Soul echo

Chapter 104 Fortune ( )

Chapter 104 Fortune ([-])

Hearing the gunshot, the leader of the guard suddenly turned his head to look.

Because he was in the room, he only saw one wall, but the gunshot reminded him of Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye was also the one who left the house with a musket and was able to react so quickly. Except for Zhong Ye, the guard leader couldn't think of anyone else.

He didn't know what was going on outside, it seemed that something was destroying the house and killing civilians - the moment the roar appeared, he ran into Tim Gloria's room and protected the grand duke's young son , in case something unexpected happens.

Logically speaking, they should leave the room now, but the guard leader didn't know if the killer would take the opportunity to act, so he stayed in the room temporarily.

In fact, although the windows were closed, he had been paying attention to the movement outside. As long as there was any sound approaching them, he would not hesitate to take the youngest son out of the room.

What the hell is going on outside...?
The sky pierced the groggy darkness, and a ray of dawn over the mountains brought light to the earth.

Zhong Ye threw the musket aside, drew out the big sword on his back, and walked towards those tall shadows.

Zhao Guang reflected the true faces of those tall and stooped figures, and those ferocious and terrifying faces were facing Zhong Ye.

They have a robust body with distinct genders, but each face has two protruding curved fangs that rise to the sky. These two fangs make their facial muscles squeeze together, making them look extremely ferocious.

Zhong Ye had seen such a figure and such a face before...

It was in a seaside town, and it was on the way to Constantinople...

- They are 'trolls'!
It's just that they are different from their distant relatives with pale skin. These trolls who appeared before Zhong Ye's eyes to destroy the city and kill the crowd have fish scales, the whole body is disgusting green, and there are fish gills on their necks.

They knew at a glance that they were aquatic species, but Zhong Ye never knew that trolls had wisdom?Still able to communicate with each other?

The troll who was shot in the head by the bullet shook his body a few times before finally falling to the ground.

However, it didn't die, it was still breathing!
With a flash of his figure, the warrior disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already come in front of a troll. The corner of his mouth was grinning, and a puff of white air was squeezed out from between his teeth. Facing the rising sun, he swung his big sword at the troll in front of him.


A loud shout instantly filled the long street, overwhelming all the screams and howls.

The moonlight shone, and before the troll could react, it shattered its left knee, cutting off its left calf.

The troll shortened his body, but saw a flash of white light blooming in front of his eyes - the turned back blade chopped off its head!

The head fell to the ground, Zhong Ye stepped on it, and it exploded.

The warrior stared angrily, glanced at the trolls who were stunned in place, and shouted: "Come on! You bunch of trash!"

The corpse was still twitching on the ground, many granulation trying to drill out of the wound and regenerate a head.

The trolls roared at Zhong Ye at the same moment, turned around and rushed over.

Seeing that they were no longer destroying the house, Zhong Ye took a breath and stepped back.

He might not be able to deal with a dozen trolls at the same time, but if he dealt with them one by one, he could kill them all!
The troll's snout is flaring, air is coming in and out, and they can use their lungs to breathe, which means they can move on land for a long time.

When heavy footsteps step on the ground, there will be vibrations going up along the muscles and bones, and then transmitted to the skin, affecting the air.

The troll's body structure was quickly outlined in Zhong Ye's mind, and he quickly grasped its key points.

After retreating ten meters away, the warrior stopped immediately.

The trolls lined up in front of him, keeping distance.

At this time, if he meets them again, he won't be besieged by a few trolls!
Taking a breath, the extraordinary factors flowed in the body and merged into the body, and Zhong Ye extracted extraordinary power from it to drive the body.

——The moment he stopped, his legs were like fully drawn bowstrings, and his body was suddenly shot out.

The big sword drew a dazzling arc in the air, and cut off the sharp claws of the first troll. When turning around, Zhong Ye pulled out the straight knife, split the chest of the troll, and then rushed towards the first troll without stopping. The two-headed troll rushed over.

The second troll rushed towards him, and the warrior stomped his feet, got up from the ground, pulled out the shadow of the sword, and tore the tough body into four pieces.

He tilted his head, let the flying head pass by his ear, kicked his lower body standing on the ground, and walked towards the third and fourth trolls.

Seeing the miserable situation of the first two tribesmen, the third troll stopped for a while, and then attacked Zhong Ye when a tribesman came to him.

The powerful claws waved, and the air whined, but Zhong Ye had already understood their route, tapped his toes, jumped up slightly, bent his body in the air, and avoided the attack of the two claws.

Pushing the straight knife into the scabbard, the half-squatting warrior suddenly got up and spun around on the spot, and the metal whirlwind lifted the heads of the two trolls.

Before exhausting his strength, the fifth troll came to him.

Zhong Ye raised his head and met a pair of eyes full of anger.

The troll roared angrily, opened his arms to stop Zhong Ye from escaping, and then closed them like a hug.

"Are you also angry at the death of your own kind?"

Let go of the hilt of the sword with his left hand, and Zhong Ye's left arm popped out like a flying star, hitting the acupuncture points on the troll's body.

The fifth troll suddenly felt his legs go limp, and fell to his knees, his arms also lost strength and hung down on his sides.

Draw the knife and behead!
Kicking the headless corpse down with one leg, Zhong Ye raised his eyes to look at the remaining trolls.

"Are you scared?"

He stepped on the corpse and walked over, and all the trolls took a step back.


The warrior squeezed out this sentence from his teeth, and then he grinned: "Coincidentally, I am too!"

With one step, he rushed towards the trolls.

Although there was fear in my heart, but after a little contest, the anger still overwhelmed the fear.

The trolls no longer retreated, but roared and attacked Zhong Ye together.

They tore down the gates of houses, pulled out beams from the ruins, or picked up stones, and swarmed up.

The stones flew, and extraordinary power was attached to them, and they fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, making a big hole in the ground, and the flying clods even smashed the doors and windows of the houses on both sides, causing another wave of screams.

As for Zhong Ye, he was ready the moment the troll picked up the stone. The moment it was thrown, he jumped up from the ground, stepped on the wall, and swung around to slash out the big sword.

The troll who dismantled the gate lifted the door panel, but saw a cold light fall, the big sword cut off the door panel and its arm, and left a wound on its side face, the wound reached to the shoulder, and blood spurted out.

However, 'this injury' is nothing to the troll!
The injured troll was pulled back by the fellow troll behind him, and the other troll swung a wooden stick before Zhong Ye stood up, forcing him to retreat.

There was a loud noise, and a troll leaped high, picked up a beam, and threw it down towards Zhong Ye at the highest point.

Feeling a sense of crisis in his heart, Zhong Ye kept backing away.


The wood runs through the earth and plugs into the sewers.


The trolls roared angrily and charged at Zhong Ye.

More than a dozen tall giant beasts rushed towards them from all directions, from the front, from the roof, and even bounced off the wall. Even Zhong Ye felt the pressure.

Back and forth, back and forth!

In just a few seconds, he backed out more than ten meters away.

At this moment, Zhong Ye caught an opportunity and was about to attack the trolls when a gunshot sounded behind him.

The direction is...the three houses rented by their team? !
Zhong Ye subconsciously constructed a map in his mind, and then noticed this place.

The bullets didn't fly here, that is to say, their team was attacked at this time?

Why is it such a time...

"His Excellency Zhong Ye—"

Then the guard leader shouted in shock and anger: "We are under attack!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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