Soul echo

Chapter 135 Hole Opening (End)

Chapter 135 Hole Opening (End)

The old man's head represents 'authority' - he is the master of this city, he is the lord of this land, in everyone's cognition, his every move, every thought represents the will of this city .

Ramit has worked hard for the family of the Grand Duke of Milan for decades, and finally shaped him into a 'representative' of this land, so that everyone can recognize his authority, for this day!
The laughing demon raised the old man's head and crushed it, causing the ground to tremble.


A scream went straight to the sky, pierced through the sky and the earth, and echoed between the heaven and the earth.

The sound waves reverberated in the city, knocking on every building, whether it was a thatched house or a brick house, whether it was a slum or a castle, even in the sewers, the voice of the contemporary Duke of Milan resounded.

After the head exploded, a soul was released.

Ramit raised his hand a little to this illusory soul, relying on his 'authority' to mobilize the sea of ​​consciousness lingering over the city, ordering the wandering thoughts to condense into one place.

——In this city, the lord is equivalent to a 'god'!
Despair, pain, sadness, etc., these negative emotions, together with the broken soul fragments, were swept by the wind.

Under the enchantment, these things cannot spread out, and the soul fragments that should have been lost still exist in the enchantment. When Ramit raised his hand and gathered everything, the enchantment began to shrink, and the blanket engulfed everything. Everything rushed towards the palm of the devil at almost the speed of light.

The child's head represents the 'road' - he is the successor of the city, he is the future lord, even if the residents of the city do not know him, but when he appears in front of the nobles, his identity and symbol It's already settled.

Ramit poured everything in his hands into this dead head, resentment, despair, sadness, suspicion, madness... these things mixed together, completely crushed this fragile and young soul, and shattered it. Stir into chaos.

Then, the aura of wisdom emerged from it, and the magical memory deliberately inserted by Lamit drove the already stiff purple lips, and between the opening and closing of his mouth, he chanted a crazy and blasphemous mantra.

The 'sky' began to vibrate, a sign of instability in time and space.

At this moment, Zhong Ye jumped up from the ground.

The speed was as fast as lightning, and with the sound of a thunderbolt, he appeared in front of Ramit.

Breaking through the layers of dust and fog, the first thing that caught Zhong Ye's eyes was a pair of sarcastic eyes and a playful corner of his mouth.

The muscles of the arms, shoulders, and chest tense instantly, the heart thumps, contracts, squeezes out a powerful force, accelerates the movement of blood in the body, speeds up the flow of breath, steams the skin red, and makes the muscles and bones scream.

It pierced through the dust and tore through the air, just to swing the sword full of anger!
That's light, that's phantom, that's the rumble that breaks through space—that's right, a ray of moonlight!
After getting close to the demon, the demon-destroying power attached to the great sword suddenly bloomed. At this moment, what Zhong Ye held in his hand was the real 'Moonlight'.

Twist your back, turn your shoulders, extend your elbows, and turn your wrists.

The big sword split through the heavy atmosphere, but the speed did not decrease by half. When the sword edge pressed the strong wind and reached the demon's brow, Zhong Ye let out a hysterical roar: "Death!"

The sword wind swept across, and the strong wind rushed straight ahead, lifting the bricks and tiles of countless houses, and splitting a long scar across the two streets.

Under the gaze of many pairs of horrified eyes, Zhong Ye landed heavily, gasping for breath.

That sword just now... missed!
"Is that all?" Ramit walked slowly from the corner of the street with his head still reciting the spell in one hand, and smiled contemptuously, "A reckless man is a reckless man..."

There was a flash in front of his eyes, and the figure of the devil flashed.

Zhong Ye instantly appeared at the place where Ramit was originally, and slashed with his sword.

The moonlight shattered the ground, and a sword mark spread forward.

But at this time, Ramit had already appeared behind him, and tapped lightly on a survivor who was standing there sluggishly.

"Uh, uh..."

The survivor who couldn't move his body suddenly had his eyes swelled up, and his head was turned backwards. Within a short while, various tissues in his body began to grow wildly.

The grown tentacles suddenly rolled towards the companion beside him, and another survivor screamed, but saw a flash of light in front of him, and Zhong Ye's back appeared in the corner of his vision.

The big sword slashed three times, cut off the tentacles with one sword, cut off the head with one sword, and cut open the body with one sword, completely killing the deformed body, but Lamit had long since disappeared.

Zhong Ye turned his head to look at the roof beside him, and saw the demon squatting on it.

The demon smiled at him, "I remember, you can prevent the appearance of distortions here, right?"

- Om!

Zhong Ye didn't intend to talk to it, and with a flash of sword light, he split the air and appeared on the roof.

Lamit appeared in another place, looked sideways at Zhong Ye, and continued: "But this thing is not very solid, it can even be said to be 'fragile', so fragile that as long as I touch it lightly, it will... …Snapped!"

People finally reacted, screaming everywhere.

Amidst the screams, many cries and screams also rang out.

Some mercenaries were safe because they didn't have muskets in their hands, so they couldn't participate in the battle. Some mercenaries wanted to go forward to help Zhong Ye deal with his enemies.

Even though Zhong Ye's previous behavior was quite violent, he still cared about them!

But as soon as some of them took a step, they felt their hearts pumping, and countless blood rushed to their brains.

The subjective sense of time froze at this moment. When the illusion of 'stopping time' occurred, these people saw the vast starry sky, the vast land, the boundless sea area, and the clear sky. All the knowledge generated since then, there is a discussion about a certain experiment, all the calculation formulas of a certain high-level spell...

Every molecule and atom is clearly identifiable before their eyes, and with just one breath, they can feel the composition of the air, how much each element occupies.

This knowledge and wisdom emerges and disappears in their minds every second. At one moment, they still feel that they are all-knowing and omnipotent. At the next moment, there is nothing left.

They subconsciously had a desire, and then more vast, boundless knowledge was stuffed into their heads bluntly, destroying their sanity.

The leaked magic power caused their bodies to change, because the knowledge was changing every moment, so the power affecting their bodies was also changing every moment.

— Distortion, thus produced!

A large number of mutants suddenly appeared in the camp, and immediately started killing.

They were originally relatives, friends, and companions, but after the body mutated, they lost their emotions and sanity, and their souls were polluted by the abyss.

Ramit raised his finger to Zhong Ye, and laughed loudly: "You want to save them, don't you? Look at what you can save now?"

The same situation happened in the city back then, which broke the original peaceful and peaceful atmosphere and plunged the land into bloody and killing despair.

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, and when his anger soared to a limit, he calmed down instead.

At this moment, what can he do?
"You want to tease me and make me despair?" Wu Ren said coldly.

The demon just smiled, noncommittal.

But Zhong Ye's figure flashed, and the wind formed by the interlacing of knives and swords rushed across the long street, and many deformed bodies burst into blood at the same time.

"look at me!"

Zhong Ye stood on the street and shouted angrily: "Abandon all thoughts, trust me, I will save you, I will protect everyone!"

When he came back up in one breath, he flashed again, swinging across two streets.

At this time, Ramit had withdrawn his gaze and stopped paying attention to Zhong Ye.

He tapped the boy's head lightly with his fingers and threw it back.

In midair, a ray of light suddenly bloomed——

The door appeared, and then, it burst open!

(End of this chapter)

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