Soul echo

Chapter 123 Door (8)

Chapter 123 The Door (VIII)
The situation was a bit different from what was expected - as they established their defenses, fewer and fewer aberrations came from other blocks.

Milan is a large city with a population of more than 20. This is only included in the statistics. It is unknown how many people there are behind the scenes, and it is probably close to 30.

If counting 30, there are at least [-] aberrants in the entire city, and there should be thousands of aberrants only in the surrounding blocks.

However, if the mutants at the city gate were not included, there would be over a hundred mutants killed by them.

There is a tavern in the block that Zhong Ye and the others reclaimed. This kind of place has always been a place where filth is hidden. Adventurers, mercenaries, and thieves all like to work in places like taverns or hotels.

The survivors of this tavern not only killed the mutants that appeared in the tavern, but also built the tavern into a fortress. Even without Zhong Ye, they could support it for quite a long time.

In that tavern, Zhong Ye got the city map of Milan from the tavern owner's son - the tavern owner is the one who mutated into a mutant.

The part of the city they captured was located in the eastern part of the city, and the church district was located in the northwest corner of the city, which was far away. The castle of the Duke of Milan was also in that direction.

However, the location of the Adventurer's House is close to the city center. If you merge with the Adventurer's House first, and then find a way to open the passage to the church area, three points and one line, you can divide the city into two parts and radiate to both sides along the passage. Pay attention to the echo from the beginning to the end, and it will not be a problem to take back the city.

The only problem now is that I no longer have any soldiers to fight...

Zhong Ye was sitting in the tavern, with an open map placed on the table in front of him.

His eyes were searching on the map, and his mind was simulating the attack route.

——If you want to go to the Adventurer's House, you can't go around the clock tower. If you want to go around, you have to go through at least two blocks, which is not conducive to maintaining contact with the Adventurer's House.

And that clock tower is the only commanding height in the vicinity. If you capture it, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding blocks, which is extremely convenient for them to attack and retreat.

It's just that he can only sit here and simulate now, and he can't really attack the clock tower.

After several battles, everyone felt deeply exhausted. Just defending this block had exhausted them.

Zhong Ye also invited the mercenaries in the tavern, but they rejected his invitation at that time, saying that it was okay to help defend the block, but it was impossible to follow him to attack the clock tower.

The Adventurer's House and the church must be overwhelmed by the disaster that happened in the city. They didn't know that there was a high-level demon in the manor outside the city.

If left alone, Ramit might open the gate of the abyss, allowing the tentacles of the evil god of the abyss to penetrate into this world.

Back then in Laurel City, the undead opened the gate of the abyss with a blood sacrifice, and it took a long time. Using this as a reference, Lamit might not be able to open the gate of the abyss so quickly.

But no matter what, with every second of delay, the chance of that demon opening the gate of the abyss increases.

After contemplating for a moment, Zhong Ye took a deep breath and stood up abruptly.

"Your Mightiness!"

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye!"

"Hello, Your Excellency!"

When Zhong Ye walked out of the tavern, the passers-by bowed their heads to salute him—even if this was the adventurer they had the most contempt for, an adventurer who they could equate with bandits.

Zhong Ye nodded one by one in return, and walked quickly towards the city wall.

There is an arsenal in the middle of the city wall, and the team that is almost out of ammunition is replenished with gunpowder and bullets from here.

When he came to the arsenal, he found that the extraordinary fighter named 'Matt' who had fought against him was also here.

Seeing Zhong Ye, this burly Transcendent stopped his calculations, "Why are you here..."

Until now, he still feels embarrassed when facing Zhong Ye.

When he was fighting Zhong Ye, he had killing intent, but Zhong Ye not only spared his life, but also rescued him from the manor.

He already knew from the mouths of those nobles that 'Ramit' is the source of all these disasters. This demon has been lurking beside the Grand Duke for a long time, and Zhong Ye's arrival can be regarded as detonating this inevitable crisis in advance. If not Zhong Ye, they might die instantly after the demon finished all the arrangements, instead of having a glimmer of life like now.

Zhong Ye didn't answer, but looked at the pen and paper in Matt's hand, "Are you doing statistics?"

Matt looked down and scratched his hair with the end of the pen with a smile. "It's a habit when I was a mercenary. I always feel a little uneasy if I don't count the number and wear of the equipment."

"Hmm..." Zhong Ye nodded and stopped asking.

He squatted down, took out several bombs and some bullets from the ammunition box, and picked out two muskets.

Matt stared blankly, and couldn't help but ask, "Your Excellency, what are you trying to do?"

"Go and get rid of that deformed body in the clock tower." Zhong Ye put the bomb into a backpack, put the ammunition in his waist pocket, and then picked up a short bow and a pot of arrows.

"That monster..."

The image of the deformed body clinging to the top of the clock tower suddenly appeared in Matt's mind, causing his face to change.

"Are you going to deal with that monster alone?"

"Don't worry, even if I can't kill it, I can guarantee that I will get out of it." Patting the burly man on the shoulder, Zhong Ye instructed, "I'll tell the news to other people later, and let them do a good job of defending themselves." ,Do not worry about me."

The clock tower is not very far from the city gate, within the range of the artillery, but he does not intend to use artillery on the city, firstly, it may accidentally injure the survivors, and secondly, the sound of the artillery is enough to attract a large number of deformed bodies.

The sound of muskets can still be silenced by the overlapping streets, but the artillery can't. The sound of the artillery is like thunder, and once fired, it will attract a lot of attention.

Maybe the other survivors in the city knew that there was a group of survivors on the city wall after hearing the gunfire, but they couldn't cross the dangerous streets and come here, but the aberrations are different, and now the city is already theirs. They can go wherever they want.

Now the mutants have not realized that their 'companions' are also a kind of food, and they have not formed a food chain, and start to prey on each other.

As long as the artillery fires, they will approach the direction of the sound. Once they approach, they will be able to find that there is a lot of life in this block.

Matt stared blankly at Zhong Ye leaving, with a kind of chic in his back that he never had, his mouth was slightly opened, and after a while, he still closed his mouth.

He didn't have the courage of Zhong Ye. There were so many deformed bodies wandering around the clock tower, and the strength of that monster was unknown. Even if he acted with Zhong Ye, it would still be too dangerous.

Zhong Ye, who was fully armed, left the arsenal and was quickly noticed by others.

It's just that in the eyes of most people, although the taciturn Zhong Ye is a leader worthy of admiration, he is not easy to get in touch with.

Except for Matt, Zhong Ye didn't tell anyone that he was going to the clock tower alone to deal with the mutant. Even after Lilian went online again after lunch, he just let her stay here and use what he had learned. Knowledge helps block defense.

——Even if he knows that his student is a player, he is not afraid of death.

Without taking anyone with him, Zhong Ye turned out of the line of defense, and after walking out of the line of defense, he waited for a while at the corner of the street to ensure that no one would follow him on his own initiative, before heading towards the clock tower.

The clock tower is located on the south side of the city gate. Besides the clock tower itself, there are many functional buildings nearby, such as baths and stadiums, which are areas where wealthy citizens live together.

In the past, there were a lot of people coming and going in that area, and it probably wouldn't be an accident today.

Because of this, the mercenaries in that tavern rejected Zhong Ye's invitation.

They have already seen the power of the 'deformation body', which is not something they can deal with. There may be hundreds of distortion bodies gathered around the clock tower. It is wishful thinking to want to take down the clock tower with their little strength.

Therefore, even for Zhong Ye, this is a dangerous enough action!

——However, since he came to this world, which one of his actions would not ruin his life if he was a little careless?
(End of this chapter)

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