Soul echo

Chapter 118 Door (3)

Chapter 118 The Door ([-])
Lilian stood on the side of the road, watching the dust on the road, and some people rode crookedly and ran past her.

Looking at the yelling of those people, the girl couldn't help but frowned. Their riding skills are probably worse than hers. That kind of riding method not only makes it easy to fall off the horse, but also brings a lot of damage to the horse. The damage caused greatly slowed down the running speed of the horses. If the horses they were riding were more aggressive, they might jump back and forth directly, throwing the guy on their backs off.

The direction they came from seemed to be the direction Zhong Ye was going, and this road seemed to only lead to the manor of the Grand Duke of Milan...

Lilian looked over worriedly, but within ten minutes, someone escaped from that manor. Did something happen?

His eyes drifted along the road to the distance, and after watching for a while, he suddenly saw a black shadow appearing in the distance.

I narrowed my eyes and took a closer look, only to find that it was a group of people!

Under the stampede of people, the road raised smoke and dust.

Behind the crowd, several draft horses tried their best to stretch their limbs, but the people in the carriage were constantly crowded, making the carriage shake back and forth, adding to the difficulty of walking.

The rope tied to the horse's body has been tightened, and the rope has been stretched to the extreme, and the rope is still gradually extending...

Zhong Ye ran at the end of the team, so when the crowd ran past, Lilian found Zhong Ye's figure under the prompt of the barrage.

When he came to this place, Zhong Ye left the team, entered behind the grass, untied the rope tied to the tree, let Lilian get on the horse quickly, and led the horse with a stronger personality out of the grass.

"Teacher, what happened?" Lilian asked in a low voice.

This is not only her doubt, but also the doubt of the audience in the live broadcast room.

It was obvious that Zhong Ye went to the manor of the Grand Duke of Milan. They speculated based on Zhong Ye's previous behavior pattern and came up with the conclusion that 'Zhong Ye is going to kill someone'.

But now, Zhong Ye was running away with those who looked like nobles.

After getting out of the bushes, the girl saw many people stopped on the road, as if they were waiting for Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye frowned, "What did you stop for? Keep running!"

Lilian was surprised to see that the soldiers with muskets obeyed Zhong Ye's words and continued to move forward.

What exactly happened?
Lilian let the pack horse trot to keep up with the pace of the team, and then heard Zhong Ye's voice next to her ear: "It's 'Abyss'."

Turning his head to look, he saw Zhong Ye's serious expression.

There was a sudden scream in front of him, Zhong Ye paused, and then his figure flashed, a gust of wind was blown up, he leaped high, and fell into the crowd.

The right hand holding the hilt exerted strength, pulled the straight knife out of the sheath, and slashed at the nobleman whose body had mutated at the moment it landed.

Seeing another person he rescued fall to the ground, and the devil's crazy laughter sounded in his ears again, Zhong Ye frowned.

Something like this has happened several times, and it's getting more frequent.

Just after Zhong Ye beheaded one of the mutants, there were screams and screams from a carriage.

"Help! Help!"

Zhong Ye looked up, just in time to see a head pressed against the window burst open, blood and brains smeared the glass.

The door of the carriage was knocked away, and several corpses rolled down. A few tentacles with only flesh and blood followed closely behind, rushing out of the door.


The person running beside the carriage heard Zhong Ye's roar, and just as he turned his head away, a tentacle flung him in the face, dragging him towards the carriage.

More than one person was treated, each tentacle tied a person and dragged them to the wagon.

Hearing the continuous screaming and crying, the warrior pushed the straight knife into the sheath, drew out the big sword with his backhand, raised his breath, and charged the carriage with the severe pain.

The carriage suddenly exploded, and a dozen tentacles stretched out in all directions like blooming petals.


With a crisp sound, the rope connected to the horse's body suddenly snapped, and the horse was freed, but at the same time was blocked.

At the moment when the rope broke, the horse didn't pay attention for a moment, stepped into a pit, and its front legs suddenly bent.

The fast-moving carriage bumped into the harness horse, and the horse only had time to neigh, and powerful kinetic energy poured into its body, wringing its internal organs to pieces.

The carriage overturned, fell on the road, and slid forward for a while, and the monster on the carriage was also dumped.

The aberrant used its tentacles to support its body, intending to get up, but at this time, Zhong Ye had already come in front of it.

This aberrant has failed to mutate. It has only tentacles and no limbs for walking. It is completely incomparable with those aberrants in the occupied area. It just looks disgusting, but it is actually unresponsive and slow, and even its strength is quite subtle.

When the big sword swung, the tentacles were cut off one after another. During the battle, Zhong Ye still had leisure time to observe the tentacles that fell on the ground, and found that there was no granulation wriggling at the cut.

—— Even the recovery ability is not as good as the weakest mutants in the occupied areas!
It took less than ten seconds before and after, and Zhong Ye killed the deformed body like chopping melons and vegetables.

Kicking the overturned carriage away, Zhong Ye turned his head and glared at those who had stopped or slowed down, and shouted angrily, "What are you looking at? Do you want to die?"

After being scolded by him, those people hurriedly ran again.

Even if the muscles in their legs were sore, even if their breathing was not smooth, even if their heads were dizzy and their throats felt like they were on fire, they didn't dare to stop, and they didn't dare to say 'it's far enough'.

As the parties involved, they are very clear about what happened in the manor, which is something they can't even imagine, and they can't even imagine...

Until now, there are still people who are wondering why such a thing happened, and why Ramit suddenly became like that.

When passing by the deformed body, Lilian just glanced at it and felt chills in her heart.

Even though she was using the 'underage mode', that corpse was still extremely disgusting in her eyes.


Lilian silently chanted this somewhat weird 'word' in her heart.

This is not the first time she has encountered the abyss. When she was in Belgrade, she helped Zhong Ye eliminate the group of monsters born from the dream.

But Lilian didn't underestimate the 'Abyss' because of this - from the moment she heard the word, she knew that this thing should be similar to the existence of the final boss.

In addition to the main line of the region and the main line of the country, the main line of the game for all players at this stage is "growth", through upgrading and acquiring skills and traits to grow. When most players have grown to a certain level, "Echo of Soul" will Start the main line of the next stage of the game.

When passing by Zhong Ye, Lilian noticed the wound on his left shoulder, and suddenly froze.

Staring at the wound, and then at Zhong Ye who seemed to be fine, Lilian asked in disbelief: "Teacher, are you injured?"


Zhong Ye nodded, the wound was touched, and he only frowned slightly.

Lilian gasped, not knowing what to say for a while.

After a while, she asked again: "...Where are we going?"

If you go straight along this road, you will find the city 'Milan'.


As Zhong Ye's voice fell, a bullet screen just happened to appear in front of Lilian's eyes.

——【The 'Abyss Invasion' event suddenly happened in Milan. I saw it from other anchors, and someone on the street suddenly turned into a monster!Now that Milan has entered the plot mode, everyone has no chance of resurrection! 】

Seeing this barrage, Lilian's eyes widened.

At this time, the city was not far away from them, as long as they raised their heads, they could see the majestic city wall.

Lilian looked up in a daze, and the 'tiny' flames entered her pupils.

In front of the team, those who rode ahead ran back with sad faces, and they brought back a piece of news that made everyone feel desperate——

There seems to be an enchantment around Milan, and no one can run out!

 Something happened today, maybe only one update

(End of this chapter)

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