Soul echo

Chapter 133 Opening the Hole (3)

Chapter 133 The Opening (Part [-])

The steed's strong and powerful hooves strode forward, kicking the ground alternately, and Amos, who was riding on the horse, turned his head and looked behind him.

At a glance, thousands of horses are galloping!

Two priests from different churches, one paladin, two warriors and rangers from the Adventurer's House, one wanderer from the Thieves Guild, including himself, a total of seven Transcendents, plus Three hundred elite cavalry of the kingdom's army 'Blood Rose' stationed near Milan.

Everyone is riding a war horse, galloping in the tree-lined path.

Three hundred and seven people and three hundred and seven horses crowded on the same road, but they were orderly and orderly.

After glancing at it, Amos looked back to the front again.

"Mr. Schweiger, is the Grand Duke's estate ahead?"

Not far in front of the team, a strange building rose from the ground.

The wanton growth of steel, earth and stone forms a wall, protecting a palace made of crystals and stone slabs.

No one stipulates that such a building must be a place for demons to hide. Demons who believe in the Lord of Conspiracy are the most cunning. In the library of the Demon Hunter Headquarters, Amos once saw such a case—conspiracy The high-level demon under the command of the king used powerful mana to create a building full of traps. At that time, everyone in the team that went to hunt down the demon thought that the demon was hiding there, but it was just an illusion. When people broke through all the traps and obstacles and came inside the building, they found that the high-level demons were not there at all.

Fortunately, there was a mage who was proficient in time and space magic in the team at that time. Using the information provided by the hunter, he tracked down the location of the high-level demon, teleported the whole team, and successfully prevented the abyss invasion.

If not for that 'miracle', perhaps the current world would not be what they see now.

But they can't always count on miracles to happen, and they can't leave the fate of the world to luck.

So Amos repeatedly confirmed that the building in front of him was the manor of the Grand Duke of Milan, but it turned into this strange appearance under the control of Ramit's demon.

"There is no gate ahead, smash that wall!"

In the cry of Amos, a priest of the god of war waved a long staff like a war hammer in his hand, and an illusory chain quickly extended from the head of the staff. After growing to ten meters, a spherical hammer head was condensed.

The strong man roared, and under the terrified gaze of everyone, he swung the meteor hammer round and smashed the wall blocking the team.

Steel, earth and rocks shattered inward, sputtering debris and flying smoke and dust.

The demon hunter took the lead, pulled out the long sword behind his back, and rushed into the wall first, pushing away the dust that blocked his sight.

"It smells like a demon!" The demon hunter, the priest, and the paladin said in unison.

The two priests and the demon hunter immediately cast a spell to confirm that the demon was still hiding in the building.

After rushing through the wall, the first thing that catches the eye is a bunch of hideous and twisted plants.

Because the image has undergone a huge change, no one can see what these distorted plants were originally, maybe shrubs, maybe trees, or even just some flowers and plants.

But now, they have all changed!
Seeing a bunch of vines rushing towards him, Amos wiped the blade of the sword, and there was a raging flame rising where his palm passed.

He swung his flaming sword, knocking the vines back.

However, even if the vines were temporarily repelled, there were still dense bushes blocking the front, making it difficult for the team to move forward.

"First line up, incendiary bombs ready!"

Following the order, twenty elite cavalry took out a bomb from their pockets.

"—throw it forward!"

The transcendents made way for the cavalry, and the cavalry arrived in front of the bushes and threw incendiary bombs inside.

The moment the bomb exploded, flames instantly covered a large area of ​​trees.

The cavalry who threw the incendiary bombs bypassed the sides and returned to the formation.

The flame didn't burn for a long time. Soon after the bushes were ignited, the giant tree in the distance opened its eyes and waved its arms made of branches. The strong wind whizzed past and suppressed the flames.

The giant trees woke up, their bloodshot and turbid eyes turned, and they looked at the crowd standing outside the trees.

I saw the soil uplift, and the giant tree pulled out the roots from the ground, but the roots that should have been hard were now as soft as flexible tentacles, dragging the trunk forward.

They don't move fast, but each of them is five meters high with a dense canopy, like an open dark green parasol.

"whispering sound!"

Priest of the God of War spat unhappily, drove his horse forward, raised his long staff, and shouted: "In the name of the sun—"

Under the sunlight, thick smoke suddenly rose from the crowns of the tree monsters, and then, the flames brightened!

The God of War and the Sun God are allies, and both have opened up their domains to the priests of the other party. The priests can exchange equivalently, and use a 'spell slot' to cast an 'outer domain' magic spell of the same level.

Everything the priests have is given by the gods, and so is the magic. Without the gods, they have nothing.

The scorching sun shone, the flames burned, and within a short while, all the tree monsters turned into fly ash.

Not only that, but that magic spell also swept away the bushes that blocked the team's progress, allowing them to move on.

"go ahead!"

The Priest of the God of War roared again, and as the sound wave spread, divine power was injected into the bodies of all the people present, giving them extra strength.

Although this power is not very strong, it can even be said to be 'meager', but it also provides them with enough courage.

"go ahead!"

Amos held the flaming sword high and rushed ahead, followed by other superhumans.

"go ahead!"

The cavalry commander also roared, ordering the flag bearers to cheer up and let the flag of 'Blood Rose' flutter in the wind.

The team stepped on the ashes and mud that still had a trace of warmth, and rushed towards the mansion that had undergone a huge change.

In front, they found a bunch of deformed bodies shaped like meat balls, and a deep grunt echoed in the deformed bodies, but before they could hear them clearly, the transcendents killed all of these deformed bodies.

The front hooves of the war horse smashed through the gate of the mansion made of woody vines and stones, and took the lead in breaking into the mansion full of crises.

No one stopped, no one stopped, because they didn't have time to think and hesitate!
Milan, the city they love, their families are being provoked and threatened by that demon. The first '15 minutes' has passed, and the second '15 minutes' is coming to an end. What a tragic situation it has become, they only know that now they must kill the demon.

--at all costs!

Amos's witcher sensor has locked onto the location of the demon, and it seems that it has not moved, still staying in that hall.

Strong uneasiness surged in their hearts, but they could no longer stop.

Even with seven extraordinary beings leading the way, the cavalry could not avoid being killed by the sudden growth of stone thorns, tentacles, and space turbulence.

Even the Extraordinary—the ranger from the Adventurer's House was pierced through the chest by the rays from nowhere, but the heart hadn't been injured yet.

Under the influence of psychic spells, several cavalrymen suddenly killed their comrades. Their comrades did not expect that their comrades would attack them. Unexpectedly, they died instantly.

As for the others, at this time, they have no way to subdue those people without hurting those controlled people, so they can only swing their weapons with tears in their eyes and kill them.

A passage that is not too long, but there were dozens of casualties, even the cavalry commander and standard bearer died in that 'riot'.

The cavalry had no time to be sentimental, so they just picked up the battle flag, followed the seven extraordinary men into the hall under the leadership of the adjutant, and came to the "place of decisive battle"!
The mansion of the Grand Duke of Milan is spacious enough to run a horse, and the team naturally ran into the hall non-stop.

After breaking into the hall, Amos suddenly looked up and saw the demon standing on the second floor. His eyes were tearing apart, and he squeezed out a few eerie words from between his teeth: "Ramit, you should die!"

They raised their hands, and several space anchors shot out at the same time, flying towards the demon.

The two headless corpses that fell on the stairs suddenly jumped up and blocked the front of Ramit. The two bodies, one large and one small, stopped four space anchors.

The corners of Ramit's mouth curled up, and he held up two dead heads, deliberately let them take a look, and then said with a smile:

"Goodbye, everyone!"

The figure flashed and completely disappeared into the mansion.

The witcher's eyes widened, "This is impossible!"

The space anchor thrown out before was just for insurance purposes. After entering the mansion, he threw down a 'space-time barrier'. Logically speaking, it is no longer possible for Ramit to use teleportation spells.

But, how can it still transmit? !

After teleportation, where can it go...

The faces of everyone who realized this changed suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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