Soul echo

Chapter 440 Thieves Guild, All-pervasive

Chapter 440 Thieves Guild, All-pervasive

The Mind Eater, the Cleric, the Adventurer, and the collaborator themselves are also a force, and now there are four forces entangled and pulled in Stuttgart.

Zhong Ye walked on the bustling street, thinking about this matter silently.

He had hired several adventurers to help him secretly investigate this matter through secret employment, and after signing the contract, he told them about the Mind Eater.

Several adventurers already know that there is a group of Mind Eaters in Stuttgart, and they should be more careful when they act.

After hiring those adventurers, Zhong Ye didn't stay in the Adventurer's House to wait for the news, but took action by himself, trying to find that 'cooperator'.

Lily and Lilian also acted, but just like before, they acted separately, using their own methods to find clues.

Stuttgart is very big. Although it is not comparable to Paris and Milan, it is also a rare big city in this era.

According to visual estimates, there are at least 6 to [-] people living in this city. Finding someone in such a big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even if they have targeted a certain category, it is still difficult to find that collaborator.

Zhong Ye did not have a channel to contact the nobles, and he did not plan to contact those nobles so soon.

Because doing so would expose his existence to the eyes of the Mind Eater, even though he was not sure whether he had been noticed by the Mind Eater hiding in Stuttgart, but anyway, it was better not to act rashly.

Zhong Ye didn't go to contact the nobles, nor did he go to contact the priests, because the Mind Eater would definitely keep an eye on the priests.

He planned to learn some information through the gang and the Thieves Guild as before.

Although the time is tight now, it is not so urgent that they need to bump around like headless chickens.

He asked the location of the Thieves Guild from other adventurers, and left the Adventurer's House and came to the street.

In order to act secretly, he took off all the weapons on his body, neither Jade Bird nor Jin Shiyue, and even smeared a few handfuls of charcoal on his face to cover up his appearance that is different from that of the Westlanders.

Zhong Ye's tall stature is difficult to pretend, but he only needs to bend his back and knees slightly to make his height not much different from that of ordinary people, only a little bit taller.

With his ability, he can completely bend over without being noticed by outsiders.

When he finished all the disguises, if Lily and Lilian didn't know that it was him, they might not be able to recognize him from the back and profile.

Even if they couldn't recognize him, the others would certainly not be able to recognize him either.

Zhong Ye didn't tell anyone, and quietly left from the Adventurer's House, and entered through the city gate just like everyone else.

Stuttgart's thieves' guild is located beneath a least that's where the entrance is.

However, before entering the area where the Thieves Guild was located, just at the entrance of the brothel, Zhong Ye discovered a human being suspected of being a mind devourer.

He is the doorman of this brothel, sitting at the door of the brothel, holding a dagger in his hand. He looks no different from ordinary people, but his heartbeat and blood flow are much slower than ordinary people.

When Zhong Ye walked into the brothel, the guard looked up at him and stopped him.

"Hey! What are you doing here? Want to..."

Before he finished speaking, he was attracted by the gold coin that appeared in Zhong Ye's hand.

"Information." Zhong Ye confided a word.

The doorman couldn't help smacking his lips, turned his head, and signaled with his eyes, "The third room, please say it again after entering."

Zhong Ye put away the gold coins, walked straight to the third room, opened the door and walked in.

"Huh? Looks like I'm lucky today..."

Although a few handfuls of ashes were smeared on his face, Zhong Ye's appearance is not bad. If you take a closer look, you can see his true face, and even if he lowers his height a little, he is still taller than ordinary people .

The prostitute sitting in the room saw what Zhong Ye looked like at first sight, she immediately smiled and tore off her shirt.

"I didn't come to look for you." Zhong Ye gave her an indifferent look, "You should be the Thieves Guild here, right?"

"whispering sound!"

Knowing Zhong Ye's reason for coming, the prostitute spat, closed her shirt, and sat back on the bed.

"If you want to know anything, just ask - don't worry, the sound insulation here is very good, and no sound can come out."

The intelligence officer of the Thieves Guild is this whore?

Zhong Ye looked at her suspiciously, thought for a while, and asked tentatively: "What I want to know is a group of cultists who worship an evil god like black mist, and among them, there is a group that has transformed into Black mist, believers who can take away other people's bodies, do you know them?"

The prostitute took out a cigarette from the bedside, lit it, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the smoke.


"Then do you know that the human beings controlled by them have much slower heartbeat and blood flow than ordinary people?"

Hearing this sentence, the prostitute looked at Zhong Ye in surprise, "Are you here to ask for information, or to sell information? We don't know about it."

Zhong Ye nodded, and said again: "Then do you know that the guards of your brothel have this kind of characteristic?"


The prostitute raised her head in a daze, and looked at Zhong Ye's dark and bright eyes. She believed his words, got up and walked to the only table in the room, and took out a bell from the cosmetic box on the table.

She rang the bell, and not long after, the closet door beside her was pushed open, and a thin masked man walked out from it.

The prostitute repeated what Zhong Ye had just said to her, and the thin man nodded after listening, took a deep look at Zhong Ye, stepped back to the closet, and closed the door smoothly.

After doing this, the prostitute breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Zhong Ye with complicated eyes, sat back on the bed, crossed her legs, supported the bed with one hand, and sat sideways on the bed, showing her body curves to her heart's content.

"If this is true... why are you helping us? And how do you know about it? What are you here for?"

"Because they are my enemies, it won't do me any harm to get rid of an enemy." Zhong Ye said lightly, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"I came here to know what they are looking for recently." Zhong Ye stared at the prostitute, unmoved by her enchantment, "I knew what they were looking for before I came to this city , so now I want to know what they are looking for."

"They're not looking for something." Seeing that Zhong Ye wasn't tempted at all, the prostitute snorted softly and sat up straight. "According to our information, they're trying to kill people."

Sure enough, the Thieves Guild knew some news...

Zhong Ye asked in a deep voice, "Who are they going to kill?"

The prostitute made a gesture, Zhong Ye took out ten gold coins from the purse and threw them over without thinking.

The prostitute didn't catch all of it, but the rest of the money was also scattered on the bed, and she didn't need to spend a lot of effort to pick it up.

After casually putting all the gold coins into her pockets, the prostitute chuckled: "The heir of Stuttgart, the famous 'waste' Ulrike Skospier."

Zhong Ye pretended to be surprised, "Him? Is there anything special about him?"

At this moment, stones were knocked on the prostitute's window, and someone threw three stones in a row outside.

However, the prostitute showed a smile because of this.

"Thank you for doing us a great favor, so the following piece of information is free-according to the information we have collected, that waste seems to have something to do with that group of cultists, just because the church is vigorously hunting down the cult members in the city recently. believers, so the group of cultists may also escape, just in case, they want to kill him?"

Unexpectedly, he got the information he wanted so quickly, Zhong Ye nodded to the prostitute, turned and walked out of the room.

When he left the brothel, he found that the doorman had changed in such a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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