Soul echo

Chapter 134 Opening the Hole (4)

Chapter 134 The Opening (Part [-])

——The so-called "gaining great power" means becoming a "distortion body"!
After the first '10 minutes' ended, three people in Zhong Ye's camp were marked as 'prey'. In order to prevent other people from having evil thoughts, Zhong Ye gathered the three of them in the same place, and he stay by their side.

People's hearts can't stand the test, Zhong Ye is not an idiot, he will not use this kind of test to test people's hearts and trust.

But after the first '5 minutes', the three 'prey' suddenly turned into mutants.

The first is the uncontrolled growth of flesh and bones, the body quickly becomes bloated, and then loses the wisdom of human beings.

Before they lost their wisdom, Zhong Ye could still clearly see the grief, pain, pleading and fleeting resentment in their eyes—as a transcendent with the attribute of 'perception', his response to emotions Very clear, able to identify all emotions.

Even if they can't speak, can't speak...

In the end, Zhong Ye could only kill them.

In this world, there is no way to turn mutants back into human beings, because becoming mutants means that their souls are polluted. Even if their bodies are transformed back into human form, their souls will not return to their original appearance.

What made him feel a little suffocated was that the aberrations transformed by these three 'prey' were not only stronger than ordinary aberrations, but also the soul fragments they provided were not just 'residues', just like the ones he had killed before. Those few people, like those, provide a 'whole soul'.

Just because he has a 'system', this part of power is automatically stored and not integrated into his body and soul.

During the second '10 minutes', Zhong Ye heard people whispering, a considerable part of which was complaining about him in private.

Sooner or later the 'prey' will become aberrants, so why not let them kill them before then and increase their strength?
Wouldn't it be easier to fight the monsters in the city if their strength was enhanced?

Although the guy who let them get this power is the villain who caused the city to change, but as long as the power is in their hands, wouldn't it be better for them to deal with that villain instead?

Similar remarks were circulating in the camp, but Zhong Ye couldn't stop them.

Even if he stops the rhetoric, other conspiracy theories will emerge.

Under Zhong Ye's suppression, the camp passed the second '10 minutes' unharmed, but the atmosphere still inevitably became more dull.

There is a deep gap between people, looking at each other's eyes full of suspicion and vigilance, even if the disaster is over and the city is regained, their relationship will not be eased anymore, mutual wariness and nervous tension will Implanted in the blood of the city.

If people can disperse outwards, to other towns or villages, this embarrassing or even 'dangerous' situation may be alleviated, but no one will allow this to happen.

They have been in contact with demons and the abyss, they are easily inspired by the abyss, and they can easily become a new 'infection source'. Even if they are allowed to contact the outside world after repeated tests, it is impossible for even the most merciful church Let them move out of Milan.

The best outcome for the residents of this city today is to spend their entire lives in this city, and there is no better ending.

Amidst the turbulent discussions, the second '5 minutes' arrived.

Lilian sat on the side of the street, looked away from the opposite house, and focused on the barrage of arguments.

Everyone was discussing whether they should obey the will of the devil in this situation, and the two sides were arguing constantly. If it wasn't for the automatic blocking of obscenities in the live broadcast room, the barrage she saw now must be full of curse words.

In fact, after being unable to conduct direct personal attacks, some people on both sides began to beat around the bush, using cryptic words or slang to abuse each other.

Looking at these bullet screens, Lilian felt ridiculous.

She didn't understand why they were so angry, why anyone would choose to obey.

Lilian just vaguely felt a little strange, but before she could continue to think deeply, the bullet screen in front of her suddenly disappeared.

The girl blinked her eyes, checked the network status hastily, and saw that the status of 'Live Streaming' was still floating in the upper left corner of her retina, she pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized.

It was because the situation intensified and the assistants in the live broadcast room couldn't get banned, so the superman took over the affairs of the live broadcast room manually and set a ban on all staff.

Although there was no barrage in front of her eyes, Lilian was relieved.

Without the barrage that irritates her mind, she can concentrate on the game, even though she doesn't like this part, and now it all feels extremely oppressive to her whatever it is.

The game should make people feel happy, but I don't know when it started, "Echo of Soul" didn't even bother to give players happiness.

The production team seems to have fallen into the "plot depth" and "tragic plot" of self-indulgence, completely disregarding the player's game experience.

If it wasn't for Lilian's difficulty in letting go of her relationship with Zhong Ye, she might have given up on the game long ago!

"...go on patrol." Lilian whispered to herself, patted her buttocks and stood up.

She was still the only player in the camp. Many players wandered casually relying on the characteristic of 'immortality', and soon died at the hands of the mutants, so there were no players among the survivors protected by Amos.

Anyway, this is just a game, even if the three chances of death are exhausted, they can still create another character. As long as the character does not die in the wilderness, they can inherit part of the property of their previous character from the Adventurer's House .

And their new characters are much faster at learning the skills that the old characters have learned, and it doesn't take long for them to grow up again after they have mastered the knack.

Because she was the only player in the camp, she didn't need to spend all her energy dealing with other players, making them obedient and not disobeying Zhong Ye's orders.

As far as the characteristics of the players are concerned, as long as there are a large number of players, there will inevitably be individuals who obey the instructions of the devil, regard this event as an adventure, and want to gain power from it.

For some reason, Lilian suddenly let out a sigh.

At this moment, a heart-piercing female cry suddenly came from the room where Zhong Ye was.

Lilian was taken aback and stopped in her tracks.

Although there are many young and middle-aged people in the camp, there are also some old, weak, sick and disabled. They are the group most likely to be marked as 'prey'.

She remembered that during the '10 minutes' this time, five people in the camp were marked as 'prey', and one of them was a baby.

The baby's mother begged hard at the time, hoping that Zhong Ye could help her child and save her child's life. For this, she was willing to give everything, and even followed Zhong Ye into the room where all the "prey" gathered .

'5 minutes' has passed, that is, her baby...

In the room, everyone was beheaded by Zhong Ye when they were deformed. He hoped that they could die as human beings.

In contrast, the four 'prey' other than the baby were all smiling when they died.

They were very grateful for what Zhong Ye had done for them, even though they still couldn't survive in the end.

"...Your Excellency Zhong Ye, thank you."

The tearful mother hugged the small body that was still warm, and mumbled thanks to Zhong Ye.

After choking a few times, she lowered her head, "Thank you very much..."

Zhong Ye's lips trembled, and he lowered his eyes in pain.


Sensing a sudden aura in the room, Zhong Ye suddenly opened his eyes and looked up behind the woman.

The smiling demon held two heads, one old and one young, in his hands. He couldn't help but look down at the weeping mother in front of him, and took a breath intoxicated.

"Sweet despair and pain..."


Zhong Ye roared furiously, with a ferocious face, stepped forward, and pulled out his saber brazenly.

The straight knife came out of its sheath clangingly, followed the angry eyes, and slashed out fiercely.

Ramit whistled, and the straight knife that was supposed to strike him suddenly slid aside, and cut into the back of the woman's neck under Zhong Ye's desperate eyes.

He tried his best to tense his muscles, not hesitating to strain his tendons, but he still couldn't stop the straight knife from falling.

——This knife is full of anger, even he can't take it back easily.

The blade cut down, and a head flew up.

Until her death, she was still immersed in the pain of losing her husband and child within a day, completely unaware of the coming of death.


The demon laughed happily, loudly and exaggeratedly.

Amidst its laughter, the walls and roof of the house exploded, and then with wings on its back, it flew up from the ground.

The demon laughed wildly, until tears flowed from his laughter, and called out loudly:
"——Open it, the gate of the abyss!"

(End of this chapter)

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