Soul echo

Chapter 438 Heading to Stuttgart

Chapter 438 Heading to Stuttgart
"...So that's the case, no wonder my lord ordered us to investigate this matter."

Zhong Ye and the others have already left Schwenningen, and they are now in the church of the Tubingen Medical Church.

The person sitting opposite them and talking to them is the main person in charge of this church, the priest of the Medical Church.

As one of the entrances and exits of the Black Forest, Tubingen has a huge flow of people, and the size of the town is not small. Naturally, the power of the church stationed here will not be weak.

Before Zhong Ye came to Tubingen, the local medical church took down the captain of the port's defense.

After all, the big ship of Lord Schwenningen’s family did not stop at Tubingen once or twice. Many people have seen that ship appear in the port of Tubingen more than once, and the tricks in it are just to ask the port. The guards will know.

The guards were lax, and the priests didn't even spend money or threaten them. They just asked casually, and the guards explained everything.

After capturing the port guard captain, Tubingen has no human beings related to the interests of Mind Eater. They just interrogated for a while, and the guard captain recruited everything.

However, when they captured the garrison captain, the Mind Eater hiding in Tubingen sensed something was wrong and withdrew early. Therefore, they did not capture or destroy the Mind Eater.

This time the arrest operation was approved by the lord. Although the Medical Church just casually notified before the action, anyway, they will continue the operation regardless of whether they have permission. The lord's permission is not necessary, but if the lord does not want to This matter has torn face with the church. If you save face, you will definitely allow it.

The priest of the Medical Church learned from Zhong Ye the information about the route of the big ship, and at the same time learned that Stuttgart also had a "collaborator" of Mind Eater.

The collaborator is different from the Mind Eater itself. The Mind Eater can easily abandon the long-term interpersonal relationship and the wealth he owns, but this partner will definitely not do that.

Because he is human and greedy for beauty.

From this point, it can be seen that this collaborator is a person who is addicted to pleasure. For such a person, wine, sex and wealth must not be discarded.

Rather than worrying about the partner escaping, it is better to worry about him being killed by the Mind Eater.

Zhong Ye came to Tubingen only to inform the priests of the church about these news, and after that, the news would be conveyed to the priests in other towns through the church's internal communication network.

At that time, the clergy in those towns will be on their guard.

"My lord priest, that's all I know. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."


The priest looked at the travel-stained Zhong Ye suspiciously, "Are you going to the Adventurer's House? Or..."

"Go to Stuttgart." Zhong Ye told the truth, "We are not going to stay in Tubingen, but before Mind Eater reacts, we will go directly to Stuttgart and arrest that collaborator."

Hearing this, the priest frowned slightly.

Tubingen is not far from Stuttgart. If you start now, you may arrive in Stuttgart before the evening.

It's just that they still don't know the specific identity and address of the collaborator, but the Mind Eater knows it all.

Their actions in Tubingen must have alarmed the Mind Eater, and the Mind Eater who escaped from Tubingen might also go to Stuttgart.

If the church in Stuttgart took action now, it might alarm the Mind Eaters and make them follow suit.

They may fight against the clergyman, or they may run away directly, but no matter what, they will definitely get rid of the collaborator first, so as to prevent him from being found out and exposing their information.

After thinking carefully for a moment, the priest said: "...I will tell the church members in Stuttgart about these things, so that they will not act so blatantly."

"Thank you." Zhong Ye nodded.

He then bid farewell to the priest and turned to leave the room.

Their carriage was parked outside the church. After leaving the church, Zhong Ye directly sat on the coachman's seat, grabbed the reins, and drove the harness horse towards the northern gate of the town.

"The matter is settled?" Lily's voice came from the carriage.

Zhong Ye nodded and said, "The priest will help us tell the clergy in Stuttgart about this, so that they don't act rashly and startle the enemy."

He heard two breaths of relief in the carriage, and then Lilian's question sounded again: "Teacher, can we catch that collaborator? Can we make it in time?"

"Whether you can make it or not, you have to try it before you know."

Zhong Ye stared ahead, his eyes swept over the crowd, and said seriously: "If the Heart Eater wants to do something, it may be our chance, as long as the partner is not a fool, he will definitely be extremely wary of the Heart Eater , and for so many years, he and them have always been just collaborators, and the relationship between them has not changed in the slightest, which means that guy is not a fool, and it is not easy for Mind Eater to kill him."

It took them half a day to go from Schwenningen to Tubingen, mainly because of the bad road conditions, and even if the road from Tubingen to Stuttgart is not smooth, it will definitely not be rough.

They only need three to four hours to arrive in Stuttgart. As for how to find the hidden 'collaborator' after arriving in Stuttgart, Zhong Ye hasn't thought that much yet.

They had never been to Stuttgart, didn't know the situation in that city, and naturally couldn't make plans.

Four hours passed in a hurry, Zhong Ye and the others walked from a bustling and noisy town into the wilderness, and came to a bustling city.

At this time, the sun was slowly sinking into the western mountain, and the sky was getting dark.

Just like the receding ice and snow, the city is gradually rejuvenating, with stalls on both sides of the street and pedestrians slowly filling the street.

Factory employees on the other side of the city seemed to have just left work and were heading back to their homes along the streets.

Before going home, they occasionally buy some items at the stalls passing by, which is why some vendors have persisted until now and have not closed the stalls to go home.

After arriving in Stuttgart, Zhong Ye discovered that there was no need for them to come here before the city gate was closed, because the adventurer's home in this city was built outside the city and in the slums.

Among the stretches of tile-roofed houses, earthen houses and even wooden sheds, the tall and majestic Adventurer's House is particularly conspicuous.

Similar to the slums in other cities, the slums in Stuttgart were also built outside the city, close to the city wall.

There is no protection around the slums, only a wooden fence is surrounded, but the fence looks crumbling, and it can be blown down by a strong wind, so it has no protective effect at all.

Residents living inside the city walls of Stuttgart don't think the slums are part of the city at all. Even if someone kills and sets fire here, the city defense army will not even take a look at them, let alone arrest them.

Before the establishment of the Adventurer's House, this area was chaotic and disorderly. Even after the establishment of the Adventurer's House, the crime rate was still not low.

Zhong Ye drove into the backyard of the Adventurer's House and registered the carriage for storage.

He was very curious about how the Adventurer's House managed to gain a foothold in this chaotic slum, and even started a business of storing items.

It's just because the Adventurer's Home is built in a slum, and no one else is willing to store items here except the adventurers who live here.

Zhong Ye entered the hall on the first floor of the Adventurer's House from the passage leading to the hall from the backyard. Just as he entered here, he heard a familiar melody and tone.


Zhong Ye looked over, and in the corner of the hall, he found a woman holding a guitar and playing slowly. Beside her, there was a man and a woman standing in front of them, holding a musical instrument in their hands.

When the harmonica blew and the drumsticks fell, the woman holding the guitar began to sing softly.

"Fantasy Night".

——This is the song of the earth.

Zhong Ye stood at the door and watched for a while, then walked to Lily and the others and sat down, listening quietly.

As I listened, my thoughts gradually drifted away...

(End of this chapter)

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