Soul echo

Chapter 116 Door (1)

Chapter 116 Door ([-])

"I didn't! I didn't!"

An obese man who was pulled out from the crowd screamed in panic. Facing Zhong Ye, he was so frightened that not a single muscle in his body was not trembling.

"I really don't!!!"

Screams squeezed out of the throat, and to others, it was like the whine of a pig or sheep waiting to be slaughtered before it died.

Not only him, but several other nobles also answered the same, and they were still in the same ugly manner.

Their screams were extremely ear-piercing to the ears of others. Looking at Zhong Ye who was frowning tightly, someone was angry from the heart and turned to gallbladder. They rushed out from the crowd, and beat a screaming nobleman on the ground.

"It's clearly you who did it. I've heard more than once that you wanted to usurp the Grand Duke's position. With your poor acting skills, where do you have the guts to even try to deceive this lord?"

The man who jumped out from the crowd was riding on the nobleman, his fists kept falling, and the more he hit, the more excited he became.

He is also a nobleman, and he has a long-standing grudge against the nobleman who was held down and beaten by him. Thinking that this guy will die next, why not vent his hatred before this guy is about to die, and rush out.

Seeing that person's movements, the others learned a lesson, and rushed towards the nobles who were dragged out of the crowd, full of old punches.

——The ugliness of human nature is revealed at this moment, leaving no room for excuse.

Only a few people noticed that the tall adventurer had been standing still without any movement.

They didn't believe that he would stop at this moment - break into the Grand Duke's manor, defeat the Grand Duke's army, threaten the Grand Duke, and even threatened them nobles with his life.

Any of the above is a crime that is enough to make him lose his head. If he stops at this time, not only will he not get anything, but he will also lose a lot of things, even if it is them, if they really do similar things , they will definitely not choose to stop.

Comparing their hearts to their hearts, they didn't think the adventurer in front of them was a fool, and a fool couldn't have such a powerful power.

——Zhong Ye is thinking!

Seeing the cowardly appearance of those weeping nobles who were beaten to the ground, not even daring to fight back, Zhong Ye frowned even tighter.

After becoming an extraordinary person, he has the ability to judge the emotions of others, and his intuition tells him that the words of those nobles just now are sincere, and it seems that they really did not send killers to attack the team led by El West.

After thinking for a moment, Zhong Ye suddenly said, "Stop!"

It's just that those people have already reached the top, and they played quite enjoyable.

Only the two of them kept paying attention to Zhong Ye's movement, and immediately stopped beating after Zhong Ye spoke.

The others didn't stop, but became more and more agitated. After seeing the blood, their faces became extremely ferocious.

Zhong Ye took a breath and yelled, "Stop!"

A few more people woke up from the intoxication, looked at the already inhuman enemy below them, and looked at the blood-stained hands throbbing with pain, and immediately stood up in fright.

There was another person who didn't stop, and when he was waving his fist, he was still muttering something in a low voice, and his voice was as small as a mosquito squeezed out from between his teeth, only himself, the nobleman who was riding under him, and Zhong Ye, to hear clearly.

It was nothing more than trivial things, but he hated them all. Even if he didn't take revenge this time, sooner or later he would wave his fists and even swords at this nobleman.

Zhong Ye stepped forward and kicked the man on the shoulder, knocking him to the ground.

The man's bloodshot eyes suddenly lifted up, and when he saw Zhong Ye's stern face, he hurriedly lowered his head again.

"You said, you didn't do it?" Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze and looked around at the nobles who had been beaten up, "Which time exactly?"

Those nobles were all dizzy from the beating, and their brains were befuddled, but after hearing Zhong Ye's voice, they still reacted immediately.

"It was that time in Aspalatos! I really didn't do anything that time. I only sent out the killer once. I, I have no ability to send out the second killer at all." A noble stood up and knelt on the ground. Zhong Ye cried loudly in front of him.

Others' answers were similar to his - none of them had the ability to dispatch a second killer!
This answer may sound ridiculous to others, but it is very close to reality.

Although muskets are not a rare thing, it is not something that can be solved with money alone to transport enough muskets to Asparatos and then hand them over to a group of killers.

Zhong Ye recalled it again, and found that the first time he met the killers who attacked them, the number of those killers was not as large as that of Aspalatos' "Jimmy Gang", but not everyone had muskets in their hands. , many killers also carry melee weapons and crossbows.

According to these nobles, it's not that the killers don't want or don't know how to use muskets, but that they don't have money and that ability.

But, if not them, who should it be?

Those who have the ability and will to...

Zhong Ye's brain turned rapidly, and through the analysis and speculation of the only information, he constantly eliminated suspicious targets.

After a few seconds, he turned abruptly and looked towards the stairs.

"It's you?"

The Grand Duke looked at Zhong Ye's fierce eyes, shook his head subconsciously, and then laughed angrily, "You think it's me? I sent someone to assassinate my own son?"

"No, Your Excellency, he should be referring to me..."

The toppled portrait was pushed away, and the butler staggered over, walked to the side of the grand duke and young son, knelt down and touched his head, and smiled slightly, "Among all the people present, the only one who has the intention and ability is me— —Because this whole plan was designed by me, killing the fake Master Tim and waiting for those ridiculous guys to jump out automatically is also part of the plan, and even you don’t even know about this part, Your Excellency the Grand Duke.”

"Why?" The Grand Duke raised his eyebrows and locked his eyes on the butler.

The butler bent down to help the Grand Duke up, and said with a smile: "Because I didn't think of it until later. At that time, Master Tim had already arrived in Milan. With only one time difference, those ridiculous buffoons who intend to usurp the position of the Grand Duke will be able to let them go." Jumping out, time is too late, I can only operate by myself..."


Zhong Ye interrupted the butler's words.

He silently clenched the handle of the weapon, raised his head, and looked directly at the butler.

"Troll cubs usually don't act alone, and their parents don't let them leave the lair. The corpse of the troll cub that was found made me feel strange from the beginning. The strength shown by those killers is not enough Capture the troll cubs and escape the trolls."

The butler turned his head and looked at Zhong Ye with a smile on his face, showing great interest in his words.

"Looking at it now, those nobles whose names were reported are just a bunch of wimps, they can't do this kind of thing, and although you can do it, and you have done it, your purpose is not just as you said—— You should be very clear that the group of trolls can communicate with each other, and they have wisdom!"

As soon as this remark came out, some people in the crowd screamed.

Others don't understand what 'trolls have wisdom' means, they do.

"If you want to capture troll cubs, you must have contact with those trolls. In this case, you will definitely know that they have wisdom, or you can also say that you know that they have wisdom from the beginning, so you choose them!

"You didn't choose them for the so-called 'time difference', nor did you choose them to stop me. These are all your lies and my self-awareness speculation."

Having said that, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, "With or without me, you will carry out this plan, that troll cub must die, and those trolls must die too, they must die in the 'human' In my hands, this will not change no matter what! The only thing that has changed is 'me' - I have come here!"

The smile on the butler's face became more and more exaggerated, and the moment Zhong Ye made the assertion, he also laughed.

Two voices appeared at the same time, as if there were two throats and two vocal cords in his throat.

"It would be nice if you weren't so sharp and impulsive..."

The corners of Ramit's mouth were split, revealing two rows of sharp teeth as he smiled.

A pair of dark yellow eyes narrowed, and two more slits appeared at the forehead, and then the appearance of eyeballs appeared.

"—I appreciate your wisdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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