendary deeds.

If there is money to be made, bards are naturally happy to play and sing.

Putting the coins thrown on his desk into his pockets, the bard took a sip of ale, cleared his throat, and played and sang Zhong Ye's legendary deeds.

Smiling and refusing other adventurers' requests to share a table and drink, Zhong Ye ordered a large table of food, and ate big mouthfuls while listening to the bard's not-too-sounding singing voice.

He doesn't drink, so why worry?Only good food.

It is a pity that this is the Kingdom of the Rhine, and the world of Dan is a parallel world of the earth, and this place corresponds to the earth of Germany, Europe.

The dishes here are similar to those in Germany, not very tasty, even unpalatable - especially if the chef cooks traditional dishes.

Fortunately, after coming to this world, Zhong Ye's taste buds have been spoiled countless times. He can eat dishes that were difficult to swallow in the past, but now he can eat them with a normal expression.

Even though Zhong Ye was sitting there feasting, it didn't stimulate the saliva of the people around him. The adventurers just drank, talked loudly, and fought.

When Zhong Ye finished eating, the bard, who was as stable as a mountain and unaffected by the surrounding environment at all, had already sung about his recent actions in this area, about...his pursuit battle with that cultist.

Hearing this, Zhong Ye smiled self-deprecatingly, so where is the chase?

He has been led by the nose by that cultist, and has been following behind that cultist, but he has never been able to see the true face of that guy.

The portrait in his hand is his only clue now. He has asked the church to copy many copies. He wonders if he can use this clue to find the hidden cultist.

Just when Zhong Ye was about to pack up and return to his room, a player suddenly pushed open the door of the Adventurer's House and walked in.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye!" The player beamed with joy, "We have found that cultist, and we are about to capture him!"

Hearing this, Zhong Ye was slightly taken aback, then immediately frowned.

"Where are your people?"

Before the words were finished, there was a sudden vibration, shaking the wine in the wine glass on the table, causing ripples.

Through the open door of the Adventurer's House, many people could see a flame rising into the sky in the distance.

Zhong Ye didn't even think about it, and ran out directly. After running to the street, he jumped straight up, jumped onto the roof of the opposite house, and stepped on the roof to rush towards the explosion site.

The rabbit rose and fell, and ran to the scene of the explosion after a few bounces.

The violent flames engulfed a three-story building, and the erupted building debris scattered or hit surrounding buildings.

There were endless screams, and the flames were spreading to other houses on the street.

A few people dressed as adventurers stood in the street blankly, looking up at the building that suddenly exploded and then burned, dumbfounded.

"Fire! Fire!" the surrounding residents shouted.

Zhong Ye jumped onto the street, walked into the flames without hesitation, and walked towards the survivors who were still screaming.

Among the ruined walls, Zhong Ye saw many broken limbs and broken arms on the ground, and also saw the blood all over the wall being evaporated by the flames.

There are many people who have already turned into corpses, and they will not die with peace.

Broken gambling tables and gambling equipment were scattered all over the floor, walls collapsed, roof beams toppled, and someone was crushed under the burning beams, screaming incessantly.

Zhong Ye was not afraid of flames, so he used his fastest speed to rescue the people who were still alive from the sea of ​​flames.

When Zhong Ye rescued the living people one after another from the sea of ​​flames, several players standing on the street couldn't help but shuddered seeing the wounded who were festering and screaming.

They kept telling themselves that 'this is just a game', but the shocking injuries on the wounded who kept screaming and writhing in pain lingered in their hearts, as if they had left a deep imprint on their hearts.

After saving people, Zhong Ye used his psychic power to extinguish the flames of the casino and surrounding houses.

Even though he had tried his best, it took him almost 10 minutes to barely control the fire.

Under Zhong Ye's command, the neighbors, the city guards and priests rushed to take action, hastily sprinkled water and soil on the house to reduce the fire, and tried their best to put out the fire.

In the end, after another hour of busy work, the fire was completely extinguished.

Those players still stayed here without moving. Zhong Ye, Lilian and the others surrounded the players and asked, "What did you find?"

Several 'adventurers' slowly turned their heads and looked straight at Zhong Ye.

With just one glance, Zhong Ye realized that those players had already gone offline, and what was still here was only their shells.

However, only their bodies are enough. It would be better to say that the hosting system will answer all questions, and those players themselves may only haw and haw, not daring to say a word of truth.

"We found the cultist according to the portrait, and just assembled our people to enter the casino to arrest the cultist, but the casino exploded..."

Zhong Ye frowned, and looked back at the burning casino.

Suddenly, I saw that the ashes in the casino slowly condensed into a line of words on a broken wall.

——【The next location, Brunswick. 】

Looking at that line of text, Zhong Ye gritted his teeth.

The killing intent was churning in his chest, rising continuously!Keep going up!

Even though this is just a casino, and even though the gamblers and gang members who organize the casino are better dead than alive, life cannot be trampled upon!
Now it's just a casino, so what about the future?

Could it be a factory?Could it be school?
Must kill that guy...

— He must be killed!

(End of this chapter)

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