Soul echo

Chapter 117 Door (2)

Chapter 117 Door ([-])
It doesn't matter whether his identity is exposed or not, Lamit has already felt Zhong Ye's killing intent. According to Zhong Ye's previous attitude, as long as this adventurer realizes that he planned all this, then this guy will definitely attack him.

That being the case, it doesn't make any sense to struggle with identity.

Seeing the changes in Ramit, Zhong Ye pursed his lips tightly.

——It really is 'Abyss'!
'Evolution' is an accidental event, any kind of evolution starts from a single individual, but the dozen or so trolls not only have wisdom, but also have their own way of communication.

Even if that's not a 'language', it is enough to prove that they are by no means 'first generation'.

This is an accident?Or a conspiracy?
In the past, Zhong Ye was not sensitive to 'Abyss' and 'Devil', nor did he know the truth about the 'System', and he was completely unaware of the fact that a creature he had never met would be hostile to himself who possesses [Affinity Physique] the first time he met. What kind of concept.

The creations of this world will not feel bad for him when they meet for the first time. At most, they will think that he is a stranger of the same kind and will not take the initiative to attack him. Because of this, he has never been attacked by monsters while traveling.

Even the big spider in the valley attacked the carriage at the beginning, and he jumped in front of it, intercepting it and preventing it from hunting.

However, in that seaside town named 'Reef', he was attacked by a white troll!

The javelin it used was extremely rough and primitive, not like a human creation at all, and humans couldn't use such a thick javelin. At that time, he thought that the javelin was made by trolls.

Now, after integrating all the information, his conjecture has finally been verified!

——The troll did get wisdom, but not because of natural evolution, but from a conspiracy!
The Grand Duke's body trembled, and he looked at his confidant intently, unbelievable that he had a demon by his side for more than ten years...

"What is that? How did Mr. Ramit become like this..."

Because the church and the upper nobles strictly control the spread of news about the abyss, there are still people who are wondering.

Why did the adventurer just say a few words, and the Grand Duke's butler turned into a monster... Or, it was originally a monster, but now it just changed back to its original appearance?
Zhong Ye turned around and threw out the big sword, the moonlight whizzed past the people's heads, hit the gate, and smashed a hole.

"Run!" Zhong Ye shouted sharply.

As soon as the voice fell, a black shadow flashed across the crowd, and the wanderer escaped from the hall without looking back, and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Some people didn't understand what happened, but after seeing others running out of the hall with their heads buried, they also ran out.

Although they were crowded this time, they were much more orderly than last time, perhaps because they had an extremely reliable and powerful backing behind them.

Zhong Ye stared at Ramit vigilantly, without any movement.

The Grand Duke watched the hall gradually empty, his eyes glaring angrily, but he didn't dare to ask for help, for fear that the demon beside him would kill him if he got upset.

And his son—was already too scared to speak!
"Run! Run to your heart's content!" Ramit clapped his hands lightly and laughed heartily, "I have been operating in this city for decades, even if you can escape from this mansion, where can you go? "

Saying so, it took off the head of the grand duke's youngest son, "With the blood of the grand duke Milan's heir, I will wake up all the 'primitives' in this city—wise and powerful adventurers, play a game with me!" Is it a game?"

Facing the abyss, the best way is not to answer, not to trust!

Zhong Ye stared straight at the demon standing on the stairs, and felt that everyone had fled, so he moved his steps and backed up.

Lamit didn't press Zhong Ye, but just smiled, with joy in his four eyes, and said to himself: "I know, I know, you don't want to talk to me, and you don't want to talk to me, but I know, Next, you will definitely participate in my game——

"Do you want to save the city? Do you want to save the people who are suffering?"

Zhong Ye retreated behind the door and beside the big sword, bent down to pick it up vigilantly, then turned around and ran away.

In the hall behind him, the demon held its dead head high and laughed wildly, and the Grand Duke stood beside it trembling.

"I left everything about this game in that city, go find it! Go find it! That's the only way to survive in this city!"

Rampant laughter echoed in his ears, Zhong Ye caught up with the crowd along the long corridor, because many people did not escape fast due to lack of exercise in the past.

After passing through the long corridor, you come to the front hall, and the gate of the mansion is in front.

Seeing that the way to survive was ahead, everyone became excited and accelerated their speed.

But at this moment, the wood that made up the door frame glowed with vitality and grew vigorously.

Countless spikes and tentacles popped out, instantly piercing through the bodies of the people crowded at the door.

Arms, calves, waists and even heads, many people were immediately fixed in place, but the people behind them had no time to stop and bumped into them.


The body parts pierced by the spikes and tentacles were separated from the torso, and the flesh and blood were torn off abruptly. Blood gushed out immediately, and screams of fear and cries of pain resounded in unison.

Those who were pushed out fell to the ground, clutching their wounds and writhing in pain, while the people behind ignored them, avoiding them as much as they could, and stepping on them if they could not. There are not many people.

Spikes and tentacles continued to grow, and the gate was about to be closed. Those who hadn't had time to run out cried out loudly, and kept speeding up, pushing the people in front down and pushing themselves up.

Zhong Ye, who was behind the crowd, jumped up suddenly, over the heads of the people, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, and swung the blade at the gate.

The sword light flickered, the gate of the mansion shattered, and stones and fragments of the door frame flew, hitting the people outside the gate.

Hearing the pain, Zhong Ye landed in front of the gate.

He pushed aside the nobles who were scrambling to escape from the mansion, lifted the living people who fell on the ground, and patted them on the back, "Run!"

Those people's minds went blank, and they obeyed Zhong Ye's order subconsciously.

Then, Zhong Ye turned around again, reached out to those who had been pushed to the ground, and pulled them up.

Just as he stretched out his hand to a lady, and the lady raised her hand gratefully, he saw that the woman's complexion suddenly changed, and there was a foreign object rolling under the skin.

With a change in the movement of his hand, he suddenly grabbed her wrist and threw it towards the growing thorns.

The female body was pierced in several places, but it still stubbornly raised its head and screamed at Zhong Ye.

It wasn't until Zhong Ye drew out the straight knife and opened its head that the sharp cry stopped.

A man just got up by himself, saw the woman's change and yelled again, and sat back in fright.

If Zhong Ye realized something, he swung his knife to cut off all the spikes and tentacles that were ejected, and pulled everyone out of the mansion.

The army of the Grand Duke of Milan stood outside the mansion, watching the fleeing people, watching them show their ugliness in order to grab a carriage, and those who were not afraid of death tried to take away the knight's horse, and were kicked away. go out.

The soldiers were overwhelmed with absurdity when they saw their enemy rescuing a group of wailing fellows from a mutated mansion.

what happened?
Zhong Ye ran towards the soldiers, picked up the two Transcendents who fell on the ground, "Take your weapons and run with me!"

Not only the nobles escaped from the mansion, but also some servants. They were coerced by the nobles and ran out, but now they saw the changes in the mansion, and they were very grateful.

Not long after Zhong Ye took people out of the mansion, the building began to 'grow' outwards crazily and brutally.

The stones surged, the wood spread, and even the glass multiplied many crystal clusters.

The undecided soldiers suddenly became agitated. Some obeyed Zhong Ye's words and followed his footsteps, while others threw off their companions' hands and ran towards the mansion.

"Mary! Mary, wait for me!"


A window on the second floor suddenly shattered, glass and crystal clusters fell, and several figures jumped out of the window.

The soldier running towards the mansion looked up, his brows were filled with joy, and he shouted: "Mary! Mary!"

He jumped forward and caught a fallen maid, even though he was knocked to the ground and his skin was pierced by glass shards, he didn't care.

Several people reluctantly stood up, and the soldier took his girlfriend's hand and was about to lead her out of the mansion.

Suddenly, my wrist hurts!
The sharp pain whipped the soldier's nerves, urging him to look down.

When he lowered his head, he saw that his hands and his girlfriend's hands had been completely fused together.

They looked at each other in horror, and through each other's pupils, they saw their bodies suddenly swell.

A few meatballs appeared in front of the mansion. At this moment, Zhong Ye had just put the heavy knight on the back of the war horse, frowned, and carried the two Transcendents who were slowly waking up on the ground to his shoulders, and fled to the outside of the manor. go.

The two Transcendents felt bumpy and uncomfortable, and just opened their eyes, and what they saw were a few disgusting meatballs, and the mansion that was still growing behind them.

People have already escaped from the manor, but they can still hear faint whimpers floating in the wind.


(End of this chapter)

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