Soul echo

Chapter 106 Fortune (2)

Chapter 106 Fortune (Twelve)
Out of fear, a killer subconsciously pulled the trigger on Zhong Ye.

The bullet was fired from the muzzle, but it hit Yueguang's sword, deflecting to the side.

——When the muzzle of the gun was raised, Zhong Ye had already raised the big sword.

There was a gust of wind behind him, and a pair of sharp claws protruded from both sides. Zhong Ye immediately crouched, twisted his ankles and body, and jumped out towards the leaky part of the wall.

The troll couldn't catch it, and just as he was about to raise his leg to step on it, he saw several guns shooting out flames at the same time.

The killers finally came to their senses, but instead of aiming at Zhong Ye, they shot at the ferocious-looking troll.

Even if Zhong Ye was the enemy who wanted to kill them, anyone who saw the appearance of the troll would feel scared.

Out of fear, the killers pulled the trigger on the troll, and the bullets shot out from the muzzle of the gun. Only one shot missed, and the rest all hit the troll.

It's just that none of the bullets hit the troll's head. For this kind of monster, as long as it didn't hit the brain, everything else wouldn't be considered a fatal injury—even if it hit the brain, it wouldn't necessarily die!

The troll who broke into the yard turned his eyes from Zhong Ye back to the killers, and immediately burst into anger and roared loudly.


Zhong Ye came to another courtyard from the hole in the wall, just like dealing with the big spider. Although he could temporarily kill the troll, but again, as long as the troll touches him, half of his life will be gone.

Trolls are born extraordinary creatures, as long as they are adults, they will definitely possess 'extraordinary power' and terrifying vitality.

As the price of these powers, their reproductive ability is not strong. Although the sperm is very vigorous, it will be absorbed by the body of the female troll and cannot combine with the egg to give birth to a newborn.

The newborns born through this filtering mechanism can inherit the power of the trolls, and they cherish their young very much.

Thinking of these, Zhong Ye realized that the troll who was 'completely dead' was probably a cub!
However, whatever the reason for the trolls' rage, the fact that they killed people will not change.

Most of the killers in this yard have already broken into the house, where they are fighting with the guards at close quarters.

Of course, the sound of gunfire kept ringing in the room, and fighting at close range did not mean that they only used melee weapons.


Suddenly a voice came from outside the courtyard, and Zhong Ye didn't need to raise his head to know that several trolls jumped into the air.

A few trolls jumped over the wall, landed around the courtyard, and surrounded Zhong Ye.

And in the courtyard behind, enraged trolls had begun slaughtering the killer.

When Zhong Ye attracted these trolls, the situation became chaotic.

That certainly wasn't part of the killer's initial plans.

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, shot backwards, drew the knife with his left hand, and swung the straight knife at the troll closest to him.

The troll swung his arm, swept from the side, and pointed at Zhong Ye's head.

But at this moment, the warrior picked up the great sword, pointing the tip of the sword at the troll's waving arm.

The blade of the sword cut the leather on his shoulder, causing the skin to rupture and blood to overflow from it. However, the tip of the sword directly used the troll's own strength to pierce through the arm, making the long arm barely stop by the ear.

The straight knife sliced ​​across the troll's neck, failing to kill it.

A thick and powerful thigh swung upwards suddenly, Zhong Ye bent slightly and slipped under the troll's arm, dodging the kick, and then gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, exerting all his strength.

The troll's arms were twisted and the joints flipped over.

As soon as it raised its other hand, the other members of the same race charged, and Zhong Ye cut along the wound left just now, cutting off its head.

Stepping on the troll's body with one foot, he pulled the big sword out of his arm muscles with difficulty, and a gust of evil wind suddenly hit him from the side.

Zhong Ye tilted his head, and the black shadow flew past his ear and hit the wall.

Countless gravel splashed and dust flew up.

—that's a plank!
The two trolls picked up the broken bones from the minced meat and threw them at Zhong Ye.

A troll rushed to Zhong Ye's side, raised the musket in his hand, and smashed it down like a wooden club.

Zhong Ye jumped away from the spot, and the musket shattered into countless pieces in front of him, and the pieces flew towards him. He only had time to raise his sword to block his face, and let a few pieces penetrate into his torso and thighs.

The warrior suddenly took a breath, and suddenly squatted down.

Two bone fragments, one in front of the other, jumped from the sky overhead, crashing down the courtyard wall.

Just as the troll standing in front of Zhong Ye was about to attack him, there was a gunshot that made it tilt its head.

Zhong Ye seized this opportunity, gripped the straight knife tightly, and pressed the blade against the troll's body to go up boldly, piercing the head from the chin.

There are...three heads left!
Withdrawing the straight knife, Zhong Ye rushed towards the remaining two trolls in the yard.

In the yard next to him, gunshots rang out one after another.

A dozen trolls are difficult to deal with, but two trolls are nothing to Zhong Ye.

Three strikes, five divisions and two divisions, cut off all their heads.

Then, he rushed directly into the house and beheaded all the killers.

It didn't take long for the fighting to subside completely.

Zhong Ye didn't give any of the killers a chance to beg for mercy, and killed them before they opened their mouths.

After everything was over, the City Defense Army and Aspalatos' Transcendents arrived here.

The trolls were not completely dead, they were only temporarily dead, and their flesh and blood were still wriggling, trying to put the corpse back together.

On the way leading the team, the extraordinary man from Aspalatos saw the horrors of the street and the corpses of several trolls, and his heart couldn't help beating faster.

Who exactly is...

The knight followed the traces of destruction and found the house that Zhong Ye and his team rented.

On that dilapidated fence, sat a man soaked in blood.

Without the knight's order, everyone in the city defense army stopped involuntarily.

Hearing the movement, Zhong Ye opened his eyes, and an incomparably fierce aura rose up.


Several people swallowed subconsciously, the hairs all over their bodies exploded, and they clenched the weapons in their hands.

It was as if... facing a giant beast!
There seems to be no bullet wounds on the bodies of those trolls, only knife marks and sword wounds. If there is no accident, they were killed by this man...

The knight took a deep breath, pulled up his mask, got off his horse, and walked towards Zhong Ye.

"Your Excellency, may I ask..."

"I killed it!" Zhong Ye didn't stand up, and his brain was still affected by anger, so his tone was a bit fierce, "They are trolls, their vitality is terrifying, and they haven't died yet. If you give them enough With time, they can be fully recovered. For mages, they should be very precious things. I want you to help me sell these ten trolls to mages. You can get part of the money, but I hope, The rest of the money can be distributed to those civilians who have suffered as a result of this fighting."

The knight was silent for a moment, couldn't help sighing, and bowed to salute, "... Your kindness makes me feel ashamed, I just thought of embezzling the money for a moment."

"Put an iron block into their joints, even if they cut off the cervical vertebrae, it's okay, this will keep them alive." After telling the knight how to imprison the troll, Zhong Ye turned his head to look at the house again, "I hope you can Help me find out if there is something under the hole where the trolls came out, if there is a corpse of a young troll... Also, I need them to identify if the corpses in the house are Asper Local gang member from Latos."

After the battle, Zhong Ye gradually calmed down, and began to notice something was wrong.

The fighting abilities of those killers didn't seem to be very strong, far inferior to those they encountered in the wilderness before.

After thinking for a while, Zhong Ye had some ideas in his mind.

And now, it's time to test those ideas...

(End of this chapter)

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