Soul echo

Chapter 124 Door (9)

Chapter 124 The Door ([-])
The blood sputtered from the ground to the wall. Someone had died here, and some of the gushing blood fell on the ground, forming a pool of blood.

Today, there is only blood left here, and not even half of the stumped limbs are left.

Sunlight poured into the alley through the interlaced roof tiles, and Zhong Ye, who was wearing a weapon and equipment on his back, walked silently through the alley, and the light and shadow wandered around him.

His powerful perception ability allows him to react before the aberrant finds him. If he really can't sneak past, he can directly assassinate the aberrant.

By this means he was already fairly close to the clock tower.

But the closer to the clock tower, the more distortions wandering around.

Not only the streets and alleys, but even some houses have aberrations staying inside, they are motionless, as if they are dead.

It's just that Zhong Ye knew that they were not only alive, they were also alive and well, their vitality was as strong as a burning flame.

They're still breathing, their muscles are still moving, they just don't move.

Ordinary aberrants do not exhibit such behavior at all. If only one or two aberrants behave like this, it can be explained. But now, not only one or two aberrants have this abnormal behavior, but more than a dozen, dozens head.

These aberrations not only made such abnormal behaviors, but also gathered in large numbers in this street, no matter how you think about it, you think there is something wrong.

Zhong Ye vaguely had an idea in his mind: among the mutants, a mutant that could command other mutants appeared!

This is not impossible. Amos once mentioned to him that the reason why mutants are mutants is because they cannot enjoy such blessings after receiving the "gift" of the evil god, and their bodies appear deformed , lose wisdom.

On the contrary, if you can bear it, you will turn into a 'demon'.

Aberrations themselves represent infinite possibilities, and the ability to control other aberrations is not impossible.

After reading this, Zhong Ye took a deep breath and looked up at the clock tower not far away.

The monster at the top of the clock tower has grown bigger during this period of time, but its appearance looks more 'regular' than before.

At some point, it loosened the tentacles wrapped around the pointer, and even adjusted the time of the clock.

— Afternoon, thirteen sixteen.

Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze and drew an arrow from the quiver.

From here, it is impossible to continue sneaking.

The breath in the body circulates and moves, rushes through the meridians of the legs, and enhances muscle strength.

The center of gravity sank, the body pressed down slightly, and then suddenly bounced up!
Pedal your legs against the wall and send your heavy body up to the roof.


The moment Zhong Ye fell, the tiles cracked, especially clear and obvious in this silent street, which alarmed the aberrations in the streets on both sides, as well as a few aberrations hidden in the houses.

With both feet on the ground, the warrior pulled his body forward.


As the roof tiles continued to shatter, the attention of the aberrants was attracted, and they saw a figure running fast on the roof.

Like a gust of wind, or like a meteor, it flew straight towards the direction of the clock tower, and the sound became more and more urgent.

After a moment of daze, the mutants started to move.


One of the aberrations raised its head and roared, as if sending a signal to the other aberrations.

In fact, it was the same. When the roar sounded, the aberrations in other blocks turned their heads to look.

The deformed body left behind by Zhong Ye looked up at the roof, and at the same time took steps to follow it away.

They run on the street, like a river flowing in the river, surging and surging.

— Thirteen eighteen.

The aberrants in front were also attracted by the roar. After spotting Zhong Ye, several aberrants with good jumping ability ran up to the roof and stopped in front of Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye didn't intend to stop, and silently raised the bow and arrow in his hand, and drew the arrow with his bow.

Even though his shoulder was seriously injured, he couldn't use too much strength, and every movement would cause severe pain... None of this could stop Zhong Ye from moving forward, nor was it a reason for him to stop.

The bow is like the full moon, then the arrows are like shooting stars—

A deformed body in the shape of a giant rat stood in front of Zhong Ye, neighing, but an arrow suddenly struck, and when it opened its mouth, it pierced through its head.

The giant rat aberration died instantly, its tense muscles softened immediately, and it lost its strength. Its limbs spread out to both sides, and its feet slipped, and it slid off the roof, fell into the aberrant group, and was trampled into minced meat by them.

The samurai continued to move forward, jumped up suddenly at a certain moment, turned his body in the air, and took out a glass bottle from his waist pocket with his backhand.

Just after he jumped up, the roof burst open, and an open bloody mouth came out of the hole, and then suddenly closed.

Zhong Ye twisted his body to the ground, kicked off, and stepped over a house in an instant.


The esophagus of the deformed body squirmed, and there was a faint sound of glass breaking, and immediately, high temperature and flames gushed out!

Flames rose boldly behind him, but Zhong Ye only had eyes on the towering tower.

There are two long streets away from the clock tower, when a strong wind blows suddenly, a falcon body and a deformed human head shoot out from the shadow of the side alley.

Zhong Ye rolled his eyes, pulled his eyes to the corner of his eye sockets, and caught a glimpse of the deformed body.

Kicking with both feet, twisting the body, the straight knife that came out of the sheath clangingly pulled out a side of the knife, split it in two with its own strength, and turned the wrist, the blood stained on the knife was shaken off, and then the knife was put away Sheath.

From the beginning to the end, Zhong Ye's footsteps never stopped.

— Thirteen twenty-six.

boom -

The aberrations also seemed to find it difficult for them to stop Zhong Ye's footsteps, directly knocking down several houses on his way forward, leaving him with nowhere to go.

Running to the roof of the only remaining house, Zhong Ye kicked his feet, leaped high, and took out a few arrows from the quiver.

At this moment, several deformed bodies that had been lying in wait for a long time also jumped up, all of them stretched out their sharp claws and opened their huge mouths, intending to kill Zhong Ye here.

The bow string is drawn, the bow bends, and the warrior's body flips in the air, but the arrows on the short bow are like precision-guided missiles, and each shot is accurately pierced into the vitals of each deformed body.

At this short distance, the kinetic energy added to the arrows is almost perfect, even if their vitals are hidden deep under the tough skin and strong muscles, they will still be pierced by the arrows.

Zhong Ye stepped on the corpse of a deformed body, and with the help of the remaining strength of the deformed body's jumping upwards, he jumped up again, and the corpse fell to the ground with a bang, smashing a pit in the ground.

The aberrants watched the human fly by from a high altitude and landed on the roof in the distance.

With a bend of his legs, he jumped out in an instant.

Shaking off the short bow and untying the quiver, Zhong Ye pulled out a musket from behind his back, moved his ears slightly, then slowed down and lowered the muzzle of the gun.

Two tentacles shot out from the window of the house below, and circled around the roof. The aberration didn't know where the enemy was, so it simply swept the tentacles and ripped off all the roof tiles.

Zhong Ye jumped lightly, and his body continued to move forward under the momentum of inertia.

There is an alley between the house under his feet and the opposite house. In the alley, there is a deformed body that seems to have been waiting for him for a long time.

The deformed body stretched its neck and bit its head upwards, but its eyes saw a bright flame, and its consciousness immediately fell into darkness.

The body fell, Zhong Ye pulled the bolt of the gun, loaded another cardboard bullet into the chamber, and continued to run forward.

— Thirteen twenty-six.

Another white smoke rose from the muzzle of the gun, and another aberration was killed.

Zhong Ye, who had slipped through the gaps of the tentacles, fell backwards, his left hand grasped the barrel of the gun, and his right hand turned into a phantom, quickly reloading the bullet.

He left most of the aberrations behind, but the closer they got to the clock tower, the more aberrations there were.

Those monsters crowded the streets densely, like a wriggling sea of ​​flesh, looking extremely disgusting.


The bronze bell inside the bell tower was rang, and the magnificent and powerful sound spread loudly.

It's—thirteen thirty!
At this moment, a beam of light soared into the sky from the distant city and hit the top of the clock tower, half of the deformed body suddenly exploded.

Zhong Ye saw that the hundreds of aberrations around them were taken aback for a moment, left him alone, turned around and ran towards the direction of the beam of light.

Zhong Ye withdrew his musket with his backhand and ran towards the clock tower.

When he came to the tower, instead of stopping, he even accelerated a bit.

The soles of his feet were printed on the outer wall of the tower, and he pulled his body up.

Body close to the wall, Zhong Ye ran on the wall perpendicular to the ground, launching a final charge towards the distortion body at the top of the clock tower.

(End of this chapter)

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