Soul echo

Chapter 439 Secret Employment

Chapter 439 Secret Employment
"...Thank you everyone, today's concert is over!"

Unlike the songs that adventurers usually listen to, the songs sung by the three players are not glib, nor are there any favorite sex parties, but the ear-catching melodies make them never tire of listening to them.

"One more song!"

I don't know who yelled, and the adventurers laughed, raised their glasses high, slammed their palms on the table, and shouted: "One more song! One more song!"

The shouts of the adventurers made the three players smile, and couldn't help playing and singing the same classic song.

In reality, they are little people no one cares about, but in this game, they can cheer.

But at this moment, Zhong Ye heard the commotion outside the Adventurer's House, and glanced at the gate.

Although the door of the Adventurer's House is closed, the sound can still penetrate. Therefore, many residents of the slums lie on the windows and lean against the door to eavesdrop on the singing inside.

But now, they were dispersed.

The door of the Adventurer's House was kicked open, and the singing stopped abruptly.

The adventurers were stunned for a moment, then turned their heads and glared at the person who kicked the door open, many of them slapped the table and got up, yelling.

"Which bastard is it?"

"Do you know where this is?"

"Believe it or not, I chopped off your feet!"

Facing the scolding and glaring from the adventurers, the door kicker not only showed no fear at all, but also proudly puffed out his chest.

"Just relying on you untouchables?"

After finishing speaking, the kicker stepped aside and invited the people behind him into the hall, where they were exposed to the light.

"Master Joseph, please come in, come in quickly."

The man was wearing a set of dark neat clothes, with a straight figure, a slightly raised chin, and the corner of his mouth was like a chin, with a tendency to pick up.

"Master Ulrik heard that several good musicians have appeared here recently, let me invite them to come over and play a piece for the young master."

Having said that, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he amplified his voice: "Of course, we will pay the reward, ten gold coins at a time."

"Tch! It's that guy again!"

Just as the person who looked like a deacon finished speaking, an adventurer suddenly turned his head and spat.

The deacon stared sharply and yelled, "What are you talking about?!"

"I said what's wrong with him?" The adventurer opened his arms and pushed back excitedly, "In his 30s, he can only eat, drink and have fun, no wonder the lord has not given up the position of lord to him for a long time-ha! Over 30 years old Even being called 'Young Master', doesn't he feel a little bit ashamed?"

"You, you..." The deacon's eyes widened, and he pointed at the adventurer's nose with trembling fingers.

"What's wrong with him? Tell me!" On the side, there were other adventurers who felt that the fire was not strong enough, so they immediately added more wood to the fire.

"Are you good at anything but pointing at people?"

"Ten gold coins just want to cheat people away. Do you think they are fools? Or are you poor ghosts who can only afford this little money?"

The deacon's face turned blue and white after being overwhelmed, but he couldn't do anything except glaring at this group of shameless things with his eyes.

The vicious gaze crossed their faces, and the deacon withdrew his gaze sullenly, looked towards the corner of the hall, and shouted: "If you have any ideas, come to the castle and say that you were invited by 'Joseph'! "

After saying that, the deacon gave the adventurers a final look, snorted coldly, turned and left.

If he didn't leave, he might be so angry with those things that his heart would explode!
When he came, he was aggressive, but when he left, his back showed a bit of embarrassment.

The adventurers burst into laughter as they watched the figures of the two walking away quickly disappear into the light.

noble?What about the nobility?

Anyway, they are adventurers, at worst, they run away and don't live here anymore. Could it be that the nobles can go to other lords' territories to arrest them?
The three players also calmed down. The female player holding the guitar stood up and bowed to the many adventurers present.

"Thank you for protecting us."

Hearing this thank you, the adventurers laughed even more wildly.

When the hall was filled with laughter, Lilian noticed the thoughtful look on Zhong Ye's face, and couldn't help poking Zhong Ye's arm, and asked softly, "Teacher, what did you think of?"

Zhong Ye replied: "The person just now should be a deacon of the lord's house in Stuttgart. His attitude is a bit interesting."

When he appeared on the stage, he was arrogant, followed by a panic that was caught off guard, and after the panic, he was stern and soft, which meant that the deacon didn't understand what kind of group adventurers were.

Adventurers can be said to be travelers who travel to and from various places, but in other words, they are also armed forces that move between various territories.

They are afraid of the military power held by the nobles, and envious of the power and wealth held by the nobles. If they were given a choice, most of them would be willing to become lackeys of the nobles.

However, if the nobles or the forces under the nobles angered them, they would not let it go.

The adventurers in the past were just a group of wandering soldiers, but the appearance of the Adventurer's House gave them cohesion and gave them the courage and confidence to fight against the nobles.

The deacon's attitude, coupled with the address of the Adventurer's House, made Zhong Ye have some vague ideas in his mind.

——The nobles of Stuttgart don't seem to understand what kind of power the adventurer possesses. Then, can he use the adventurer to help him find the hidden "cooperator" of the Mind Eater?
The partner must be an aristocrat, and possess at least a little power, otherwise it would be impossible to help Mind Eater cover up the truth.

Although adventurers cannot get in touch with nobles, nobles also have servants and attendants, and they are accessible to adventurers.

Stuttgart is a big city, and there are naturally many nobles, even those who only have a little power.

However, after excluding those nobles who could not use their power to help Mind Eater cover up the truth, there were not many nobles left.

It's just a pity that Zhong Ye and the others are racing against time. If they fail to find the collaborator before Mind Eater assassinates him, they will lose an important clue.

So even if there are not many nobles who need to investigate, it is impossible for Zhong Ye to contact and investigate in person, that would be a waste of time.

Thinking like this, Zhong Ye stood up and walked to the front desk.

In order to thank the adventurers for their help, the three players played and sang the unfinished song.

Zhong Ye walked to the front desk, knocked on the table, put down a silver coin, and asked, "How many adventurers here are willing to accept secret employment?"

There are two methods of employment in the Adventurer's House, one is to post a notice, tell all the adventurers the task, and let them choose to undertake it by themselves, and the other is to hire secretly.

Adventurers who are willing to accept secret employment will register their names in the Adventurer's House. Once someone chooses the secret employment method, the Adventurer's House will provide them with a list with the adventurer's name and specialties written on it. Let the employers and adventurers communicate and negotiate on their own. The Adventurer's House will not participate in it, nor will it make any commission, but at the same time, it will not protect the interests of the adventurers.

The receptionist was awakened from the state of being intoxicated by the music, glanced at Zhong Ye, and took out two lists from the drawer.

Not only adventurers who live in the Adventurer's House can register, as long as the adventurers within the range of Stuttgart can register their names on the secret employment list.

With the list in hand, Zhong Ye walked aside and browsed through the two lists by the light.

The list is quite brief, only the names and specialties of the adventurers, and some are even just code names, nothing else can be seen.

However, on another list, there are characters and mission completion numbers corresponding to their names and codenames, as well as their ways of doing things.

This is collected by the Adventurer's House. It needs a silver coin to get it, and it can only be obtained by hirers who choose Hidden Hire.

After a quick glance, Zhong Ye identified a few people.

Among them were the three players who were sitting in the corner playing and singing.

(End of this chapter)

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