Soul echo

Chapter 152 The Journey of Another Departure

Chapter 152 The Journey of Another Departure
Zhong Ye and Lilian stayed in Turin for two days, and left the city before the daughter of the host of the black market in Turin came to the door.

Amos left one day earlier than them. He stayed in this city for more than ten days, successfully hooked up with that woman, and then left before he was bound here...

When leaving Turin, Zhong Ye had a dark face.

"Teacher, has that witcher always been like this?" Lilian's tone was full of contempt.

"I don't know!" Zhong Ye replied with a blunt tone, "In fact, I haven't known him for long, we have only fought side by side for a few times, and we are very friendly to each other, so the relationship seems to be good."

Because of Amos, they had to pack up and leave in a hurry, no matter how they looked at it, they were quite embarrassed.

Although the power of Turin's black market will definitely not be able to stop them, Zhong Ye doesn't want to make things big. Anyway, Amos has already slapped his ass and ran away. No matter what happens in Turin, it will not affect him. If things become big Well, it was Zhong Ye and the others who really suffered.

In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, they can only leave Turin in advance.

Sensing Zhong Ye's dissatisfaction with Amos' behavior, and not knowing why, Lilian breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, then raised the corners of her mouth slightly, forming two shallow dimples, and asked, "Teacher, what's next?" Where are we going?"


Zhong Ye pulled out the brand-new map from his backpack with his backhand, put his fingers on the position of 'Turin', and then slowly moved upwards, "From here, to here—from Yitrur to Hallstatt City-State Alliance. "

Lilian is very familiar with the map in front of her.

This is a map of Earth Europe, except for a few differences.

The Kingdom of Yitruul is equivalent to Italy, and the Hallstatt City-State Alliance is equivalent to Switzerland, and the situation in these two countries is also very similar to reality.

If she remembers correctly, Switzerland was also a city-state alliance in history, and it didn't really become a country until modern times.

I don't know if Illusion Company cut corners, or they deliberately designed it this way in order to provide players with a sense of substitution. The background of "Echo of Soul" is very similar to reality to a certain extent.

Not in Yitrul, but the Hallstatt city-state alliance?

In other words, she can act across borders?
Hallstatt city-state alliance... I don't know what those city-states look like?

It was only at this time that Lilian realized that when she visited the forum before, she seemed to only pay attention to geographically related words such as Yitruer and Xilu, and rarely paid attention to what happened in other countries and regions.

But why Hallstatt city-state alliance?Since the information was obtained from the black market in Turin, shouldn't the information point to other areas of Yitrul?

Lilian raised this question, and Zhong Ye replied with a smile: "Because compared to Yitrul, Hallstatt is a city-state alliance. It is not difficult to say that the personnel changes are more frequent, but the composition of personnel is complex, it is not difficult to mix in, and it is naturally easier to collect intelligence.

"As for the other cities and regions of Etrull, although they are not all-pervasive, compared to Hallstatt, it is indeed much more difficult."

Hearing this, Lilian suddenly realized that there were so many twists and turns.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that most of the information in Zhong Ye's hands pointed to Hallstatt—since people from the black market could easily sneak into Hallstatt, it would not be difficult for cultists to sneak into Hallstatt.

Of course, cultists are not bound to cause trouble when they appear in one place. After all, they may not be successful in doing things, and they need to be fully prepared to increase the chance of success.

Since preparations are required, funds are also essential. If preparations are made solely by robbery and theft, their identities may be exposed before they start making trouble.

Therefore, those suspected cultists appearing in those places may just be preparing for trouble.

Their first destination was Valais, known as the "country of valleys". title.

In reality, the canton of Valais in Switzerland can be regarded as a tourist attraction, but in the background of the era of "Echo of the Soul", the difficulty of walking and remoteness dooms a region to poverty.

There are no export channels for the products produced, and there are not many outsiders throughout the year. Except for some noble children and bards who are crazy about traveling, even adventurers don't like to go to that city-state.

I don’t know how the people in the black market in Turin knew that there might be traces of cultists in that city-state, if it wasn’t for Amos who repeatedly vouched for the accuracy of the information in his own name...Since Amos has vouched for it in his own name So, are these things still accurate?
Thinking of this, Zhong Ye was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head helplessly, put the map into his backpack, and slowly accelerated to run.

Lilian carefully controlled the horse, let the horse trot, and ran into the distance.


On the fifth day after leaving Turin, Zhong Ye didn't know if they had crossed the national border. Anyway, in this era, national borders only exist on maps, and no country has the ability to maintain such things as 'national borders' .

It is a common occurrence for people living on the border to go to other countries, and it would be strange if this did not happen.

Even the local lords don't know where the boundaries of their territories are, so they often make jokes and even cause 'wars'.

However, behind these behaviors are actually conflicts of interest. It’s just that these ugly things are wrapped and covered up by both sides with a layer of behavior that can be talked about and made a joke, so that people ignore them. It is the real damage. party.

Zhong Ye and Lilian were 'fortunate' to witness a 'border war'. Only some soldiers on both sides had muskets, and most of them carried various 'weapons', such as sickles, pitchforks, and wooden sticks.

These people are not soldiers at all, they are peasants conscripted by the lord, and they have to provide their own weapons and equipment.

If it wasn't for this so-called 'war' that died at the stage of exchanging family names before it even started, Lilian had reason to believe that her teacher would be full of sympathy, and she would directly raise her sword to reason with the nobles on both sides.

The distance between Turin and the border is only a little farther than the distance from Milan, but Turin has already followed the pace of the first industrial revolution, while the border is still like those long-winded and lengthy noble stories in the Middle Ages. The ground is full of trivial matters.

After arriving at the border, Zhong Ye had some troubles.

Valais is not only surrounded by towering mountains, in fact, when they first came to the border, they had already stepped into the mountains.

To get to the Valais, you need to find a clear road between the mountains. The problem is that this route is not marked on the map.

Perhaps before entering the mountain, they should have found a good guide, but it was useless to say anything now, not to mention that they couldn't find the way forward, Zhong Ye even forgot how to go the original way.

When he told Lilian the unfortunate news, the two of them stared wide-eyed, but couldn't think of any way.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time..." Zhong Ye sighed helplessly, "If you don't have enough food, you can also hunt wild game. Let's regard it as a unique adventure!"

Lilian was silent. It seemed that it was the first time she had seen Zhong Ye so unreliable. Ever since she knew Zhong Ye, in her eyes, Zhong Ye had always been a mature, reliable and polite adult. She did not expect him to be so unreliable. There will be such a rash time.

But looking at it this way... it seems a little cute?

Just as Lilian was looking at the bullet screen and daydreaming, a sudden gust of wind blew and slid into the clothes along the collar, making her shiver uncontrollably.

The girl looked up at the seemingly bleak mountain forest, remembered the thick clothes in her bag, and immediately felt relieved.

Although the weather is starting to turn cold, it doesn't matter. When they were in Turin, they bought warm clothes. Even if they were walking in the wilderness, they didn't need to worry about the cold.

——Fortunately, she reminded me aloud at that time!
(End of this chapter)

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