Soul echo

Chapter 103 Fortune (9)

Chapter 103 Fortune ([-])

Standing at the intersection, Zhong Ye couldn't see the coast.

The port is a block, and many houses have been built on both sides of the street, some are houses, some are shops, and some are warehouses.

Even in a big city like Aspalatos, the ground in the port block is rarely repaired.

The ruler of the city once paved the ground of this block with a layer of stones, but over time, many of the stones disappeared and the roads became potholes.

Sewage is accumulated in many low-lying areas on the street, but there is no rubbish—all rubbish here is not rubbish.

Sawdust can be used to make a fire, rags can be patched, and vegetable leaves that fall on the ground can be washed and eaten. It would be even better if there are metal fragments. Another usage.

Looking at the dilapidated houses around him, Zhong Ye could imagine the living standard of the residents in this block.

The reason why people can't imagine is because they have never seen a similar scene, but Zhong Ye has seen the miserable conditions of the poor many times with his own eyes, and he can completely imagine what kind of life the people living in this block usually live. .

Sighing lightly, Zhong Ye walked along the street to the pier.

The sound of the waves gradually became louder, hitting the eardrums one after another, and when I turned my head, the dark ocean, which seemed extremely quiet under the night, came into view.

Many ships are moored on the shore, large and small, and there are all kinds of ships.

Zhong Ye raised his musket, his eyes swayed with the muzzle of the gun, and slowly leaned towards the pier.

The vague sense of crisis has been lingering in his heart. For some reason, when he came to the port, his restless mood was soothed and no longer interfered with his mind.

——Is it because this can keep him in the best fighting condition?

Sensing that this might be an instinctive reaction, Zhong Ye instantly became vigilant.

When he came to the port, his perception of danger became clearer.

There are some noises mixed in the waves, but those noises don't seem to come from this pier.

After discovering this, Zhong Ye immediately walked to other docks.

As the largest seaport city in Yitrul, the port of Aspalatos does not only have one pier, the port is a block, and this block connects several piers.

Through the streets of the port area, Zhong Ye came to the second pier, but unfortunately, he did not find his target here.

However, here he found something——

On this pier, he saw a finger-like imprint.

This fingerprint was left on a stone brick on the edge of a pier. The stone brick was broken, and several cracks formed the shape of a finger.

It seemed that something was going to climb out of the water, but because of some reason it didn't go ashore and went back into the sea.

Moreover, this thing is extremely powerful, has a distinct finger structure, and should not be small in size——Zhong Ye gestured with his palm, and his fingers were a few circles smaller than the fingerprints.

With such a big palm, is it a giant?
Picking up the musket, Zhong Ye turned and left the pier. Not long after, he came to the third pier.

Before approaching the pier, Zhong Ye smelled a bad smell from afar, and glanced over the coast, and saw a hole that was suspected to be the exit of the sewer.

He was silent for a moment, looking at the half-submerged hole in the sea, his eyes slowly drifted to the inside of the city.

Aspalatos is divided into several urban areas, one of which is built on an island reef and connected to the urban areas on the south and north banks by bridges.

Now the urban area where Zhong Ye is located belongs to the north bank, and only the north bank has built a wharf that can dock large ships. Because the sea transportation is more and more frequent, more and more people come to the north bank, and the city of the north bank naturally expands outward.

The urban area has expanded, but the urban infrastructure has not been able to keep up. As a result, many places in the urban area on the North Shore are a bit messy. Only the old urban area is basically clean, but not very clean.

The sewers only exist in the old city, and the area near the port can be regarded as the old city. After all, the North Shore city was originally designed as a port.

When he saw the entrance of the sewer, a thought came to Zhong Ye's mind - could 'that thing' get into the city from the sewer?

The sewer hole is very large. Even if only half of it is exposed to the water, it is estimated to be two or three meters high, and the radius is two to three meters. What about the area?
The sewers of Asparatus are so spacious that even the giants of Vitus can squat and walk in them.

When that idea popped up in his mind, Zhong Ye realized that he might have found the wrong place from the beginning.

The danger did come from the sea, but just as he was rushing to the coast, that 'danger' also entered the city along the sewer.

——No, he could still hear it just now, that is to say, those things just entered the city not far away.

Zhong Ye made up his mind, closed his eyes, and began to listen.

The sea water is flowing in the sewer, and the sound of the water flow is slight, but if you listen carefully, you can still slowly figure out the veins of the sewer.

With his eyes closed, Zhong Ye walked towards the city.

Even with his eyes closed, he can easily tell whether it's a straight road or a wall ahead, whether it's a bump or a low-lying area under his feet.

The breeze blew past his ears, bringing information from a distance—it would bounce off the wall, divert the flow through the alleyway, and as for the potholes around him, Zhong Ye didn't even need to listen to the sound of the wind, he could just rely on his 'sixth sense' judge.

At this time, many people are still in a dreamland, the streets are empty, only nocturnal animals are still active, but the frequency is much lower.

The night has not passed, and it is approaching dawn. This time period is the time when all animals will feel sleepy.

Except for insomniacs, not many people will stay awake at this time.

Because there was no other disturbance, Zhong Ye quickly caught a trace of 'noise' after walking out of the port.

It is similar to the noise he heard in the waves before, but it is different... Is this 'language'?
Zhong Ye, who closed his eyes tightly, raised his eyebrows. The noise mixed in the water flow seemed to him to be communicating with something.

But if he remembered correctly, there were no murlocs in Dan's world, nor any aquatic intelligent creatures.

All intelligent creatures in this world are evolved, not created by gods - the oldest gods are also born from the sacrifices of intelligent creatures over the years.

So, how to explain this situation now?
Zhong Ye followed the 'noise' to trace the past, this 'noise' came and went, and as Zhong Ye got closer to the source of the 'noise', the frequency of the 'noise' increased, the more he heard it, the more it seemed to be communicating.

Suddenly, the ground shook!

Zhong Ye suddenly opened his eyes. At this quiet moment, a roar broke the silence of the night.


The voice came from a distance underground, full of anger and hatred.

The tiles of the house next to it were shaken off, fell to the ground, and shattered with a bang, and the doors and windows collided with the frame, making continuous noises.

Billows of smoke and dust suddenly rose, engulfing clods and water droplets and heading straight into the sky.

Many people were woken up, Zhong Ye frowned, put the musket behind his back, and ran towards the direction where the smoke rose.

His speed was very fast, and he swept across the streets like a black shadow.

When he got close to the scene of the incident and saw the surrounding scenery, he was taken aback for a moment.

——The place where the incident happened was not too far from the rented house of the team!
Smoke and dust billowed in the air, and angry roars sounded one after another, followed by the sound of buildings being destroyed and collapsed.

Screams, screams and cries sounded almost at the same time, resounding throughout the city.

Zhong Ye pursed his lips tightly, turned around and kicked off the wall, stretched out his hand to hook the eaves, and swung up to the roof with all his strength.

Standing on the roof, he looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a few tall and stooped figures amidst the smoke and dust.

They roared, they roared hysterically, they swung their arms and punched out their fists, breaking and knocking down the surrounding buildings!
Apart from the few figures standing on the ground, there are more black figures emerging from the holes in the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Ye took a deep breath and tensed his muscles.

His knees bent slightly, and then he leaped into the sky with a bang, took out a musket from his back, and in mid-air, aimed the sight at the head of one of the figures.

——The bullet and Zhong Ye 'landed' at the same time!
The head of the tall figure who was aimed at by the musket suddenly tilted!

(End of this chapter)

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