Soul echo

Chapter 151 The Journey of Another Departure

Chapter 151 The Journey of Another Departure
The refreshing breeze blows in front of you, bringing the breath of the distant city.

Zhong Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked far into the distance, taking in the general outline of the city with its back against the mountains.

Before he set off today, he had already confirmed that the city that appeared in his field of vision now was 'Turin' - he didn't even need to confirm more, the end of the road under their feet was the fifth largest city in Itruel. city ​​of.

Because the distance is too far, there is a beautiful city lying in the arms of the blue mountains. Turin's urban planning seems to be at the forefront of the world. Compared with other cities that have been expanded several times and look a little ugly, this city The expansion of the building has always been in the plan of the designer.

From where Zhong Ye was standing, he could see three sides of the city wall, and only a small part of the third side could be seen, but the two sides that could see the whole picture were the same length. Calculating the inner angles from the outer corners of the city wall, it can be vaguely seen that the outer wall of the city seems to be a regular hexagon.

However, although he could see three sides, there was only one city gate facing their direction.

The bustling team came out of the city gate and diverted at the fork road. After passing through several intersections, the seemingly huge traffic flow became 'sparse'.

But this is also an illusion created by the comparison between the two. In fact, even after the diversion, the fleet is still huge.

After stopping to watch for a while, Zhong Ye took another step.

The steed with its head down and chewing grass subconsciously followed, and Lilian also looked away from a distance.

The audience in the live broadcast room said that they were addicted. Although the Illusion Company had a lot of mentally retarded operations, in contrast, there were an equal number or even more refreshing game experiences.

The background setting of "Echo of Soul" is very rich, and the game experience is also fully in line with the background of the times. It can be said that this game is a carnival for cosplayers, allowing people to go back to the era when the industry was in the ascendant and mystery still occupied the mainstream. ——Although the "mystery" of the earth and the "mystery" in "Echo of Soul" are not at the same level, one has only magic sticks and liars, and the other has real magic and extraordinary power.

But what the players really feel is the atmosphere of the times in this game. They seem to see the rising industrial power gradually replacing those mysteries that can surpass the ordinary in this background, and they see the decline of extraordinary power.

Horse-drawn carriages were still driving on the road, but the muskets in the hands of the people, even superhumans would not dare to bear them.

The rise of an era, the decline of an era, this feeling of alternation of generations makes players and cloud players immerse themselves in it.

More importantly, "Echo of Soul" has a very high degree of freedom, almost simulating a complete different world. Since there is no particularly clear "main plot", players can participate in the process of the era and promote the era and the world. development of.

This is also the most attractive feature of "Echo of Soul" besides the atmosphere of the times. The lack of a particularly clear main plot may dissuade some plot parties. However, other players can find their own goals in the game and fight for them.

Because they are the "chosen children", even if they fail, they can get another chance, so they can boldly imagine and act boldly in the game.

When death is no longer a limitation, but a boost, then the human imagination will no longer be restricted.

Lilian followed Zhong Ye and mixed into the crowds entering the city. If she hadn't been riding a horse, she might have rubbed shoulders with others.

When she came to Turin, she didn't feel the sense of urgency when she entered Milan, so Lilian had time and energy to observe the people around her.

She found that the prosperity of this city is not inferior to that of Milan. Among the pedestrians coming and going, there are many guys dressed as merchants and mercenaries, and there are not a few luxurious carriages walking on the street--there are many people who can own such carriages. It must be an aristocrat, maybe some wealthy businessman.

Of course, in this era, the identities between nobles and wealthy merchants are very blurred. Most of the large chambers of commerce are followed by a nobleman. With the guarantee and connections of the nobles, they can travel between various territories and countries.

The only pity is that the architectural style of this city is not much different from other cities in the Etrul Essence Area, probably because this city has stood on this land since ancient times, and it is only a short distance from Rome. Close and deeply influenced by it.

In addition, after careful observation, Lilian also found a suspected player on the street.

The energy they exude is completely different from other people, and their temperament is very obvious, even if they are mixed in the crowd, they can be found at a glance.

This is the result of her study in the past ten days - Zhong Ye is not satisfied with only teaching her fighting skills, in addition to fighting skills, he also taught her a lot of miscellaneous knowledge.

Although it is not shown in the skill list, Lilian can be sure that she has made great progress in 'sensing words and emotions'.

After walking through a street with orange-red roof tiles, they came to the gate of the Adventurer's House.

Because the Adventurer's House is the most prominent building in every big city in the Westland, even more famous than churches and castles.

Ordinary people may only know the general direction of the castle, so they can know everything about the furnishings in the hall of the Adventurer's House.

Compared with nobles and clergymen who are 'above and above', the Adventurer's Home is obviously more friendly to the people. No matter what kind of work, as long as they are willing to pay, they can post it on the task bar in the lobby. In some cities, the Adventurer's Home has even developed to' The extent to which civilians are threatened not to go to the police station, but to the adventurer's house to entrust'.

Because the guard may be colluding with gangs, but the mercenaries who are outsiders are not only tireless, but also very courageous.

In just a few months, the reputation of the Adventurer's House has become known to everyone. As long as it is not in a particularly remote countryside, many people know the special organization of the "Adventurer's House".

Therefore, Amos set the meeting place at the Adventurer's House in Turin, so that Zhong Ye would not be able to find the place.

Zhong Ye just bought a piece of fruit near the city gate, and after asking a question by the way, he got the specific location of the Adventurer's House.

After crossing half of the city, they finally found the huge building near the west wall.

"Welcome to the Adventurer's House."

The familiar voice of welcome and the right smile will easily warm the hearts of visitors, and no matter which city they arrive in, it will make people feel like they are coming home.

After depositing the horses, Zhong Ye and Lilian returned to the hall with their respective bags.

Walking into the hall, Zhong Ye saw Amos sitting in the corner drinking and reading for the first time.

Didn't check in either, just walked over.

Before they approached, Amos reacted, looked up and raised his eyebrows when he saw them.

"How's the situation? Has the Lich been dealt with?"

Zhong Ye threw his luggage under the table, pulled a chair for Lilian, and then sat down by himself.

Hearing Zhong Ye mention this matter, Amos closed the book and sighed: "Don't mention it...that's not a lich at all, it's just a resurrected lich. It shouldn't have been a particularly powerful mage before it was alive, and I defeated it with only one fire seal."

"Oh, what about the information I want?"

Hearing that Amos had been resolved, Zhong Ye no longer cared about this matter, and instead asked what he wanted.

Amos shrugged his shoulders, "Still investigating, but it should be soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a woman walking in from the door, looking around, looking for something.

Seeing that woman, Amos immediately beamed with joy, stood up and waved, "Sirie, over here!"

On the way that woman walked over, the demon hunter raised his eyebrows at Zhong Ye, "She is the daughter of the black market host in Turin, and she has a good relationship with me. If there is no accident, your information has been collected."

And the fact is, as Amos said.

Zhong Ye took a small notebook from the woman, watched her and Amos go up the stairs with a teasing smile, shook his head helplessly, and led Lilian to check in.

He will stay in Turin for one or two days and plan his itinerary well.

(End of this chapter)

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