Soul echo

Chapter 105 Fortune (1)

Chapter 105 Fortune ([-])

——Why is it such a time!
Zhong Ye's two eyebrows were almost erected, and the anger was burning in his heart.

Those trolls have already dragged away the 'corpses' of their own kind. With their terrifying vitality, as long as the mutilated bodies are connected in time, they can be revived again. If they are left alone, they will all recover soon.

However, the leader of the guards had already issued a call, indicating that they could not deal with the incoming killers themselves and needed him to rush back to support them.

On the one hand, there are monsters that will cause a large number of deaths if they are left alone, and on the other hand, there are tasks related to a large amount of money. Zhong Ye hardly needs to think about it. No matter how many times he is asked to choose, he will choose to stay and deal with the trolls.

But he couldn't understand why it happened at such a time?
Doesn't it take time for the killer to gather his manpower?Even if they have rented the surrounding houses from the beginning, won't it take time to recover from their sleep when they are awakened?Why would they be stuck attacking at this time?
If they had planned and been following them, they should have done it when he left the house and went to the coast to scout for information. Why didn't they launch the attack until now?

Zhong Ye couldn't figure it out, he felt that he couldn't figure it out!
The sound of gunshots and shouts sounded one after another, coming from behind.

Zhong Ye looked at the trolls gathered in front of him, and stepped forward resolutely.

The guards shouldn't be able to resist for a long time, but can he kill all these trolls before they are defeated?
Breathing in and out, it seemed as if billowing wind and thunder were circulating in the lungs, and the sputtering thunder poured into the limbs and bones, activating every cell in the body and mobilizing every inch of the body.

Anger accelerated the speed of breath circulation, and the supernatural factor gradually filled the body, and the excess supernatural power had nowhere to vent, pumping blood, making the skin burn red.

His body temperature rose rapidly, but Zhong Ye didn't feel any discomfort. His strong physical attributes greatly improved his endurance, allowing him to withstand more intense bursts and stronger forces.

As soon as he stepped on his footsteps, he appeared in front of a troll in an instant.

The warrior was surrounded by three trolls, but he was not afraid. Just now, he swung his sword and split the head of the troll in half under the light of dawn.

The blade got stuck between the collarbone, so he twisted his wrist, tore the collarbone apart, and pulled out the big sword.

The other two trolls swung their claws and attacked, their footsteps swayed, and they easily dodged. Then they raised Moonlight, turned around and slashed obliquely, cutting off two heads in a row.

He took out blazing glue from his waist pocket and stuffed it into the body of the troll whose head had been split in half. Blazing flames spewed out from his body immediately, and the tongue of flame was soaring, wanting to lick the sky greedily.

The troll couldn't even scream, because its vocal cords were cut in half, so it could only struggle and roll on the ground, and reached into its throat, trying to get out the blazing glue inside.

At this moment, all the trolls were furious, and even the two heads that fell to the ground made angry expressions.


The trolls roared loudly, and the eyes they looked at Zhong Ye suddenly turned into fury and engraved hatred.

Seeing their expressions, Zhong Ye's mind buzzed, and he suddenly figured out some joints.

Why did these trolls enter Asparatos?

Why are they not as reckless as their distant relatives, instead of attacking the city head-on, they choose to sneak in?

Why did they show endless anger when they first appeared?
Also, why did those killers choose to attack at this time...


Zhong Ye suddenly laughed.

Seeing the trolls coming straight for him, he turned around and ran.

These trolls would feel rage and hatred for the complete death of a kindred, so it can be presumed that one of their kind died completely before then.

They may have sneaked into Aspalatos to save their own race, but because of the complete death of their race, they became angry, and then broke out, destroyed buildings, and killed people.

A dozen trolls were like a pack of raging wolves, chasing Zhong Ye relentlessly.

Running on the street, jumping on the roof, only Zhong Ye's back was left in their eyes, and their minds were filled with anger.

They chased after Zhong Ye, swept across the street like a gust of wind, lifted bricks and stones, smashed roof tiles, knocked on doors, windows and walls, and projected fear into the hearts of all residents, causing them to scream , crying.

The sound gradually approached, and the leader of the guard handed the musket behind him, and then took a loaded musket from behind, and couldn't help but look up in the direction of the sound.

The howling and howling of the trolls can make people creepy just by hearing it, and arouse fear in the heart.

——Zhong Ye is rushing towards them?

Hearing those roars, the leader of the guard raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his neck, got up suddenly, stuck his musket out of the window, and fired at the killer hiding in the yard.

The killers used the carriage as a cover and kept approaching the house. There were also screams and roars from the two houses next to it. It sounded like their men were fighting with the killers.

hang on!Be sure to hold on!

The leader of the guards almost wanted to grind his teeth. He was afraid that the two houses would be captured, so that the killer could enter the house from both sides.

Just as the guards and killers were fighting fiercely, the walls of the yard collapsed, and a stone shot out from an oblique angle pierced through the two walls, smashing the killers and the carriage in the nearby yard to pieces.

The leader of the guards suddenly felt trembling, and glanced out the window involuntarily, and saw several trolls standing on the roof of the house across the street, and there might be other trolls on the street covered in smoke.

"That's... what kind of monster?"

No matter the guard or the killer, when they saw the group of tall and strong monsters, their faces turned pale with fright.

Even with a hunched body, the smallest troll is two meters tall.

Zhong Ye stopped outside the yard. This block is full of rented houses, and there are not many people living there for the time being. Fighting here, he doesn't have to worry about accidentally injuring others.

Why Trolls Enter Asparatos - They're Lured In!

Why did they choose to sneak in - they want to rescue their own kind!

Why would the killers choose to launch an attack at this time - because they caused all this!

In order to cover up the traces of their actions, the group of killers wanted to kill people and destroy all evidence.

So what about this time?

Zhong Ye stopped in his tracks, but the trolls didn't stop, they charged straight over.

The eyeballs moved quickly in the eye sockets, drawing out the action routes and attack omens of several trolls who rushed towards them.

The warrior suddenly moved to the left, crashed into the arms of a troll, raised his sword, and pierced the troll's shoulder.

The troll let out a roar, suddenly tensed its muscles, and tightened its arms, vowing to strangle Zhong Ye in its arms.

But as its arms closed, it squeezed Zhong Ye's elbow, and the big sword moved up automatically, piercing the socket of his shoulder and cutting into his throat in an instant.

Blood spurted out from his neck, pouring it all over Zhong Ye's head and body. However, without exhausting his strength, his arm continued to press in, and the big sword easily slashed across his neck, decapitating himself.

The warrior was as slippery as a loach, and walked out of the arms of the corpse with a slight bend.

Just one stride made him hit the time difference.

——Just in time, the second troll came to him.

Get up, spin - whirlwind!

Following Zhong Ye's turn, the blade accelerated from bottom to top in the air, gaining an inertia, and from top to bottom, it gained gravitational potential energy.

The great sword slashed down, tearing the neck of the second troll and chopping off its head.

A third troll charged forward, a long-charged fist hitting the air and whipping up a gust of wind.

The fist was hooked from the side, Zhong Ye had made a calculation before that, immediately bent down, somersaulted on the spot, dragged the big sword, aimed at the troll that appeared directly in front of him, and split its skull into pieces. two halves.

The fourth troll was smarter and knew how to dig out a brick from the ground and throw it at Zhong Ye.

The stone was shot out suddenly, smashing the ground with a bang!
——but saw that Zhong Ye had already left the place.

The splashed mud covered his body, creating several bruises on his skin.

Several trolls on the roof jumped down together, Zhong Ye took a deep breath and roared to the sky: "Fire——"

boom! boom! boom!
Three bullets were shot from the house behind them and hit the three trolls. They failed to cause any damage to them, but they were distorted, making them lose control and unable to throw Zhong Ye to the ground.

Zhong Ye took advantage of the situation to retreat into the courtyard, and turned to face the group of jaw-dropping killers.

"Is that you?"

The sound seemed to come from a bottomless abyss, with an ancient chill escaping, but under the ice, there was still a raging flame.

"—Did you attract that group of trolls?!"

(End of this chapter)

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