Soul echo

Chapter 153

Chapter 153
The mountains of the Alps really live up to their reputation. Layers of mountain shadows gradually rise along the line of sight and radiate into the distance. Evergreen trees grow on relatively low hills and foothills, and there is a continuous stretch of mountains farther away. The snow-white peaks rise.

Zhong Ye and Lilian walked along the natural mountain path, stepping on the withered and yellow grass due to seasonal changes, surrounded by continuous mountains and forests.

Their destination lies deep in the mountains, and no other information is known.

——Even people born in Valais might not be able to find a way to the outside world in these mountains.

After entering the Alps, Zhong Ye discovered that it was not unreasonable for Valais to be called the 'Country of Valleys'. Of course, it might be more appropriate to use the term 'Country of Mountains'.

This land is not barren, it can even be said to be rich in resources.

Along the way, they found many rare plants. Although they couldn't call them out, they could judge the rarity of those trees through the surrounding ecological environment-this is one of the skills that many experienced adventurers must learn. Using this skill, they can Make a lot of money.

It was a gamble, a wager of one's own life and the money one would have to expend to venture out, on a fortune.

No one taught Zhong Ye this skill, he learned it from books.

However, Zhong Ye is not a professional adventurer. Adventurer is just his side job. He usually does not use these skills to make money, because it is really troublesome for him to bring these things from the wilderness to the civilized area.

After discovering those rare plants, Zhong Ye did nothing but record them. If he had the opportunity to sell the notes in his hand, he could also make a fortune.

Along the way, Zhong Ye was making maps.

He recorded all the prominent landmarks on the way, and drew them on a piece of parchment with charcoal. The map he made was very simple, but most adventurers used this kind of map.

In this way, not only can you avoid not being able to find your way, but you can also avoid being unable to correct the wrong way.

Of course, regarding these skills, Zhong Ye did not have the idea of ​​teaching Lilian, even he himself had only a half-knowledge, how could he mislead others?

There are few people here, and Zhong Ye and the others didn't see half a person other than themselves during the journey. Not only did they not see any people, they couldn't even find any traces of human activities.

If he hadn't known that there was a city-state among these mountains, Zhong Ye might have thought that this place was a truly wild place—in this era, such places abound in a country.

Walking along the mountain path, Zhong Ye and the others are gradually going deep into the mountains.

On the sixth day into the mountains, they found a village.

The village was built at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by a stone fence, because here, compared with trees, stones are cheaper.

Zhong Ye found the village from afar, but the villagers didn't find them until they approached the village.

When the villagers herding sheep saw them, they drove the sheep into the village. On the way back, they yelled loudly, arousing the vigilance of other villagers. outside.

Looking at this group of people and the 'weapons' in their hands, Lilian was surprised.

The human world beyond the mountains has almost become the world of steel and gunpowder, and the steam engine is gradually becoming the leading force in industrial development, but in this stretch of mountains, the 'weapons' used by people are dung forks and stone axes, only a few Several people held machetes in their hands.

The times seem to have changed again, and an invisible hand quietly moved the time forward several hundred years after they entered the mountains.

Compared with Lilian, who couldn't laugh or cry, Zhong Ye's expression became a little dignified.

From a distance, Zhong Ye could smell a stench floating in the air. This smell emanated from those mountain people, and there was a part of himself and a part of his clothes.

They wore furs that outsiders could not wear, but the leather that was made into the clothes had not been further processed, exuding a strong smell.

Living in the mountains, they are exposed to wind and sun every day, making their skin rough and dark.

However, instead of being physically stronger due to long-term training, compared with people from the outside world, these mountain people appear a little thinner and shorter due to lack of food.

Zhong Ye led the horse and stood far away from the villagers, and asked loudly, "We are adventurers from beyond the mountains. Excuse me, do you know where Valai is?"

In the world of Dan, except for the obvious language differences between the Eastern Land and the Western Land, most countries have not developed their own languages. Because of this, it is said that the Western Land and the Eastern Land are the two major civilization circles in the world.

——There is extraordinary power in this world. Even in the ancient times, there were many travelers who traveled to and from various settlements. They brought out their own language and characters, allowing a range of languages ​​and characters to slowly evolve and gradually form. Today's Westland and Eastland languages.

Therefore, even in the deep mountains, the mountain people can understand what Zhong Ye said, and there is no communication barrier.

Hearing this, the mountain people looked at each other in blank dismay, they did not put down their dung forks and stone axes, but they seemed willing to communicate with Zhong Ye and the others.

The mountain people began to discuss in low voices, but they obviously didn't expect that Zhong Ye could actually hear their discussions.

Some people fell in love with his horse and students, as well as the big sword he carried on his back, and wanted to grab them, but more people didn't agree with their ideas, and wanted to drive them away directly, or tell him Their Valais location.

They argue endlessly and tend to intensify.

Listening to their discussion, Zhong Ye didn't say anything, but felt a deep sadness.

Ignorance and ignorance are not their fault, because this village is isolated from the world, few outsiders come here, they live a monotonous life day after day, their ancestors may have knowledge, but in their generation, they And if you haven't seen those things with your own eyes, how can you prove that the things in the story really exist?
Zhong Ye waited silently. Lilian stood behind him on horseback. Although he couldn't see his face, he could tell from his small movements that he was not in a good mood. Was it because he heard the discussions of those villagers?

Lilian knew that Zhong Ye's perception was extremely powerful. According to the speculation of other players in the forum, his perception attribute may have reached more than [-] points.

With such a 'close' distance, Zhong Ye should be able to hear it.

The mountain folk kept arguing, and it took a while before the tone was set.

"Wallet's over there!"

A slightly burly mountain man came out with a scimitar, pointing east by north.

After pointing out the direction, the mountain people still stared at Zhong Ye vigilantly, apparently distrusting him.

After all, Zhong Ye was close to two meters tall, and in the eyes of these mountain people, he could almost be regarded as a 'giant', and he also carried a weapon that matched his height, so he knew that he was not easy to mess with.

"Thank you." Zhong Ye let out a sigh of relief, nodded his thanks, and led Lilian away from the village.

Under the watchful eyes of the mountain people, they bypassed the village far away, and even walked up the mountain, bypassing the village from the mountain to avoid misunderstandings.

After leaving the village, Lilian turned her gaze back and asked doubtfully, "Teacher, how do you know they know Valai's location?"

"Because some mountain people have knives in their hands." Zhong Ye replied, "I took a closer look and found that one of those scimitars was quite new, but this village doesn't look like there is a blacksmith either. If they had contact with the outside world, they wouldn't think they could rob us, so I decided that there should be a place with blacksmiths and iron ore around here, and if nothing else, it would be Valais."

Lilian blinked her eyes and said in surprise, "They want to rob us?"

Zhong Ye nodded, "I have this idea."

But it's just an idea, and it's not a crime to have an idea.

Walking on the road, Zhong Ye thought for a while, and made a mark from the map he made in his backpack, representing that village.

(End of this chapter)

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