Soul echo

Chapter 122 Door (7)

Chapter 122 The Door ([-])
Lilian watched the cold and clear moonlight sweep across the deformed bodies, cutting off flesh and blood one after another.

Through Zhong Ye's explanation, she understood that not every deformed body's key lies in the 'head', perhaps in the chest cavity, or under the layers of flesh and blood.

If it's the kind with particularly strong vitality, maybe the concept of 'vital' doesn't even exist, as long as there is a piece of flesh and blood left, it can be revived again.

But right now these aberrations are not that strong yet, even if the recovery power is stronger, they still have vital points.

However, in front of Zhong Ye, no matter whether they are as fast as a meteor or can be reborn with a broken arm, at most it is just a matter of two swords.

Every movement and every breath they make is providing information to Zhong Ye, whether it is the center of gravity or the vital points, they are all exposed before his eyes.

Several deformed bodies were cut under the sword, and the deformed bodies behind couldn't help but stop, but Zhong Ye didn't intend to let them go, and strode forward with a stride, swinging the big sword.

After beheading these mutants, Zhong Ye dragged their corpses to one place, laid them across the street, and piled them up.

This pile of corpses can hinder the progress of the deformed bodies. It doesn't take too long, as long as they can slow down their speed a little bit, that's enough.

"Lilian, run."

Zhong Ye greeted his students, and hurried to the next target point.

Lilian looked back from the pile of corpses and suddenly realized.

In fact, Zhong Ye was building a defense line by doing this. The corpses of the deformed bodies were equivalent to sandbags, and most of them were huge. Stacking up a few corpses would almost fill up the street.

In this way, a primitive line of defense was built. Relying on this line of defense, they could collect large objects while defending, and build a real defense line.

As gross and scary as it is, there's no question that it works.

Zhong Ye's running speed wasn't too fast, and Lilian could keep up with him as long as he gritted his teeth.

Before reaching the next target point, Zhong Ye told the girl to stop there: "Do you still remember the enchanting method I taught you before? This time fill it with blazing glue!"

After speaking, he continued to run towards the target, leaving Lilian on the street.

However, she didn't feel afraid. If there were distortions nearby, Zhong Ye would definitely clean up the distortions before heading to the destination. But he didn't do that, which meant that there was no danger nearby.

Lilian squatted on the ground, untied the small backpack, and spread it out.

After opening, the small backpack is equivalent to a simple workbench. The girl carefully took out the blazing glue from the waist pocket. This viscous liquid will burn when it meets air. If you want to use it to modify the crossbow, you need another one. a solvent.

Ordinary adventurers and mercenaries don't know this kind of technology at all, and Zhong Ye found this kind of technology from a book—that is, the pile of books bought in Hot Spring City.

Since it is cumbersome to handle, and once processed, it needs to be used within a day, so it is not very practical.

There are better options for adventurers and mercenaries than Blazing Glue.

However, since this technology will be invented, it will naturally have its uses.

Blazing glue can only burn, and like white phosphorus, once it is contaminated, it cannot be extinguished until it is completely burned. Other burning agents cannot achieve this effect.

It took Lilian 8 minutes to create three crossbow bolts filled with blazing glue. Before using them, just wipe the arrows on the ground to wipe off the flame retardant, and then ignite the blazing glue.

There were fierce screams ahead, but they all sounded like distortions.

As soon as the belt was lifted, the workbench returned to a backpack. Lilian threw the backpack over her shoulder and ran towards the direction of the sound.

In the past, even under the protection of Zhong Ye, she still felt scared when facing a group of little monsters, but now she can calmly make tactical props alone in this terrifying place... Only then did Lilian notice that she Has grown so much!

Passing through an alley, Lilian suddenly found that she had come to a 'Sura field'.

——As soon as the boots stepped out of the alley, they stepped on a pool of blood.

Strands of blood flowed along the ditch and into the low-lying areas, gathering into pools of blood one after another.

Blood, big and small, high or low, was shaking in the aftermath of the battle, and scattered corpses were also piled up in the streets.

Following the sound, I saw Zhong Ye moving around in a small area under the siege of several deformed bodies, with frequent steps, constantly adjusting the position of the deformed bodies, and when they reached a suitable position, he punched them out and knocked them into the air. into the house.

The aberrations struggled in the house, flew into a rage, roared hysterically, and continuously demolished the pillars and load-bearing walls of the house.

Affected by their fighting, several crumbling houses finally collapsed.

Having obtained the result he wanted, Zhong Ye immediately understood the lives of the mutants—if it wasn't for the demolition of these rooms, he wouldn't have fought with these mutants for so long.

"Lilian, come here!"

Lilian trotted obediently, followed the direction of Zhong Ye's finger and looked at the distant street, her pupils suddenly dilated and her breathing stagnated.

"Shoot the arrow you just made!"

It was a mass of flesh—pure flesh!
There is no epidermis covering, muscles and blood vessels are exposed to the air, it seems that there are no bones, only muscles and fat, limply 'crowded' in the street, relying on muscle peristalsis to move.

The monster's body was covered with all kinds of faces, and each face was also skinless. When it was wriggling, it kept making low-pitched wailing.

As the monster squirmed, the faces at the bottom were placed on the ground, and the faces at the top slid down to meet their eyes.

Lilian raised the hand crossbow tremblingly. The monster was so big that it almost filled up half of the street. Even though its body was extremely soft, the pile was two stories high.

"Pay attention to breathing." Zhong Ye put his hand on the girl's shoulder and said in a low voice, "This is the enemy you have to deal with in the future. There are countless monsters that are more disgusting and terrifying than this one. Don't be scared by it. It In fact, it is easy to deal with.

"—Listen to me, shoot it with a crossbow bolt!"

Lilian pursed her lips, raised her heels, and the crossbow bolt struck the heels, and the flames ignited.

The arm of the crossbow has also been processed and coated with flame retardant. In a short period of time, the blazing glue cannot ignite the hand crossbow.

Don't even aim, as long as you raise your crossbow towards the monster, you will definitely be able to hit it.

Three crossbow arrows were fired one after another, all hitting the meatball.

The mass of flesh and blood felt the flames in its body, and the high temperature was constantly destroying its body.

Through vague perception, it discovered that there were two life forms in front of it. For some reason, an emotion called 'anger' ignited ragingly in its empty heart.

All the faces howled at the same time, and the monster squirmed forward with all its might.


As the monster squirmed, the muscles and blood vessels were rubbed and ruptured, blood gushed out, and flames flowed along the blood to the ground and walls.

The street was burning, but Zhong Ye turned his head and led Lilian away.

There is no need to look at the results anymore, the monster is dead—even a small amount of blazing glue is enough to burn for a few minutes, and these few minutes are enough to completely burn it to death.

The flames could not spread to this block, because before that, he had destroyed several buildings in the way the flames must pass.

Zhong Ye took Lilian to the next destination, but on the way, Lilian received a message.

[——The battle is over, you defeated fear under the guidance of your mentor, successfully used your wisdom and learning achievements to defeat a powerful mutant, and obtained [-] soul debris]

Taking a breath, Lilian turned her head to look in the direction of the city gate.

It has been a long time since the gunshots and shouts have been sounded continuously, and only occasionally one or two sounds. Does it mean that they are not far away from regaining this block?

(End of this chapter)

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