Soul echo

Chapter 136 Hope (1)

Chapter 136 Hope ([-])

The space behind Ramit starts from the head and twists towards the center.

The crooked space folds spread outward for a while, and at the same time hit a door frame made of white bones.

The bones extracted from the corpses on the ground have not yet faded from the blood, and it can be seen that there are still countless muscle adhesions on them.

After the distorted time and space hit the door frame, the flesh and blood began to grow——

The first is the corner of the door. The muscles in the four closest places seem to have self-awareness, tangled together and surrounded each other.

This bloody 'silk thread' runs inward from each section of the door frame, and under the constraints of an invisible force, gradually weaves the corners of an image.

Zhong Ye looked up and saw Ramit standing in front of the gate with a mocking smile on his face.

"Do you think you're really important?"

As soon as it opened its mouth, the hearts of Lilian and the audience in the live broadcast room jumped.

"I let you escape in the manor, and I haven't killed you now. I've been trying to provoke you... It seems to have given you an illusion." The devil grinned high, and no longer needed to contain his happy mood, he laughed loudly, "Do you really think you are important? No, no, no, I'm just here to have fun, and I don't know what I did wrong to make you have this misunderstanding, but everything that happened in this city It has nothing to do with you!

"Whether a large number of people turn into aberrants, or the gate of the abyss opens, these are things that will inevitably happen! Whether you are angry or not, desperate or not, sad or guilty or not, it's all about you Nothing!"

Bloody muscles weaved a face of despair and pain behind Ramit, the lips of that face opened and closed, chanting evil incantations.

Lilian's body trembled slightly. Facing the demon Ramit, she finally knew what 'despair' was.

This sense of suffocation, this sense of fear... This is obviously a game, why does she feel it so clearly?
Amidst the high-pitched laughter, Zhong Ye opened the system panel silently, and clicked on [Professional Transfer Information].

Then, the information is like a waterfall of water brushing down in front of your eyes.

[It is detected that the perception attribute reaches the standard, and it is detected that 'Skill: Fighting Master', 'Trait: Mixed Body', 'Supernatural Source: Qi', and 'Professional Transfer: Airbender' are open! 】

[Agility and perception attributes are detected to be up to standard, 'Skill: Fighting Master', 'Supernatural Source: Qi', 'Professional Transfer: Weapon Master' have been detected! 】

[It is detected that the agility attribute reaches the standard, and the 'skill: fighting master' is detected, and the 'job transfer: sword dancer' is open! 】

[It is detected that the strength attribute reaches the standard, and the 'skill: fighting master' is detected, and the 'job transfer: wrestler' is open! 】

[It is detected that the strength and physique attributes meet the standards, and the 'skill: Fighting Master' is detected, and the 'job transfer: shield guard' is open! 】


[Fuling Shengquan], [Green Forester], [Sharp Shooter], [Fist Fighter], etc., there are a total of 59 professions that have opened up the job transfer authority to Zhong Ye.

As Zhong Ye speculated before, after reaching the tenth level, the attributes of ordinary players are not enough to be 'extraordinary', and the job transfer system is designed for this.

Once the player changes jobs, the system will perform 'attribute correction' based on the player's skills and traits to make up for the shortcomings of the player's body not being fully saturated by the supernatural factor after leveling up too quickly.

And Zhong Ye was born and raised on the earth, so he naturally has this kind of defect.

In the process of upgrading, his body and soul were not infiltrated by enough extraordinary factors and were transformed by them.

This kind of transformation could only be tempered by time, but the gods can use tricks to bypass the time limit by using divine power.

Zhong Ye had already watched the job transfer list before, and had already made up his mind on what job to choose, but once he changed jobs, there would be an 'attribute correction'. At that time, he was about to rush to Milan, and he didn't have time to adapt to the skyrocketing attributes, so he No transfer was made.

——But now, he needs strength!
[You have chosen a profession - Innate! 】

No matter in the past or now, he only believes in his own fists, his own martial arts. He has already made a name for himself on this road, and he does not need to and will not turn to other roads.

Even though he knew that the path he was taking now had great limitations, it was still the most suitable for him.

[Start of job change, attribute correction——]

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, watching the information projected on the retina melt.

His heart beat suddenly, and the surging blood was like a forging hammer, hitting his muscles, skin and bones heavily!
With a step on the sole of the foot, the leaked power instantly cracked countless lines on the ground, and the body was pushed across the long street by this force.

When passing by every deformed body, he would swing his sword and kill them.

Every mutant is a human life, and today, countless people in this city have lost their lives because of the conspiracy of that demon!

"After knowing the truth, is it painful? Is it ashamed? You even say 'I will protect everyone'. Do you have the qualifications? Do you have the power?" Ramit continued to laugh.

Power starts from the ground and pours into the limbs along the blood, this is the power of [Earth Mother's Grace]!

【—Strength +[-]】

Zhong Ye twisted his waist, swung his big sword, beheaded a deformed body, and then retracted the big sword when the blade was about to cut through the clothes of the survivor in front of the deformed body. The same was true for the straight knife in his left hand.

A clear feeling emerged in his mind, which made Zhong Ye feel that his thoughts were more sensitive, and he completed more details of the plan.

If nothing else, this is [Dream Walker]!
【——Wisdom +[-]】


The fiery turbid air was exhaled by Zhong Ye from his mouth and nose. Under the circumstances that others could not observe, his skin, muscles and even the cells of his bones were stretched and locked by the supernatural factor.

Every breath, every heartbeat, the body can get a complete hammering.

No matter viscera, blood vessels, or nerves, as long as they are still a part of the body, as long as they are still moving with the blood and breath, then they can be exercised.

[Sun Blessing], [Weaker Physical Strength Enhancement], [Weaker Lightning Resistance], [Hybrid Body]...the power of these characteristics gather together to push this body to a higher level.

【—Physique +[-]】

Zhong Ye seemed to have gone crazy, and kept killing the mutants transformed from survivors. People were dumbfounded and trembling as they watched him roll across the street, setting off a bloody storm.

Sensing the 'progress' of the gate of the abyss, reality and fantasy are slowly overlapping, the gate on the other side of the abyss has been opened, and the gate on this side is only waiting to be opened.

Behind the door, there are already countless demons waiting impatiently!
"No matter how much you kill, I can create it again. What you are doing now is in vain..."

Originally, Ramit wanted to continue to mock Zhong Ye a few words, but seeing his appearance of ignoring him, he couldn't help feeling disgusted.

It's tired of playing, no matter what it does, Zhong Ye won't give it the slightest reaction, whether it's anger or sadness - let alone despair.

For Ramit, Zhong Ye is no longer competent as a toy.

In this case, this toy can be thrown away.

If Zhong Ye felt something, he suddenly turned his head to look in Lamit's direction. At this moment, two consecutive messages flashed before his eyes.

【—Agility +[-]】

【—Charm +[-]】

The information was fleeting, and it didn't prevent Zhong Ye from seeing the demon's movements clearly.

Ramit raised his right hand, fingers half-closed, as if he was holding something.

At the same time, a flame lit up in front of Zhong Ye's eyes.

This flame burned the note of "Master of Fighting", and the names of countless punches, kicks, swords, swords, and spears burst out with the flames, turning into a torrential river, pouring into Zhong Ye's body.

Facing the demon making a spell-casting action, the warrior suddenly swung his left arm back, his muscles tensed.

In Ramit's eyes, what it holds in its hand is a 'heart'!
It no longer had the slightest smile on its face, and looked at Zhong Ye coldly.


The five fingers suddenly gathered together and clenched into a fist.

The air in the palm is connected with Zhong Ye's heart by magic.

When Ramit's five fingers contracted, Zhong Ye's heart would explode...

- As it should be!
Zhong Ye felt his heart tremble, so he clenched his teeth, pulled his arms, and drove the powerful force that emerged from his limbs, and threw the blue bird.

At this moment, Zhidao was like a real blue bird, spreading its wings and flying up proudly.

The straight knife flashed a ray of light across the sky, which was dodged by Lamit with his head tilted, and inserted into the door of flesh and blood behind it.

The flame in front of him burned out and gradually extinguished.

Immediately, several lines of subtitles appeared.

[—Strength +[-], Constitution +[-], Dexterity +[-], Perception +[-]]

[Congratulations to the player who has successfully changed his profession, the current profession is—Warrior·Xiantian]

[Congratulations to the players for breaking the shackles, breaking the barrier between spirit and flesh, and creating an 'extraordinary body'! 】

Lamit's expression changed suddenly, because it saw that Zhong Ye not only did not die, but also grinned.

—He, laughed?
(End of this chapter)

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