Soul echo

Chapter 121 Door (6)

Chapter 121 The Door ([-])
"I'll say it one last time—"

Zhong Ye turned sideways and glanced at the people standing behind him with serious eyes, "I haven't learned command systematically, nor have I actually commanded battles. All tactics and command skills come from hearsay. I don't force you to go with me. Help other survivors, if anyone wants to quit, they can stay now, those who stay behind the city walls need your help too."

"But don't you need us more?" A mercenary raised his hand among the crowd.

He came to Milan with a caravan, but just after the caravan arrived in the city, something happened, and they were also blocked outside the city gate.

If Zhong Ye hadn't brought people here, even if they could get rid of those mutants, they would have suffered heavy casualties.

As soon as this remark came out, the people around laughed.

It's not funny, but they need laughter to drive out the inner tension and fear.

Zhong Ye shook his head, turned around and opened the wooden door, and walked out of the city wall first.

Behind him, soldiers and mercenaries filed out, but unlike Zhong Ye who seemed extremely relaxed, the moment they walked out the door, they put away their hippie smiles, held weapons, and cast vigilant eyes around.

Lilian followed Zhong Ye. In addition to accumulating actual combat experience and obtaining soul fragments, Zhong Ye also hoped that she could use the camera to pass information to other players.

Following behind Zhong Ye, the girl's gaze could not help but drift to his shoulder. There were already a few strands of wool on the deep wound. She saw her teacher frowning and asked someone to use wool. Connect the muscles on both sides of his wound.

There was no medicine here on the city wall, so Zhong Ye just sewed up the wound abruptly—the wool was still used!
It can be seen that Zhong Ye's shoulders will twitch weakly from time to time. Obviously, this should be very uncomfortable for him...

Before the deformed body appeared in front of him, Zhong Ye drew out his big sword and shouted: "Get ready to fight!"

The soldiers did not suspect him, and raised their weapons one after another.

The warrior took a breath, circulated the breath in his body, and rushed forward with a bang.

The people behind him also trotted up, staying far behind Zhong Ye. Although they wanted to help Zhong Ye fight together, Zhong Ye's order to them was to 'defend' and wait until he needed to take turns before making a move.

Zhong Ye sprinted forward, and when he passed an alley, a toad-like deformity suddenly jumped out of the alley.

However, Zhong Ye twisted his body and spun on the spot. The deformed body suddenly hit the sword's edge, and his body was instantly broken in half.

People saw him running towards the corner of the street, jumped up suddenly, stepped on the wall of the house facing Long Street, and bounced out to the street on the left.

Zhong Ye's speed was extremely fast, like a flash of lightning. Before people had time to react, he came to another street, raised his sword and dropped it, harvesting the lives of the deformed bodies.

Lilian started yelling as planned: "Is there anyone? Is there anyone alive? If so, please reply! If you don't believe us, you can also take a look at the direction of the city gate, where we set up a flag and lit After the beacon fire, the aberrations on the main road have been cleared, you can leave the house with peace of mind!"

She didn't know how many people would believe her words, but at this time, it was only one person who could be saved.

Although there are no missions displayed on the panel now, this is the case in the story mode. Except for the soul fragments, all rewards will be distributed according to the 'completion' after the story is over.

——According to the fantasy company, it is: 'This is more realistic! '

When the team arrived at the corner of the street, they saw Zhong Ye standing at the end of the street with a big sword on his shoulder, looking into the distance, horrified corpses scattered all over the street.

Sensing their arrival, Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze and gave the first order: "Take this street as the end, send a signal to the city wall, and cooperate with the second team to gradually clean up the aberrations in this block—now, a group of three , three groups and one class, start to act!"

Two melee fighters, one uses long-range weapons and props to support, and is also capable of fighting against not particularly powerful aberrations. Three groups and one squad take care of each other. Although the speed of cleaning up aberrations is slower, it can minimize the Casualties.

The team dispersed, and Lilian took out a simple firework from the small backpack she was carrying and launched it into the sky.

There was no dazzling flame, only a moderate muffled sound, but it was enough to attract the attention of the sentinels who were always paying attention to the movement of the street.

As soon as the signal was received, the sentinel ran into the city wall and shouted to the second team who had been waiting for a long time: "His Excellency Zhong Ye has sent a signal!"

The second team sitting in the corridor got up one after another, lined up, went down the stairs, and left the city wall.

When they came to the street, a smell of blood came to their nostrils, and the first thing they could see was the dead body lying in the corner in a miserable state.

The second team is led by a knight who is an extraordinary person. Compared with the other two, it is difficult for him to display his full strength on the city wall, so he, like Zhong Ye, led a team to sweep away the distortions in this block. body.

Although Zhong Ye repeatedly emphasized that he had not learned command and tactics in a systematic way, after hearing his plan, even the knight had to admire his conception, thinking that he was just speaking modestly.

For them who are short of manpower, the "three-three system" is the most suitable tactical combination. It is unknown how long this disaster will last. It is necessary to collect supplies and establish a defense line.

Battles broke out one after another in the long streets and alleys, and the crisp gunshots and the roars of the mutants sounded at the same time, followed by the shouts that the soldiers used to encourage themselves.

Lilian and Zhong Ye stood guard at the end of the block. After hearing those noises, they couldn't help but look back.

And the moment she turned her head, a black shadow suddenly popped up from behind a window.

There was an explosion next to her ear, and Lilian hurriedly looked away, only to see Zhong Ye's left hand grabbing a tentacle-shaped object in front of her.

The wool on the shoulders tensed instantly, and Zhong Ye pulled a deformed body out of the house with force.

What he held in his hand was the tongue of the deformed body. With a shake of his right shoulder, the great sword rose up, and when the deformed body flew to his feet, he chopped off his head.

"When fighting, don't be distracted."

Looking at the twitching corpse at Zhong Ye's feet, Lily nodded with lingering fear.

Aberrations are not beasts, they are mutants from humans or other creatures, and they don't just roam the streets, but also in houses.

It's just that their first task is to clear the aberrations on the streets, and the aberrations hiding in the house will wait until later.

As the sound of the battle in this block spreads, the aberrations from other streets will also be attracted, and Zhong Ye is stationed here to stop them.

The street under his feet is the main road of the city, and the aberrants are not all flexible types. There are definitely not a few aberrants who come to this block through the main road.

What worries Lilian more is that the road connecting this block is not the only one at present. What if the aberration enters this block from other directions?
However, this kind of problem should not have occurred to Zhong Ye.

The repeated gunshots finally attracted the attention of the survivors. The survivors hiding in the house peeped out through the cracks in the windows, watching the mixed formation of mercenaries and soldiers passing by on the street, killing the monsters, and then Thinking of the yell just now, he shifted his angle and looked at the city gate.

The dusty simple flag fluttered on the city tower, and the thick smoke created by the beacon rose up, dyeing the clear sky and clean space with a layer of jet black.

--it is true?

At this moment, a knight rode through the street on a war horse, shouting: "Listen, all survivors, hide your belongings, and then take your food to the city gate, we can keep you safe —then we'll collect items from the house, build a defense, and retake our city!"

As a knight, he had learned how to raise the morale of his men.


There was a sudden roar, and the knight turned his head to look. If he remembered correctly, it was the 'front line' chosen by Zhong Ye.

After the offensive and defensive positions were swapped, the defensive battle finally started!
(End of this chapter)

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