Soul echo

Chapter 115 Power (End)

Chapter 115 Power (End)

The ray left a deep scar on Zhong Ye's shoulder. Fortunately, the temperature was high enough to seal the blood vessels.

Whenever he moved that part of the muscle, the shoulder would throb, and the pain would travel along the nerves to all parts of the body, affecting the functioning of the body.

Zhong Ye only got a moment of respite, he seized this respite, tried to breathe, and tried his best to think.

—how to bring out the others who participated in that plan to cause suffering to the civilians of Aspalatos!

Pulling out the big sword suddenly, the warrior stepped on the ground, and rushed towards the mage and grand duke standing on the stairs like a gust of wind.

The hall is full of people, they are trying to escape through the gate, but they are not strong enough to pull the gate wider, so they can only squeeze beside the gate, pushing the people in front of them continuously, hoping to get out of the gate. I can escape as soon as possible.

Of course, not everyone wants to escape from the hall, because the Dagong is standing on the stairs overlooking all this ridiculous.

Seeing Zhong Ye running towards him, the butler changed his spell halfway, and then he stopped, and the place where Zhong Ye's footsteps landed was sunken. The hole was not big, but it was deep enough to sink his entire leg.

Zhong Ye's figure was skewed accordingly, but when he turned his ankle, his foot got stuck in the hole, and he stepped out the other leg in time to pull himself out.

Everything was so smooth and flowing, Zhong Ye's footsteps did not hesitate at all, and he climbed up the stairs in just a moment.

Seeing him stepping up the stairs, the Grand Duke, who had been calm all the time, was also shaken, and said eagerly: "Compared with revenge, those unfortunate civilians need money to survive the difficult life in the future!"

"Now they just need revenge!"

The warrior rushed in front of the steward, his eyes intersected with him, and he swung his sword without any hesitation.

"They've already got enough money to get through the hard times - the dozen or so trolls who haven't died yet have paid the price, and now that group of guys are left!"

The butler's brooch flashed suddenly, and a shield was formed immediately, covering the knife and sword in Zhong Ye's hand.

However, the shield is also creaking!
The mysterious incantation was uttered by the butler, and the condensed incantation was recited in just three seconds.

Then, the butler took a deep breath, and his chest swelled like a balloon, almost bursting the extremely stretchy clothes.

He opened his mouth, and violent air flow rushed out, crushing the shield in front of him with a bang, and knocking Zhong Ye flying.

- Boom!

There was a strong wind in the hall, which caused another scream, and then the sound of Zhong Ye hitting the wall above the gate made the scream even louder.

Countless dust fell, and some timid people simply squatted down, trembling with their heads and bodies in their hands. They blocked the way of people's escape, making the gate even more chaotic.

People could no longer stop the crowd, the superimposed weight caused the gate to close quickly, and those who crowded at the gate were instantly pinched off their hands and feet, and what's more, their heads were crushed.

The screams and screams mixed together constituted a tragic and desolate movement.

To the surprise of the steward and the Grand Duke, Zhong Ye did not fall off the wall, he used his terrifying back muscles and leg strength to cling to the wall backwards, and used the reliefs and dents to stand above the gate.

"At the beginning, those civilians screamed more miserable and sad than these people..."

Clenching the handle of the weapon with both hands, the warrior suddenly bent down, his feet that were mostly hanging outside were pressed against the wall, and the muscles in his legs suddenly tensed.

Both legs burst out with strength instantly, and Zhong Ye jumped up suddenly.

Turn your body in the air, bend your waist and knees, and your steps face the ceiling, imprinting it.

One step, two steps, he was running upside down on the ceiling, hanging from the ground!
—— Here, still belongs to the 'earth'!
"What's wrong with him? Why should he be used as a tool to contain me? Why should he die? Who made a claim and chose such a fate for them?"

The anger accumulated since the battle of Aspalatos erupted violently. Accompanied by the anger, the warrior's footsteps became extremely heavy. With each step, a footprint appeared on the ceiling, and many cracks burst from the footprints to the surroundings.

The butler's face changed suddenly, and with a wave of his staff, the knives and forks on the table and scattered on the ground trembled, pointing to the ceiling one after another, like an inverted silver rain, flying from the ground to the sky.

Aiming at the figure running on the ceiling, the silver streamer boldly went straight up and shot up.

Under the light, the cold metal knife and fork kept inserting into the wall, following Zhong Ye's footsteps, but failed to land on him.

Frowning, the butler suddenly changed the trajectory of the flight and made an advance. When Zhong Ye took another step, the metallic color of the knife and fork suddenly appeared in his pupils.

The footsteps fell steadily, but the body suddenly spun around with the soles of the feet as the cone point.

A metal storm blew up, and the two feet stepped on each other, and the large roundabout of the knife and sword split and deflected the metal tableware.

Without speed, Zhong Ye's body would not be able to resist gravity - the ability to walk on the ceiling is due to [Earth Mother's Grace], but this characteristic cannot completely ignore the laws of physics.

In mid-air, he saw lightning flashing in the butler's hand.

The butler pushed out his palm, and lightning spurted out.

There was no way for Zhong Ye to dodge, he slashed out with straight knives and big swords in vain.

Electricity spread out from the sword and poured into the body, instantly causing countless muscle spasms and nerve short circuits.

The cells were broken down by the electric current, the water evaporated instantly, and the blood also boiled, burning the blood vessels.

His body had already turned over in the air, his feet landed heavily, his bones and tense muscles propped up his tall body, allowing Zhong Ye to still stand on the ground, only his head and arms drooped.

Seeing this, the Grand Duke finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the butler also put down his staff.

Looking at this tall adventurer, the Grand Duke slowly lowered his eyes, with complicated emotions in his heart, full of emotion.

Being able to break into the mansion from the outside shows that he defeated an army equipped with muskets and three Transcendents. When his colleagues faced Transcendent rogues and mages, he could also abolish the combat ability of the rogues. This kind of power is really shocking...

If he is not so impulsive and can speak well, then after the banquet, it is not impossible for him to help him kill those guys who intend to kill Tim.

It's just a pity...


The air suddenly surged, and the sound of the suction changed from weak to strong, from small to loud.

The steward raised his staff vigilantly, and quickly chanted the incantation.

The Grand Duke opened his eyes, and saw Zhong Ye, who was supposed to die, suddenly raised his head.

The majestic aura surged and circulated in the body, the warrior moved forward, and countless forces exploded and exploded between the muscles and bones along with his steps!
[——Gain 'Trait: Weak Lightning Resistance'! 】

——Compared with the thunder and lightning cast by the evil beast conceived from the dream, this bolt of lightning is still too 'gentle'.

The muscles twisted, the fascia pulled the bones, and the moment the foot stepped down, it pushed the body and bounced off the ground.

The floor tiles cracked, dust and smoke scattered, and Zhong Ye's figure shot out and flew up the stairs.

Before the butler read the last verse of the incantation, Zhong Ye raised his right leg and pointed to his shoulder.

A lot of magical auras suddenly burst out from the housekeeper, but none of them had any effect. His strong willpower and physique were enough for Zhong Ye to save most of the spells.

The butler flew past the Grand Duke and slammed into the wall, causing the portrait above to shake and fall down.

Seeing that the toppled portrait was about to hit the Grand Duke's head, a cold light suddenly flew past his ear, pierced through the portrait, and nailed into the wall.

A drop of cold sweat oozes from his forehead, the Grand Duke's eyes moved, watching the muscles in that arm tense, the veins bulging, he twisted the blade of the sword that had been inserted into the wall abruptly, and put the blade on his shoulder.

Even though he couldn't see it with his eyes through a portrait, Zhong Ye knew that on the other side of the portrait, the sword was pointing at the butler's neck.

"Don't move!" Zhong Ye warned coldly.

Hearing this, neither the Grand Duke nor the housekeeper dared to move.

The chest rose and fell violently, swallowing air continuously, accelerating the recovery of the body.

Turning his eyes to the Grand Duke, Zhong Ye said coldly: "Tell me, who exactly were involved in that incident, don't try to lie, I have the ability to distinguish lies, and don't keep silent, because I don't know how to beat you." Any psychological burden—I haven’t settled the accounts of those loyal and deceived guards with you!”

How be so presumptuous!
The Grand Duke's face turned red instantly, his lips were tightly pursed, and his eyes glared at Zhong Ye angrily.

Then, a fist quickly enlarged in his eyes.

Zhong Ye punched the Grand Duke in the face, and the old man lost his footing and fell to the ground.

The eldest son let out an exclamation and was also brought down.

Hearing the sobbing of the child behind him, the Grand Duke raised his head in panic and looked at the man in front of him in shock, forgetting even the pain.

Zhong Ye, who was frowning, looked away from the eldest son and the youngest son, and clenched his fists again.

The old man's lips trembled a few times, he lowered his head in despair, and said in a low voice: "Quintes Romano, Zack Detti, Yanni Bianchi..."

As a creature of interest, he could prevent Zhong Ye from killing those nobles who wanted to kill his children at the banquet held by him for his own face and benefit, and he would naturally bow his head when facing Zhong Ye's fist.

Zhong Ye pulled out the big sword from the wall silently, turned around and walked down the stairs, and said in a deep voice, "Whoever identifies the above names to me, I will let him live!"

They can face the civilians with arrogance, and decide the fate of the civilians while talking and laughing. Then, when he deals with them with a higher level of arrogance, they will also feel fear and tremble.

As soon as the voice fell, people began to look left and right, screaming and shouting to tear the owners of those names out of the crowd.

——The only thing that can deal with arrogance is arrogance!
(End of this chapter)

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